
Chapter 1493 Looking for new materials

Chapter 1493 Looking for new materials
Chapter 770 IX Finding New Materials
The choice of this sea area was chosen by Wang Sheng with reference to the living environment of swordfish on the earth. The probability of finding swordfish on the earth can exceed 70.00%.Yuanhun World Wang Sheng is not sure, but now it seems that luck is not too bad.

Feeling the fast breath, Wang Sheng wondered if the speed under the water has exceeded the speed of sound in the air?

However, Wang Sheng didn't care about this at this time. He quickly sent a friendly breath towards the shadow in the water. The mystery of the seven-character formula is endless. Even if you don't control it, you may become friends.This point, heavy snow is proof.

When Wang Sheng was still in the ninth level, he was able to be friends with Daxue in the tenth level. Now Wang Sheng himself is also in the legendary level. At least among the monsters in this level, Wang Sheng is at least [-]% sure that they will not treat him Be an enemy.

In fact, at this depth, the light on the water cannot penetrate at all, and most of the time it is pitch black.Occasionally, some luminous monster creatures can emit a little bit of faint light. With the help of this, with Wang Sheng's powerful vision, he can occasionally see a little bit of shadow.

But that's all, most of the time, Wang Sheng can only close his eyes.At this depth, the pressure is too great. Wang Sheng’s body and the diving suit made of fourteenth-level monster skin can bear it, but the eyes are not good, and the goggles are not designed for this depth. Wang Sheng can only close it. Eyes, goggles are all put away.

Occasionally, I opened my eyes and glanced, and I could see the outlines of some warm-blooded animals, but swordfish are cold-blooded animals, and Wang Sheng's super night vision ability can't see the swordfish with the same temperature as the surrounding sea water.Other than breath sensing, nothing swimming at high speed could be seen at all.

The sound waves in the water travel faster and seem to be more powerful. After only a second or two, Wang Sheng noticed that the high-speed monsters that were tens of feet away from him slowed down.After using the seven-character formula a few more times, the monster began to slowly approach Wang Sheng.When it was about ten feet away, it stopped.

The monster seemed very curious, and was carefully observing Wang Sheng from that position.

Wang Sheng understands that swordfish have super good eyesight, and can accurately spot prey even in low-light underwater environments.At this time, it is estimated that he has never seen such a creature as Wang Sheng before, and there is an aura of closeness, which is very puzzled.

In this situation, Wang Sheng kept a motionless posture, trying not to cause the monster to misunderstand.He kept sending out the seven-character formula again and again, luring it to approach slowly.

Sure enough, the monster was attracted and continued to approach.But Wang Sheng felt that there was still a distance of five feet away, but Wang Sheng's superhuman vigilance had already made him realize that something was approaching his body.

This is the long kiss of the swordfish that Wang Sheng wanted most. Wang Sheng stretched out his hand and slowly touched the spike that was already close to him.The movement was very slow, and the seven-character tactic continued until Wang Sheng touched it, but Jianyu didn't attack.Wang Sheng was secretly happy that there is a door.

Along the long sharp snout, Wang Sheng moved his body little by little, and approached the swordfish's head.Jianyu has not attacked, and seems to enjoy the functions of regulating the body mixed in Wang Sheng's seven-character formula.

The sharp kiss was five feet long, and Wang Sheng was terrified all the way to touch it.The powerful aura coming from above and the sharpness Wang Sheng felt with his hands made Wang Sheng feel terrified and ecstatic at the same time.Such a sharp kiss, not to mention the thirteenth level, even the master of the fourteenth level, without the same level of protective clothing, has to be penetrated.

This swordfish gave Wang Sheng the feeling that it was at least at the twelfth level, and it was at the late stage or even at the peak of the twelfth level, which was more terrifying than the aura completely released by the old Taoist.

Approaching Jianyu's huge head, the root of that pointed snout was already several times thicker than Wang Sheng's waist.Swordfish's head is much taller than Wang Sheng's. Wang Sheng's size is not big enough for him to fit between his teeth.It is estimated that this is also the reason why this huge monster did not attack Wang Sheng.

Only after touching Jianyu's head could Wang Sheng feel a little bit of Jianyu's emotions.To Wang Sheng's surprise, the swordfish felt very painful, probably injured.No wonder Wang Sheng's Qi Zi Jue can attract it, it should be because of the function of accelerating recovery and regulating the body, which makes it very happy.

Discovering this, Wang Sheng felt even more grateful for his good luck.To be able to meet a wounded 200th-level swordfish monster for the first time at [-] meters underwater, this luck is simply against the sky.

Immediately switched to the seven-character formula mainly for healing, and Wang Sheng used it again.Now, Jianyu became more and more happy, and the emotion conveyed to Wang Sheng had become very comfortable.

Wang Sheng was not comfortable staying at this depth for a long time, so Wang Sheng took the opportunity to let Jianyu rise slowly.Jianyu understood Wang Sheng's meaning easily, and with a sway of his body, Wang Sheng immediately felt that his body was being taken up by Jianyu.

"Stop!" Wang Sheng hastily gave the command to stop. Jianyu didn't understand, but he didn't continue to rise and stopped.

If it wasn't for being in the sea, Wang Sheng would have been in a cold sweat.Just like that, the depth of the two rose by 400 meters.Wang Sheng frantically used the Qizi Jue dozens of times before calming down the discomfort caused by the sudden pressure change.

Let the swordfish rise slowly again, this time the swordfish monster completely understood, slowly rose, and did not stop until it was 200 meters underwater.

At this depth, Wang Sheng was able to open his eyes and see the appearance of Jianyu carefully.With a body of more than ten feet long, this head is bigger than the blue whales on the earth.The five-foot-long sharp kiss made Wang Sheng almost drool.But the long, deep wound on Jianyu's body shocked Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng was very curious, what kind of powerful opponent could injure this swordfish to such a degree?Will it just be around waiting for the swordfish to run out and harvest its prey?But for the long kiss, Wang Sheng decided to gamble.

At a depth of 200 meters, Wang Sheng felt much more comfortable. After recovering for a while, Wang Sheng began to frantically use the seven-character formula on Jianyu.The surrounding sea monsters sensed the breath of the swordfish, and they ran away without a trace. They are indeed the top predators in the ocean.

After using it for half a day, Wang Sheng could see the wound on Jianyu's body began to heal, and Wang Sheng stopped.The swordfish monster immediately sent a puzzled expression, as if asking him why he stopped.

"I'm tired!" Wang Sheng passed his thoughts through clearly: "In addition, I need a few spikes of your kind. I don't need the living ones, dead ones are fine. Can you find them?"

(End of this chapter)

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