
Chapter 1498 Harvest

Chapter 1498 Harvest

Chapter 780 Harvest

The moment the mad shark fell into the water, it was the moment when it landed at its highest speed. The third swordfish had been accelerating under the sea for an unknown amount of time, and it was at this moment that it pierced into the mad shark's body.

The heart is fatal to both humans and mad sharks, but at this moment, mad shark is in the air. Its body weighing dozens of tons has just been twisted in the air for a long time, and it was penetrated twice by two swordfish. Being attacked by Wang Sheng's seven-character formula and black powder, the spiritual energy was almost consumed, and the old power had been exhausted, and the new force was not yet generated. He was no longer able to move his body to avoid it, and he couldn't activate the spiritual energy to resist. Three swordfish long kisses were inserted into the heart.

This part, unlike the unprotected part on the stomach, not only has a sternum but also a large number of ribs.The third swordfish did not directly penetrate the mad shark's body like the previous two, but plunged into the mad shark's chest and was firmly nailed inside.

Another seven-character tactic from Wang Sheng attacked, this time it was no longer to disturb Kuang Sha's mind, but the reverse application of the Bing Zi Jue Zhe Zi Jue, preventing Kuang Sha from recovering physically.Wang Sheng was deeply impressed by the fact that the mad shark's right eye was intact within an hour. At this moment, if the mad shark could be prevented from recovering for a while, it would give the three swordfish more opportunities to kill the mad shark.

Boom, a huge water splash splashed.The mad shark was pushed to a slight pause in the air by the huge momentum, and then fell into the sea together with the swordfish wedged into its body.

There were two puffs, followed by a slight sound made by two swordfish in the air adjusting their bodies and shooting into the sea like arrows.Not only did the slender body not arouse too much noise, but even the splash was perfect, and the diving score was absolutely perfect.

The sea water kept churning, and a large area of ​​blood red appeared on the surface of the water. When Wang Sheng looked down from above, he could no longer see the figures of the four huge monsters.However, the blood flowers in the seawater will bloom every few seconds, which is extremely coquettish.

Wang Sheng understood that this was a rare opportunity for the swordfish that jumped into the water to attack and strangle the crazy shark frantically.These guys, the timing is really ingenious, and I don't know how long they have been angry, but this time they came back with a one-time revenge.

When the fourth blood flower bloomed, Wang Sheng knew that the three swordfish had won.This kind of injury is no longer within the control of the mad shark.Just seeing that it doesn't even have the strength to resist the swordfish's attack in sea water, it already explains everything.

The turbulence under the water finally stopped, and Wang Sheng and A Xuefei hovered and looked down at a height of 500 meters.Just now Wang Sheng judged from the speed of the swordfish out of the water that this height was safe enough for him and Daxue.

It's not that Wang Sheng has the heart of a villain, but the heart of guarding against others is indispensable.The wisdom of the swordfish was fully demonstrated in the joint attack. Wang Sheng didn't want to fly low enough to be killed by their random attack after helping them kill the mad shark.

Wang Sheng and Daxue are both at the Legendary realm, two realms lower than the Swordfish Monster Beast, any one of them can easily kill them both, and if you are not careful, you are courting death.

After all, without the mad shark, maybe the three swordfish monsters are the rulers of this sea area. They can completely ignore the agreement with Wang Sheng and directly attack Wang Sheng Daxue.For monsters, integrity and morality, what is that?
Five minutes later, the huge body of the crazy shark floated to the surface of the sea, with its belly up, and there were nine large holes that made people feel thrilled just looking at it.One for the heart, six for the abdomen, and two for the neck. The size and diameter are all more than one foot, which fits the shape of the three swordfish very well.

Three swordfish monsters also surfaced, and one of them was the injured swordfish monster that Wang Sheng had made an agreement with.At this moment, it was shaking its head up and down, as if to lower Wang Sheng and Daxue's height.

What Wang Sheng was afraid of was that they would suddenly slow down underwater and jump into the air to attack him and Daxue, but since they all surfaced, Wang Sheng felt relieved.Acceleration still needs a certain amount of time and distance. They should show their attitude by doing so. How smart!

Patting Daxue on the back, Wang Sheng let Daxue drop to a height of 50 meters.This altitude is relatively safe, and you can communicate without being affected.With the acceleration of Daxue's flat flight, it can reach supersonic speed in one second, no matter how fast the swordfish is, it is impossible for the swordfish to be faster than Daxue in the air.

"Keep the head and dorsal and caudal fins for me!" Wang Sheng unceremoniously shouted at the three swordfish monsters in a way mixed with seven-character formulas, and his thoughts were also passed on at the same time: "Give me all the bones, and the meat Give me some!"

The crazy shark was suddenly attracted by the swordfish monster, which was not within the scope of the agreement, so Wang Shengli made the request boldly, without any sense of politeness.

The dorsal and pectoral fins of the crazy shark have no meat, and it is not the most delicate part of food for monsters.But Wang Sheng has already started to salivate, such a big shark fin, if he encounters it and lets it go, wouldn't it be a waste of money?

The taste of shark meat is average, at least the sharks on the earth are like this, and because of the metabolism of sharks, there is ammonia in shark meat, the taste is very disgusting, and it is almost unpalatable if it is not handled well.Unless you are good at cooking, you can handle it cleanly.However, Wang Sheng wanted meat not for himself and Ah Qi, but for Daxue.

Daxue ate all the squid whiskers whose aura had begun to dissipate, and also ate a lot of sea fish, and was almost on the verge of ascension.This fresh wild shark meat might help Daxue advance as soon as possible.The heavier the snow, the safer Wang Sheng and Ah Qi will be.

The head of the mad shark is also tasteless to the swordfish monster, and it is a pity that there is no meat to eat.But for Wang Sheng, that is simply the best that can be met but not sought after.Not long ago, when the mad shark opened its mouth wide to bite Wang Sheng and Daxue, Wang Sheng saw hundreds of extremely sharp teeth in the mad shark's bloody mouth.

That is the best raw material for making heavy arrows, which is completely comparable to the swordfish's long snout.Wang Sheng wanted the swordfish's long kiss, but he just subconsciously thought about it, but he forgot that the shark's teeth are also sharp, even worse.

As for the shark bone, Wang Sheng only remembered it when he saw the mad shark.The shark bone is hollow and has excellent elasticity, and this is the bone of a mad shark in the thirteenth level, maybe it is more suitable for the crossbow arm of a heavy sniper crossbow than the bones of some monsters in the fourteenth level.After all, what Wang Sheng wants is excellent elasticity, not hardness or rigidity. It is not a bad thing to have one more choice.

The three swordfish monsters obviously understood what Wang Sheng meant, and swam a few laps on the sea surface. It may be their unique way of communication. Soon, Wang Sheng received the message from the first swordfish monster. Idea, deal!

(End of this chapter)

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