
Chapter 149 Wang Sheng's Condition

Chapter 149 Wang Sheng's Condition
Chapter [-] Wang Sheng's Condition
"His physical recovery ability is terrible." In Yubaozhai's car, Ling'er told Lu Wenhou the result of his observation: "Yesterday's injury was serious, but today he can sit and talk happily. I haven't heard of it." What kind of panacea does he have on him?"

"Maybe this is one of the ways he can get in and out of Qianjedi." Lu Wenhou also pondered for a while, then nodded and said: "I just don't know if his body is really weak."

"Mr. Han and Mr. Deng can't be mistaken." Ling'er came to a conclusion with certainty.Mr. Han and Mr. Deng are the old imperial physicians and alchemists invited by Yubaozhai. The two of them have consultations, and they all diagnose the pulse firsthand, and they will never make mistakes.In addition, this conclusion was not only drawn by the old imperial doctor and the alchemist, but also by the soul refiner and the poison master.

One person may make a mistake, but four people collectively make a mistake, which is unlikely.Moreover, Mr. Han and Mr. Deng were both invited by Yubaozhai, so it is absolutely impossible to help Wang Sheng cover up.The Soul Refiner is the enshrinement of Yubaozhai itself, one of Lu Wenhou's bodyguards, and he absolutely believes in it.As for the poison master, the City Lord's Mansion seems to have no reason to help Wang Sheng hide anything.

"That's interesting." Lu Wenhou laughed: "A person with a weak body has such a good recovery ability. There are a lot of articles that can be done!"

"Send someone to keep an eye on him, and don't let go of every move?" Ling'er immediately became excited, as long as she dealt with Wang Sheng, she would be very happy.This guy made her feel very humiliated. She always thought she knew everything in the sky and the earth, and she was always beaten up in front of Wang Sheng, and she hated it very much.

Not to mention, the spices and stewed meat that appeared in the past two days made Ling'er very unconvinced.It is obviously a bunch of medicinal materials sold in a pharmacy, but it has changed into a spice.What's more, the prepared lo mei really has a unique flavor, which makes Ling'er, who knows the properties of each of the medicinal materials, very, very puzzled, and very, very humiliated.

"No!" Lu Wenhou shook his head: "Let those two cooks take care of them carefully, and treat Wang Sheng as me."

After saying this, Lu Wenhou saw Linger pouted his lips and couldn't help laughing: "We are not enemies, so don't deal with him the same way you treat enemies."

Although reluctant, Ling'er would not disobey any of Lu Wenhou's words, and could only nod dissatisfied.

In the following days, Wang Sheng was free.The two cooks invited by Lu Wenhou are indeed famous chefs, and their skills are absolutely outstanding.During Wang Sheng's recuperation, they didn't want to eat meat and fish, so they could cook the porridge Wang Sheng asked for.In short, everything was in accordance with Wang Sheng's request, and it was very convenient to order.

In the next few days, all major families sent people to send posts over.Basically, the meanings that each family wanted to express were similar, all of which were due to a misunderstanding in the previous pursuit, hope and Wang Sheng turned their fights into friendship and so on.

Even Dai Jia and Shi Jia, the original instigators, have the same meaning.Before Qian Jedi's secret, what is the life and death of several children in the family?When one day mastered the secret of Qian Jedi, it would not be too late to find Wang Sheng in turn.Now, of course it is necessary to establish a good relationship with Wang Sheng.

In order to express their sincerity, the major families even stated that they had canceled the rewards offered to kill Wang Sheng. As long as Wang Sheng wanted to, he could leave Wuyou City at any time, and no one from the major families would take action against Wang Sheng.

Of course, these are just the attitudes expressed in the posts they sent. As for whether it is true or not, no one knows.Maybe Wang Sheng can go out of Wuyou City to try, but at this time, Wang Sheng doesn't want to use his life to test these things.

Without the accumulation of external spiritual energy, Wang Sheng's injury healed quickly.In addition to the healing pills, the aura absorbed by Wang Sheng's soul space all the time will also nourish Wang Sheng's body and slowly repair the seriously injured body.In just seven days, Wang Sheng didn't have to lie in bed all the time, but could simply walk a few steps on the ground.

From then on, Wang Sheng spent most of his time half-lying on the rocking chair he made and slowly swaying. It looked like he was resting with his eyes closed, but in fact he was using the external aura of a fifth-layer master to visualize himself. The best food I've ever eaten on earth.

With injuries in his body, it is unrealistic for Wang Sheng to make those delicacies by himself, and he cannot eat them, so even if the efficiency is a little lower, Wang Sheng still keeps meditating, and he is also recovering by the way.

Baoqing Yutang moved quickly.On the tenth day, the hostess appeared in front of Wang Sheng accompanied by a middle-aged lady.This time, Baoqing Yutang paid a very high price. This middle-aged lady surnamed Wang is the master of the protective gear in Linglong Pavilion.

"If you have any request, you can ask Master Wang in person." The hostess solemnly introduced the master surnamed Wang, and she directly called him Master Wang.

This name gave Wang Sheng an indescribable feeling. It was awkward for a female grandmaster to respectfully call her Master Wang. "Master Wang set the Central Plains Day in the North", that Master Wang was awkward.But after starting to talk about business, I didn't feel that way anymore.

Master Wang wants to look at the skin first.Of course Wang Sheng had no objection, not only took out the complete skin of the Six Star Night Wolf, but also took out the hind leg skin of the fang pig.

"Good stuff!" When he opened it and saw such a complete Yexingwolf skin, Master Wang let out a sound of appreciation.As for the skin of the fang pig, in her eyes, it was just a damaged pig's skin, and she didn't like it at all.

"There are a few things I want to do." Wang Sheng began to talk about his requirements according to his equipment on Earth.

Wang Sheng wanted a set of underwear to wear close to the body, which consisted of a hurdle vest and a pair of boxer briefs, the style of which was military style.In addition, Wang Sheng also wanted a set of outerwear, which was completely in accordance with the requirements of military camouflage uniforms.Even Wang Sheng took out the damaged camouflage uniforms as samples.

In addition, the purpose of taking out the fang pig leather is to use this leather to help Wang Sheng make two pairs of big-toed military boots, which are also the same style as the ones Wang Sheng wears on his feet.

Of course, underwear must be soft and comfortable, and outerwear needs to be strong and fit.This requires Master Wang to use different leather tanning methods. In addition, after the completion, the protective effect of the sixth-level monsters must be retained, which is very demanding.The tusks are thick enough to be used as leather boots.Wang Sheng even proposed to Master Wang that the soles and heads of the boots should be inlaid with steel plates.

Master Wang didn't say anything but nodded, but after Wang Sheng took out his camouflage uniform and his military boots, he glanced at them for a few moments, and was immediately moved and stood up.

"How is this fabric woven?" Master Wang didn't notice the colorful camouflage uniform at all, but the material itself was enough to shock a grandmaster.She has never seen such a dense fabric woven before. This thing is not even available in Linglong Pavilion. Where did Wang Sheng find it?
(End of this chapter)

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