
Chapter 1492 New Dispute

Chapter 1492 New Dispute
Chapter 770 New Dispute
The remaining four, after discussing with everyone, began to unblock them in the original way.The previous time was still the disciples selected by all parties to advance to the breakthrough, but for the second time, it was changed to four unblocked masters plus six disciples who could be promoted.

Of course, the second time the six masters advance, they will definitely be able to break the seal, but to be on the safe side, in fact, only two of the six disciples can advance to the breakthrough, and the other four will take the opportunity to practice.The purpose of doing this is to not give the sealed masters much time and opportunity to consolidate their cultivation, which is conducive to suppressing or dealing with them.

Four masters who have been unsealed suppress one master who has not been unsealed, so everyone is more sure.The parties are also relatively even, the eight major families send two each time, and the other families also send two each time.The Dai family and the Tang family of the eight major families each have a free time, and the Royal Family and the Triumph Palace do not make a move, which happens to be four-on-one suppression every time.

Sure enough, the aura of heaven and earth promoted by the three masters just melted a part of the icicle, leaving a thin layer.Once the masters inside struggle, they will be able to unblock them.

The first master who was suppressed felt wrong as soon as he was unblocked. The four comrades who had been familiar with each other stood around eyeingly and surrounded him. What is this for?
Before he could fully react, several seemingly insignificant juniors hurriedly left the sealed area, leaving only five of them in this small space.The master who just came out of the seal immediately became vigilant.

"Brother Dai, what does this mean?" A familiar master from the Dai family was directly opposite, and the surrounded master frowned and asked immediately.

"Sorry, Brother Liu!" Feeling that all the people below had left this range, the master of the Dai family apologized to his former companions who were surrounded: "500 years have passed outside, but unfortunately, Brother Liu's The family has not left a single tile in the past 500 years, so to be on the safe side, we can only wrong brother Liu."

"What?" The master surnamed Liu was shocked when he heard this. It's not surprising that 500 years have passed, but my own family was exterminated, how could it be possible?

Why do these people surround themselves?There seems to be only one reason, the demise of his family is related to the families of these guys.The master surnamed Liu was furious for a moment: "Is it you?"

"Hey!" The master of the Dai family shook his head directly: "I wanted to give Brother Liu a chance, but Brother Liu is so stubborn, what a pity!"

Bang, bang, bang, shaking his head and saying it's a pity, but the four people over there have already started together.Although the master surnamed Liu has already guarded against this, but after all, he has just come out of the sealing formation, and he has not been tempered by the wild bee flying to consolidate his cultivation. He has not done much for 500 years, and he is at the same level as himself Countless expert duels are still one-on-four, and the opponent is waiting for work. The outcome of this confrontation can be imagined.

The four enemies are all attacking with all their strength. In such a small space, there is no other possibility of dodging and maneuvering except for head-to-head confrontation.

A few successive hands attacked the master surnamed Liu who had just come out. Although he was brave enough to fight against the master Dai family opposite him, the result of the confrontation was desperate.

Boom, the entire area of ​​tens of feet where the sealing formation was located collapsed completely, and the feet of the four people directly turned into rubble.The five figures fell together and landed on the cooled magma lake below.

The master surnamed Liu spat out a mouthful of blood. This time, he was already seriously injured. Half of the ribs in his body were broken, and several broken bones were even inserted into the lungs.

"You guys... are so ruthless!" Experts surnamed Liu could never have imagined that these guys didn't even have a single answer, and the friendship they fought side by side 500 years ago didn't care about anything, just because they asked if it was them, they slammed down The killer didn't give him any room to explain and negotiate, and directly put him to death.

Before death, when the body can no longer take care of itself, the brain will turn very fast.At this moment, the experts surnamed Liu suddenly realized that they probably didn't intend to let themselves survive when they told themselves the news of the destruction of those families.

No matter whether they will pursue it or not, no matter whether they will retaliate or not, they will never let themselves go.People's hearts are unpredictable, who dares to let a person who may have two hearts live?In fact, he should have understood this truth long ago.

Didn't he actually do the same thing when he wiped out the Lin family?Lin Ling, the female master of the Lin family, ignored them at the beginning and allowed them to slaughter the Lin family.But after the killing, everyone unanimously decided that Lin Ling would definitely retaliate, so he had to strike first and eliminate him, only to be the result of being slaughtered by Lin Ling later.

Now these guys don't give themselves a chance to explain or negotiate. Why did I give Lin Ling a chance to explain?Now that he has ended up like this, it can be regarded as a reincarnation of heaven, and the retribution is not good.

"I'm...below...waiting...for you!" Blood was spraying from his mouth, and the wound on his lungs was also blowing blood bubbles. The master surnamed Liu had a creepy sneer on his face, The four people who directed their actions left their last words.

People's words are good when they are about to die. At the moment of death, the master surnamed Liu wanted to understand why these people would unite to deal with him.There is only one possibility, that is, Lin Ling has already escaped from trouble, so these people have to form a group.Now that Lin Ling is out of trouble, why not take a step first?With the temperament of these people, will Lin Ling be given a chance to explain?Or will Lin Ling let them go easily?
Finally, one of them was solved without any risk, and all parties heaved a sigh of relief.The remaining three are not very difficult to deal with.

In the next period of time, the remaining three masters were unblocked one after another.Using almost the same method, all parties easily and completely killed the three masters, leaving them no chance to fight back.The price paid was only minor injuries to two senior masters.

All the seals were finally opened, and the restriction of the Thousand Jedi no longer existed, and the remaining solid ice with a radius of twenty miles at the bottom of the glacier lake began to melt, and within a few days, it completely melted and flowed away, exposing the ice surface huge space below.

The 24 small valleys are distributed in different areas, corresponding to the 24 sealing formations below, and finally revealed their true appearance.

Every valley is guarded by the forces of those senior masters.The four that were vacated are the common territory of all forces, and they are jointly guarded by people.

The ultimate secret of Qian Jedi finally revealed, and the next step is how to allocate the time for the game between the parties.

(End of this chapter)

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