
Chapter 148 Wang Sheng's Condition

Chapter 148 Wang Sheng's Condition
Chapter [-] Wang Sheng's Condition
"You know, our Baoqing Yutang has business contacts with Linglong Pavilion." The proprietress felt that she might not be able to get Wang Sheng's refined salt production method with this alone, so she began to increase her price: "Among them, two are A master at making armor."

Wang Sheng was obviously tempted and didn't speak, but his eyes signaled the hostess to continue.

"When you were assassinated yesterday, what was it that finally blocked the assassin's stab?" The proprietress had done business with Wang Sheng several times, and asked very directly: "What realm?"

"It is said that it belongs to the six-star night star wolf." Wang Sheng did not hide it. Many people saw that scene, and many people knew that he had the object of a sixth-level monster. environment."

"I can ask one of the masters to help you use your six-star leather to make you an armor, how about it?" the hostess said solemnly.

Wang Sheng began to think deeply, considering the pros and cons.

To be honest, the armor made of monster skins in the sixth level must be very good.Coupled with the protective ability of the liquid body armor, Wang Sheng can spend a long time without worrying about the attacks of experts below the fifth level.However, Wang Sheng had to consider other things.

"Wouldn't it be hot to wear leather protective gear in summer?" Wang Sheng first asked a question that had nothing to do with protection, and it was also a means of bargaining.

"Do you think the masters of Linglong Pavilion are those idiots who make protective gear that can be found casually on the street?" The female proprietress immediately showed a look of contempt in her eyes when she heard this question.

Wang Sheng couldn't see her expression, but he could imagine it.

"The grand master can't be alone, and there will be a formation master to help." Seeing that Wang Sheng didn't understand, the hostess simply explained: "The protective gear must have a formation that is warm in winter and cool in summer. There is also a protective formation, as long as you use a little spiritual power to keep the formation running while wearing it."

With such an explanation, Wang Sheng immediately realized that this is definitely a good thing.It's not as hot as wearing body armor, and it also comes with protection, which is definitely a good thing.

"I provide the raw materials, I provide the pattern, and help me make a set of clothes and boots inside and out." Wang Sheng immediately made up his mind: "In addition to the identities of those assassins, there is also a piece of information on the varieties and characteristics of high-level souls. , the method of refined salt can be given to you."

"Really?" The proprietress herself didn't expect that Wang Sheng would really agree, and thought that she would have to pay more, but she didn't expect it to be so simple.But after asking, the hostess realized that the condition Wang Sheng added at the end seemed a little unusual, and hurriedly asked, "What kind of information?"

"The known types, characteristics, and powerful methods of practitioners with seven stars and above. It is best to have a representative person for each." Wang Sheng put forward detailed requirements as much as possible, and put forward what he really wanted. Hidden in the massive amount of information, it will not reveal its true purpose.

"Representative characters, I'm afraid there may not be any suitable ones." The proprietress thought about it for a long time and didn't think there was any trap in Wang Sheng, but she subconsciously explained in advance: "Maybe some of them are dead, and some of them are just Guess, no one can say whether it is accurate or not.”

"Dead ones can also be listed, but try to write clearly how powerful this person was in life." Wang Sheng relaxed the conditions a little, then looked at the hostess, waiting for her reply.

"Yes!" The proprietress didn't say anything more this time, and just nodded.

"If possible, try to let me and the master you want to invite explain the requirements in person." Wang Sheng made another request that is not considered a request, but it is not as deadly as he said: "Of course, if it is not possible, find someone who knows how to do it." Listen to my explanation first, and then he will tell the master."

"Yes!" This was not a problem, and it wasn't even a problem, the hostess immediately agreed without saying a word.

"Wait until you bring the things in front of me." Wang Sheng smiled at the hostess: "As soon as my injury recovers, I'll do it for you myself."

A simple deal was done.The hostess left very satisfied. No one knew that the two of them just had a simple conversation, but what they decided was a big business related to the national economy and people's livelihood.

When the proprietress was discussing business with Wang Sheng, the maid in Baoqing Yutang tactfully left the room and stood guard outside, and did not come in to wait until the proprietress left.

What's interesting is that Wang Sheng still doesn't know the name of the hostess until now. This woman with a pair of seductive eyes who has been covered with a veil, Wang Sheng has no idea what her name is, who she looks like.However, Wang Sheng was sure that if he was in the crowd, he would definitely recognize her.

It took a long time to cultivate quietly for a long time, and in the afternoon, Wang Sheng had to receive the guests again.

Lu Wenhou and Ling'er from Yubaozhai came, and several other servants.What's interesting is that when Marquis Lu Wen came over, he also brought over the set of cooking utensils that Wang Sheng made in Dazhuzi blacksmith shop.Even the pierced hot pot used to resist the crossbow arrows when he was assassinated was remade, polished and brought over.

Of course, the gold coins that Da Zhuzi asked Lu Wenhou to bring over were indispensable.This seems to have become Wang Sheng's shopping rules.

"These things seem to be used for cooking." Lu Wenhou briefly greeted Wang Sheng's body, and then turned the topic to the pile of cooking utensils that Wang Sheng ordered: "I can't help you much here, just I found a few cooks for you, it’s inconvenient for you to be injured, so you can tell them what you want to eat. Brother Wang, if you are willing to give them some advice, that’s even better, so I can eat some good food in the future.”

Unlike the female proprietor of Baoqing Yutang who discussed business with Wang Sheng as soon as she came up, Lu Wenhou seemed to approach Wang Sheng as a friend he could make.No, even the people sent here are taking care of Wang Sheng's appetite. Of course, it is not ruled out to take the opportunity to ask Wang Sheng to teach the usage of those cooking utensils.

The items made by Wang Sheng will not be useless, this is already a consensus in Wuyou City.If the two chefs of Imperial Treasure Zhai can learn it in advance, it will be of great benefit to Imperial Treasure Zhai.

Lu Wenhou is a person who makes people comfortable. He is comfortable here. He does not hide his intentions, and directly expresses his own intentions.But he does not give people a sense of exchange, that is, the feeling of getting along with friends.

If it wasn't for Ling'er who didn't give Wang Sheng a good face from the beginning to the end, the meeting between Wang Sheng and Lu Wenhou could be described as flawless.

Of course, there is no such thing as perfect, so when Lu Wenhou left, he also had a little regret.

(End of this chapter)

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