
Chapter 1403 Heavy Chapter Homeland

Chapter 1403

Chapter 730 Returning to the old place

It was not the first time Wang Sheng had seen this frozen pillar, and when he saw it again, his heart still fluttered.After walking a few steps forward, Wang Sheng reached out and stroked the icicle, speechless for a long time.

Song Yan and the others also came up one after another. Seeing this scene, no one said a word, but stood apart and waited for Wang Sheng's next move.

"Is it convenient for the people below to know?" Wang Sheng didn't look at them, but Wang Sheng could feel that they had already distributed their positions, and asked in a deep voice.

Everyone looked at each other, smiled wryly and shook their heads.If this matter is convenient for everyone to know, it should have been told to everyone a long time ago, why wait until now.

Song Yan gestured to the expert historian next to him, and the expert historian understood, immediately took out a formation stone, and activated it at the entrance of the cave.This is a sound-free formation, and the sound from above will never be transmitted to the bottom.

As for safety, everyone was not worried about it. There were hundreds of experts at the ninth level below. If Wang Sheng made a move here, as soon as the aura of the Shi family master was broken, those experts below would rush up.

The hole in the metal cylinder left when Wang Sheng came last time is still there, and the ice here is difficult to turn into steam. It takes a few months to fill the gap inside.

When everyone came up, the first thing they saw was the icicle that sealed the girl in their dreams in the center, but no one noticed the top of their heads.Only Song Yan glanced at it intentionally, and soon found the hole in the top of her head, but she just glanced silently, and never looked over there again.

Probably only Song Yan would believe that Wang Sheng had already been here once, and others would never have thought that someone could come down here when the glacier lake was still hundreds of meters deep.With so many diving masters, it is unimaginable to find a place underwater, let alone enter here.

It was dozens of miles around, all kinds of tangled shrubs and houses were frozen, and it was still 400 meters deep underwater, and the masters of each family were still touching it inch by inch. It is very likely that you will not be able to find it once you go up and down. To the original location, under such circumstances, can someone accurately find this place?

Papa, Wang Sheng stretched out his hand and patted the icicle twice, attracting everyone's attention.The icicles gave Wang Sheng exactly the same feeling as last time, and there was no sign of melting at all. Wang Sheng didn't know what to do if the energy source was cut off, so he could only work together.

"Come and have a look!" Wang Sheng yelled at the crowd, "Let's see who knows this formation, and who can figure it out?"

In fact, without Wang Sheng saying it, everyone wanted to come up and take a look.It's just to save face for Wang Sheng and Song Yan.Now that Wang Sheng greeted by himself, there was no room for politeness among the crowd, and they crowded up to observe, even Song Yan herself was no exception.Anyway, the icicle is four to five feet in diameter, and it cannot be hugged by sixteen or seventeen people, and no one will hinder anyone.

After some inspection, everyone shook their heads.They can only feel the formation on the surface of the icicle, and they don't know the situation inside, but just the formation on the surface gives them the feeling that they have no clue at all, and they don't know how the formation is arranged at all. what is the usage.

"Try attacking a few times." Wang Sheng suggested again.

The crowd didn't have any objections. They looked at each other, then took out their weapons, and hacked at the icicle tacitly.

After the sound of ping-pong-pong, everyone was dumbfounded.Seven or eight experts in the ninth level attacked with all their strength, but they didn't even remove a single piece of ice from the icicle. How could this be so good?No need for Wang Shengduo to say anything, a few people simply discussed, and immediately changed the attack method.

A few more people were added, and everyone joined forces to attack a point on the icicle at the same time. This is also a common attack method for general formations. Attacking a little together can always affect the formation, and may even destroy the balance of the formation in a short time. , forming a gap that can break through.

Boom, almost at the same time, everyone's attacks all fell on the point that was agreed in advance.In the anticipation of everyone, the formation on the icicle should shake violently, and then form a gap, allowing people to attack the ice inside.However, the reality gave the hands-on masters a deep mockery.

There was no movement at the location where the icicle was attacked, not even a single white mark.Wang Sheng knew this was the result, so he was not surprised.Song Yan seemed to have already guessed the result, so she didn't participate at all when she started.Others thought that she would not do anything because of her status, but they didn't know Song Yan's understanding of Wang Sheng. If the icicle was so easy to deal with, would Wang Sheng wait for the second time to come down and cut off the energy source of the formation below?

Everyone was dumbfounded, and the joint attack could not leave even a trace, so why attack?A group of people all stop and get together to discuss a problem - what to do?
The top-secret classics discovered by each family in the secret vault recently recorded some secrets from 500 years ago. The only purpose of everyone gathering here is to kill the woman with the soul of the phoenix frozen in this icicle.This is the legacy of the ancestors. Although there is no explanation for the reason, none of the insiders of the major families would disagree. It is by no means a trivial matter to make the ancestors so solemn.

"The energy source of the formation should be the one hundred and eight stone pillars below, and we have already destroyed it." Wang Sheng didn't mind telling what he knew so that he could relieve the pain of the girl in his dream: "How is this formation?" manage?"

Each family has its own arrangements, and among the two people in each family's knowledge, one of them must be a formation expert.The eight formation masters discussed for a while, went to the edge of the formation and took several kinds of formation stones to investigate, and then came back to discuss. After going back and forth several times, they finally came out with a result.

"It stands to reason that the energy source of this formation has been destroyed, so it shouldn't last long." The Song family's formation master became a spokesperson, explaining to the people of each family and Wang Sheng: "But after our inspection, we found that The scale of this formation is very large, and it can store a strong spiritual energy, so even in this state, it can last for a long time."

"How long is a long time?" Song Yan asked directly.

"At least a year or more." The Song family's formation expert quickly replied.When he answered, the masters of other formations also nodded frequently.

more than a year?Song Yan frowned, who knows what will happen in more than a year?In order to prevent long nights and dreams, it is best to solve it as soon as possible.

"Is there no way to solve it quickly?" Song Yan asked a little dissatisfied.

"Yes!" The master of the Song family hurriedly replied, "It's just that there is a momentary and powerful spiritual energy that continues to destroy. If this is the case, it will only take a few days."

"What level of powerful aura?" Song Yan asked again.

"A master of the Ninth Layer Realm can advance to the level of spiritual energy tempering the body." The master of the Song family said the answer without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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