
Chapter 1494 Tacit Cooperation

Chapter 1494 Tacit Cooperation
Chapter 780 Tacit Cooperation
In the process of getting along with a large number of monsters, Wang Sheng has discovered that, except for a few monsters that cooperate in several groups, such as cannibal ants and killer bees, other monsters don't value the corpses of the same kind so much , and even sometimes the corpses of the same kind are their own food.

That's why Wang Sheng dared to negotiate terms with this twelfth-level swordfish, using the corpse of its kind as a bargaining chip.And Wang Sheng believed that there was an [-]% chance that Jianyu would agree.

Now Swordfish's recovery is only a small part, after all, it is huge.No matter how powerful Wang Sheng's Qizi Jue is, it is difficult for Wang Sheng to make a sound underwater. Although there is a bonus of water waves, the power is at most the same as Wang Sheng's on the water surface. For such a large wound, it has not yet achieved immediate recovery The point of recovery.

The monsters of the twelfth level are already quite intelligent, at least they can understand some trade-offs.Wang Sheng wanted to take this gamble and ask Jianyu to help him find the materials he wanted.

The swordfish monster suddenly left Wang Sheng, swam around Wang Sheng in two big circles quickly, and faced Wang Sheng face to face.

The long and pointed kiss was facing Wang Sheng directly, less than a foot away from Wang Sheng.If the swordfish goes berserk, within such a short distance, it is impossible for Wang Sheng underwater to avoid the attack of the swordfish monster, which is faster than the speed of sound in the air.

A ferocious aura came from Jianyu's body, all concentrated on Wang Sheng.At that moment, it was as if a peerless beast had already targeted Wang Sheng, as if it was about to launch the most vicious attack in the next moment.

For a moment, Wang Sheng almost had the idea of ​​giving up.But thinking that Lin Xiu would face the whole world alone, Wang Sheng's belief immediately strengthened.Didn't Wang Sheng come to this world just for Lin Xiu?It's time to back down?
Wang Sheng opened his eyes wide, fixedly staring at the swordfish monster not far away, and once again passed on his thoughts unswervingly.Not only did it maintain the original conditions, but it also added another one, matching it with a bone from a monster that was at least as good as the super sperm whale and super king squid I had seen.

The bones of the fourteenth-level monster were used to strengthen the arm of the heavy sniper crossbow and replace the previous metal.This was discovered by Wang Sheng after communicating with those great masters after reaching the Ninth Layer Realm.

The bones of high-level monsters may not have strong original attributes, but after years of growth and strengthening of the monsters themselves, they will have some incredible properties.The longer the monster survives, the higher the level of the monster, the more terrifying the strength of the bone.The bone strength of some nine-level monsters can definitely surpass most metal materials.

In addition, there is another more gratifying feature of the monster bone, that is, the complex formation can be engraved on the bone.With the blessing of a sufficiently strengthened formation, it can exert several times the performance of its own material.This is much stronger than metal materials. Metal materials can only engrave simple formations at most, just like the bursting formations on the arrow of Wang Shengzhong's arrow, nothing more.

Therefore, Wang Sheng now asked for an extra bone of that level.The last time I met the Super Sperm Whale and the Super King Squid, two poor people, Wang Sheng and Lao Dao, took such a long time, at most they got some meat, and they didn't even get the bones. It's really sad.This time there is an opportunity, how can not miss it.

One man and one fish, they were in a stalemate at a depth of 200 meters underwater.The swordfish monster sent out a powerful aura to suppress Wang Sheng. Although Wang Sheng was small, his aura was as tenacious as an old bamboo in a deep mountain, unwavering.Despite the suppression of the crazy breath, Wang Sheng only regarded it as tempering his will.

Neither the man nor the fish moved. After half an hour, the swordfish monster finally moved, but it didn't charge straight at Wang Sheng, but swam around Wang Sheng and gave Wang Sheng a sign of approval. idea.

Wang Sheng was overjoyed for a moment.Wang Sheng and the heavy snow flying all over the sky have lived in this sea for decades, and it is impossible for him to be more familiar with this sea than the swordfish monster that lives in the sea.Moreover, the realm of the swordfish monster itself is higher than that of Daxue, and it should be easier to find the corpses of the same kind.

As for the bones of the fourteenth-level monster, Wang Sheng himself had a whim, and he didn't intend that the swordfish monster would agree. As a result, the swordfish monster didn't object, either he couldn't express it, or he had a way to find a strong bone .After all, it can live in the deep sea, and you may have seen some "whale falls" or something.

Wang Sheng knew that the swordfish could survive in shallow seas, so he told it very clearly through the seven-character formula that when he found it, he would go to the sea to find himself.On the surface of the sea, Wang Sheng's seven-character tactic can play a better role. At least within ten meters of water depth, Wang Sheng can completely ignore the influence of water pressure, and it has the sound of water waves, which makes the effect stronger.

Before Jianyu left, Wang Sheng used the seven-character tactic for it a few more times, so that it could recover a little more, and it could also firmly remember the feeling of rapid recovery. It should be easy to do things. more dedicated.

The swordfish monster finally left, and Wang Sheng also slowly surfaced out of the sea, and sent several signals of the seven-character formula to the sky. After a while, the huge figure of Daxue appeared in Wang Sheng's vision.

Daxue glided across the sea, and when it passed by Wang Sheng, it grabbed Wang Sheng out of the water with one paw and flew into the air.As soon as the claws were loosened, Wang Sheng began to fall, but the heavy snow soon flew below Wang Sheng, carrying Wang Sheng on his back.

Wang Sheng and Daxue were discussing, hovering in the air, and then quietly waiting for the appearance of the swordfish monster.While staying on Daxue's back, Wang Sheng pumped up the dozen or so steel cylinders he had just used, while thinking about an improvement plan focusing on the sniper crossbow.

In the contact with the swordfish monster, Wang Sheng has been completely sure that the long kiss of the swordfish monster can definitely break through the defense of the thirteenth-level monster, and it can be said to be beneficial to people.The arrows made of long kisses can definitely have their own armor-piercing properties, and more complex formations can be engraved on them, greatly increasing the explosive power.

Now he just waited for Jianyu to find him a long kiss, and what kind of fourteenth-level monster skeleton Jianyu would find for him.The crossbow arm of the heavy sniper crossbow and the barrel used by Wang Sheng for shooting all need to be made of new materials, depending on whether the performance is suitable or not.

I don't know how long it took, but Wang Sheng was awakened by a sudden long cry from heavy snow, and at the same time, the flying altitude began to slowly decrease.This loud cry woke Wang Sheng up, and he hurriedly looked down from Daxue's back.

A swordfish more than 20 feet long with a long snout just crossed the sea, and it was the one that reached an agreement with Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng was about to use the seven-character tactic to greet him, when a triangular dorsal fin more than two feet high suddenly popped up from the sea behind Jianyu.

(End of this chapter)

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