
Chapter 147 Goodbye Female Proprietor

Chapter 147 Goodbye Female Proprietor
Chapter [-] Goodbye Proprietor
Opening his eyes, Wang Sheng saw the female proprietor, who was still veiled and not showing her true face, sitting not far from him and looking at him.

Wang Sheng was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud.It's really not surprising that she can appear here.The two maids were originally arranged by Baoqing Yutang, and it would not be too difficult to secretly send a female proprietor here.

"What are you laughing at?" The female proprietress looked very angry, and complained angrily: "I can't tell, you are very prosperous in Wuyou City, and you are doing very well! With the city owner's The butler is like a brother. It's a pity that I, Baoqing Yutang, don't have a long-legged beauty you like, so I can only wrong you, pervert!"

The words were extremely teasing, and by the way, he also ridiculed Wang Sheng's reputation for liking long legs that has spread in the past few days. Everything clearly shows that the female proprietress is very unhappy.

"It doesn't matter!" Wang Sheng smiled a little rascally: "I don't like the one with long legs, I also like the one with big breasts and thin waist." He looked straight at the female proprietress and smiled.

The female proprietor's eyes suddenly burst into flames.Her figure is very good, especially the pair of stalwarts on her chest, which has always made her proud and troubled. Now that Wang Sheng has actually set his mind on her, how can he not be angry?
But her furious air only lasted for a few moments, and her eyes turned and went out, and suddenly there was a seductive smile on her brows, and she looked at Wang Sheng and said, "It's good if you like it. Otherwise, I'll see you off." A few beauties with big breasts and slender waists that you like, you give me the spice business of Sanssouci City?"

"Yes!" Wang Sheng didn't have a position, and directly agreed: "Go and discuss with the city owner. If he agrees, I have no objection!"

The coquettish smile disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the hostess just snorted coldly and stopped talking about this topic.Just kidding, if you can make Wuyou City Lord nod, what are you talking about with Wang Sheng?He kicked Wang Sheng away a long time ago.

But the coldness only lasted for a moment or two, and in a blink of an eye, the proprietor's eyes became seductive again.The beautiful eyes flowed, full of emotion, and Wang Sheng was startled when he saw it.This is still covered with a veil, but the eyes make people like this. If the veil is really taken off, how thrilling will it be?
"The spice business is a big business, so I won't get involved with it, my little girl." The proprietress moved closer to Wang Sheng, and the scent of her body was faintly transmitted: "But the little girl saw that the city owner seemed to have missed it. thing."

Beautiful eyes stared at Wang Sheng's face, to see if there was anything unusual about Wang Sheng.Of course Wang Sheng would not show anything, he looked at the hostess calmly.If you want to use this method to seduce yourself, you have to admit that the female proprietor wearing a veil is very attractive, and her identity is also very exciting, but the female proprietor's morality is still a little bit worse, just a little bit worse, and she can't pry her. Move Wang Sheng's defense.

"What little thing?" Wang Sheng laughed, causing his chest injury again, and asked after a bit of pain, putting away his smile.

"Salt!" The proprietress said her goal without hesitation: "The stewed meat tastes really good, but besides those spices, there must be salt. The city owner didn't notice it, but the little girl did." , can you hand over the small business of refined salt to me, Baoqing Yutang?"

"What benefits do I have?" Wang Sheng spoke very directly, he didn't say yes, he didn't say no, let's talk about the conditions first.

"I'll give you the beauties you want. If you want long legs, you can have long legs. If you want big breasts, you can have big breasts. How about it?" The proprietress rolled her eyes and said her conditions.

"Pull it down!" Wang Sheng didn't even bother to shake his head, and directly refused: "Give me a beautiful woman and I have to keep it, I'm tired! Unless...someone who is worth a lot of money and has a large dowry, you can think about it."

While speaking, Wang Sheng's gaze was already looking up and down the proprietress's body, especially on the stalwart chest of the proprietress, his eyes seemed to see through the proprietress's clothes.

Stared at by Wang Sheng's aggressive gaze, the hostess seemed to be sitting in front of Wang Sheng without any clothes on. She was startled, her face turned red instantly, and she involuntarily covered her chest with her hands.

When she looked up, she saw Wang Sheng's playful smile, and the hostess became angry for a moment. She put her hands down, raised her chest deliberately, and snorted provocatively.But she didn't realize how much Wang Sheng's eyes were feasted by her action.

"Wonderful idea! Pervert!" Throwing these two sentences, the hostess turned her head aside.

"It's no good, why should I agree to you?" Wang Sheng was not angry, and asked lazily: "You are not someone to me, anyway, Song Yan still admits that she is my fiancee."

"You sell that secret, if you give it to Baoqing Yutang to operate, I guarantee you can earn more than double, how about it?" The female proprietress turned her head and said seriously.This is the real opening condition, and it depends on whether Wang Sheng agrees or not.

"What do I want so many gold coins for?" Hearing this condition, Wang Sheng seemed too lazy to talk about it, and asked lazily, "Do you think I'm still short of gold coins?"

The hostess was at a loss for words.Wang Sheng's performance in Wuyou City these days, it really feels like he is not short of money, how could she not know?But now she can't think of anything to impress Wang Sheng.

"If you can find the Creation Pill, I can give you the refined salt." Wang Sheng took the initiative to offer a condition, but this condition was obviously higher than Bao Qingyutang's expectation.The female proprietress was silent immediately, Good Fortune Pill, she couldn't guarantee it.

"What if I could help you find out who wants to assassinate you?" The proprietress was silent for a while, then suddenly asked.

"Then I am very grateful. But I don't want you Baoqing Yutang to fight for the refined salt business." Wang Sheng replied honestly.

"Why?" The proprietress was puzzled and raised her head to ask.

"Because your Baoqing Yutang is not bad, I don't want to see you being wiped out." Wang Shengyu replied in a nonchalant manner: "You already have a sugar frosting business, if you keep the world's salt in your hands, then But it’s the way to die. It’s right to do big business, but you can’t do some big business that will make you lose your head.”

Wang Shengzhen had no other thoughts, but kindness.In the history of Earth China, the salt and iron business has always been exclusively managed by the state. It is the lifeblood of the national economy and the people's livelihood. How can it be controlled by a business casually?Until Wang Sheng crossed over, salt was a national monopoly.Is this kind of thing simple in this world?

It's a pity that Wang Sheng's words were in vain.The female proprietress's eyes clearly showed a kind of dissatisfaction. Judging from her appearance, it seemed that she really wanted to try her best to touch this terrible thing.

(End of this chapter)

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