
Chapter 1499 Harvest

Chapter 1499 Harvest

Chapter 780 Harvest

The execution ability of the three swordfish monsters was astonishing. Wang Sheng had only reached an agreement with them here, and the three swordfish over there couldn't wait to pounce on them, crazily carve up the huge mad shark carcass.

At this time, the sharp long snout is like a long knife with a blade. It only takes 10 minutes to disintegrate the crazy shark weighing tens of tons and tens of meters long.It's like a group of top chefs in the ocean, cooking sword fish and solving sharks, so neat and tidy that people are scared.

The shark head, shark bone, dorsal fin and caudal fin that Wang Sheng wanted, as well as a large piece of shark meat that seemed to weigh at least several tons, were left in place, and the rest were all swallowed by the swordfish monster.

Then, the three swordfish monsters wagged their tails and disappeared into the vast sea.Before disappearing, the injured swordfish monster gave Wang Sheng a thought, and tomorrow they will come with what Wang Sheng asked for before.

When the swordfish disappeared completely, Wang Sheng couldn't feel their breath even on the water surface, so Wang Sheng jumped onto the shark's skull.Daxue happily grabbed the huge piece of shark meat and ate it while circling in the air.

When he took out two soul cards and tried to collect the original soul of the mad shark, Wang Sheng discovered that the original soul of the mad shark was gone.I don't know if it dissipated for too long or was absorbed by the swordfish, but it's gone.Fortunately, everything Wang Sheng wanted was still there.

Skull Wang Sheng only wants shark teeth, and those skulls and other Wang Shengs are useless.This crazy shark has more than 300 big fangs, each of which is longer than Wang Sheng's leg and thicker than his thigh.So many shark teeth are enough for Wang Sheng to make many powerful arrows.

The teeth of these sharks were unexpectedly sharp. Wang Sheng's heavy arrow hit the shark's skull and was directly bounced off, but Wang Sheng held a big tooth and easily nailed it into the shark's skull.Those old guys who have unlocked the seal are blessed, they can taste the weapon attack made of this material beyond legend.

The entire skeleton of the crazy shark is too big, and it was given to Wang Sheng, but Wang Sheng couldn't take much away, so he could only choose the part he needed most.A part of the ribs, plus a part of the spine, have been filled with several of the largest rings.The other Wang Sheng picked a batch of big fishbone and stuffed them into the gap. The remaining Wang Sheng had no choice but to give up.

Wang Sheng did not give up on the dorsal and caudal fins. These are the top shark fins. After coming to the sea for a few times, eating fish alone seemed a bit of a fly in the ointment. Having these two big shark fins is enough to make up for the regret.

Daxue's meat was almost eaten, and he looked very energetic and excited. Wang Sheng didn't waste any time, and let Daxue fly back to the island with himself and two big shark fins on his back.

As soon as he returned to the place where he lived, Daxue immediately flew into his nest, and before Ah Qi asked what happened, the huge aura of heaven and earth began to concentrate on Daxue.

Sure enough, Daxue has been on the verge of breaking through for a long time, eating several tons of wild shark meat today directly stimulated Daxue to cross the bottleneck and began to quench his body with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

"Keep these away!" Wang Sheng handed the two big shark's fins to Ah Qi, and said, "Dry them in the sun, they are delicious!"

Ah Qi was speechless looking at the two huge triangular fish fins that Wang Sheng put on the ground.The small one was more than three feet long, and the big one was five feet long, with fresh blood on it, obviously freshly killed.How did Wang Sheng and Daxue kill such a big guy?
Waiting for the time for Daxue Tiandi's aura to quench his body, Wang Sheng took out a very exaggerated shark bone and began to experiment carefully.

The fishbone is very light, and its density is much lower than that of the arm metal of Wang Shengzhong's sniper crossbow.This fishbone was about the same thickness as Wang Sheng's arm, and as long as Wang Sheng's two arms, and this one was relatively small.

What Wang Sheng is most concerned about is the elasticity of bones, so he came up to test the elasticity.Grasping the two ends of the fishbone with both hands, Wang Sheng began to poke in the middle, like a spring arm.

In the beginning, Wang Sheng only used less than a thousand catties of strength, but the fishbone didn't even bend at all.Wang Sheng was secretly happy, and slowly began to increase his strength.The strength increased from a thousand catties to ten thousand catties, and the shark bone slowly bent out in a not very large arc.

Continue to increase the strength, and the fishbone will gradually become more and more curved.However, until Wang Sheng exerted his greatest strength, the shark's small bone had not yet turned into a semicircle.

But at this arc, the small fishbone didn't show any signs of breaking or breaking, and it bounced back as soon as he let go. Just like the rumors Wang Sheng had heard, the shark bone had excellent elasticity.

Now Wang Sheng was pleasantly surprised.You must know that the current Wang Sheng is no longer the Wang Sheng who was in the third level when he just completed the transformation, but a master who has reached the legendary level tenth level.Every time he advances and breaks through, Wang Sheng's physical strength and physical strength will increase accordingly.

When Wang Sheng had just completed the transformation, Wang Sheng had a strength of tens of thousands of catties. Now that Wang Sheng uses all his arms, he can definitely reach one hundred thousand catties.Not to mention anything else, Wang Sheng used to use the leverage principle of the stringer to string the heavy sniper crossbow and had to use his full strength, but now it is easy to use the stringer, and even under unavoidable circumstances, Wang Sheng can forcefully pull it away with the help of the waist and abdomen. .

But this fishbone has already achieved such elastic strength.This is the smallest fish bone among them. If it is replaced with a larger one, or the rib part is used, what kind of elasticity will it be?What would happen if a strengthened formation was engraved on these bones?

With the materials for the crossbow arms and heavy arrows, it can be said that the strengthening of the heavy crossbow is just around the corner.In addition to the heavy sniper crossbow, Wang Sheng didn't know how to use it when he thought about so many shark bones in the ring.

It took only an hour for Daxue to advance, and the aura of heaven and earth began to dissipate.Monster beasts are monster beasts. They must use this rapid promotion method in the tempering of nature, and then continue to strengthen their strength for a long period of time, so as to ensure that they will not be attacked and killed during the promotion process.

After being promoted, Daxue couldn't hide his excitement, and he spun circles in the air excitedly.If Wang Sheng hadn't called, it wouldn't have stopped at all.Daxue, who had just been promoted, hadn't learned how to hide his aura yet. Wang Sheng and Ah Qi could both sense the movement of Ah Qi frantically absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy on the ground.

What is certain is that the heavy snow after the promotion is faster and more lethal.Correspondingly, when trading with the sword fish demon, Wang Sheng will be safer.

The agreed time was tomorrow morning, Wang Sheng and Ah Qi seized the time to rest and recover, and Daxue also carefully felt the new power in his nest, absorbed the spiritual energy, and strengthened his strength.

Early the next morning, Wang Sheng flew to that sea area again with Daxue, not knowing what kind of surprise the swordfish monster would bring to Wang Sheng.

(End of this chapter)

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