
Chapter 1402 Heavy Chapter Homeland

Chapter 1402

Chapter 730 Returning to the old place

The moment the frost and magma came into contact, everyone heard a very loud and continuous hissing sound, and then saw countless white air rising from the ground.

"If you don't want to turn into steaming steamed buns, you should quickly sprinkle water on your body." Wang Sheng's voice of reminder appeared in time, making everyone who planned to see the spectacle react in unison, and hurriedly followed suit.

There is obviously not much water vapor in the air here, and all the frost is actually formed by the rapid penetration of water from above.The effect of frost and magma is to produce a large amount of water vapor, which is really high-temperature steam, and it is no problem to steam a person.

"Those who have ventilation formation stones should quickly use them." While watering himself and Song Yan, Wang Sheng didn't forget to remind the formation masters.

There is a lot of space here, and the water vapor just produced is not very large. Using a large number of ventilation formations can quickly blow the water vapor here to other places.In this way, everyone will not have to worry about their lives.

Wang Sheng's reminder made those formation masters also take action, each holding a ventilated formation stone and blowing it towards the water vapor.Some formation masters even carried more than one ventilation formation stone on their bodies, and took them out for use by several masters around them. Anyway, the use of formation stones is very simple, just input aura.

In the steaming white air, everyone's figures were also covered.But soon, a large amount of wind blew past, the water vapor was blown away, and everyone's figures were revealed again, allowing everyone to see the changes that had taken place.

What is unbelievable is that the boiling magma not far from the people's feet became much dimmer in such a short period of time.Experienced people can tell at a glance that the temperature has dropped a lot, at least Wang Sheng can tell at a glance.

Immediately afterwards, more and more ice and magma collided, more and more white gas appeared and was blown away, but the color of the magma became darker and darker.

"People from the outside take a look, has all the magma changed color?" Wang Sheng yelled at the surrounding masters and asked.Now Wang Sheng and Song Yan are both in the center, blocked by many pillars, coupled with the steaming water, Wang Sheng can't see the situation outside.

If only part of the magma changes color, then Wang Sheng has to consider whether there is any unique reason and how long this situation can last, because the surrounding magma will melt the magma that has begun to cool, once it melts again, I am afraid The beginning of something new.If there is some special reason, then Wang Sheng can stay for a while with peace of mind.

"There is a clear dividing line, red and black are distinct!" Someone outside shouted immediately, and at the same time with their own judgment: "It should be bound by some kind of formation."

Hearing this, Wang Sheng immediately felt relieved.The girl in the dream really arranged it well enough, even this kind of situation could be expected and prepared long ago.

The color of the magma became darker and darker, and after half an hour, all the magma in this area turned into the same volcanic rock as they had been under their feet before.Immediately afterwards, frost began to invade, freezing the freshly cooled volcanic rocks solidly, and in a short while there was a layer of hoarfrost.

Originally, everyone smashed the stone pillar, so there was no connection point between the ground where they were and the top of the stone wall. At first, they couldn't feel the power of the frost. Now that the frost was spreading, everyone didn't realize how terrifying it was, and they all looked at it strangely.

"If you don't want to be frozen, use your skills to resist quickly and find a way to leave this area." Wang Sheng had to remind these masters who seemed to have no common sense of walking in the rivers and lakes. The law needs their help, so Wang Sheng will not remind these idiots.

Everyone finally realized what was wrong, and hurriedly resisted under Wang Sheng's reminder.And Wang Sheng had already made preparations. A piece of wood with low thermal conductivity and a hollow disc filled with water and temporarily filled with quicklime were enough for Wang Sheng to resist these frost attacks.

Naturally, Song Yan was hugged by Princess Wang Sheng, so there was no need to worry, but the four maids and guards were not so lucky. They could only stand beside Wang Sheng and Song Yan to resist.And move around from time to time, so as not to be frozen on the ground.

After a while, there was a bang on the top wall, as if a big hole had been cracked, and a stream of water gushed down from above and flowed to the ground.

However, just as soon as it touched the ground, the water flow was frozen, and the freezing speed was extremely fast, from bottom to top, quickly completely freezing the water that had not yet flowed down completely.

Wang Sheng looked up, with a sudden smile on his face.Sure enough, everything has been calculated, the top wall is opened, and this frozen icicle that flows down becomes a passage from here to the top.After being puzzled for a while, Song Yan seemed to have thought of something, and stared blankly at the hole exposed above, feeling dazed for a while.

Wang Sheng and Song Yan were not the only ones who were smart, many of the masters who came with them had expressions of surprise and bewilderment on their faces.

Calculating the location, Wang Sheng knew that it was under the icicle that sealed the girl in his dream.Thinking about the space above, Wang Sheng looked at the greedy eyes around him, sighed inwardly, and said to Song Yan who was beside him: "The space above is limited, it cannot accommodate so many people."

"There are two people from each family, and the higher-ups can't let them go." Song Yan ordered decisively, and at the same time, she didn't forget to add: "Those who want to know, don't go up to make trouble if they don't."

Wang Sheng gave Song Yan an approving look.Every family has an insider, which Wang Sheng is not surprised, it would be strange if each family didn't know.Of course, before this, only the patriarchs or great elders of each family could know about this kind of thing, and they might even know about it recently from a tome that had just been unsealed from the family secret vault.At least Wang Sheng had inquired many times before, but he didn't have an answer. Even Song Yan didn't know about it before, and the heads of the various families might not know about it before.

Wang Sheng is not interested in knowing the secrets of these big families. He only needs to know that each family has two insiders, and it will not hinder him from doing his own things after he goes up. That is enough.

Ah Qi has not responded, but Wang Sheng believes that Ah Qi will definitely find the secret exit.

In the eyes of everyone, Wang Sheng took the initiative to climb up the icicle.Song Yan followed closely behind, and then people from several other families followed Wang Sheng all the way up.

The size of the tunnel is sufficient. After Wang Sheng climbed up from below, what he saw was the icicle he saw when he came down last time.

The girl in the dream was sealed within this icicle.

(End of this chapter)

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