
Chapter 1520 Leaving the Island

Chapter 1520 Leaving the Island

Chapter 790 Three Leaving the Island

Jianyu Yuanhun seemed to have resigned to his fate, obediently letting Wang Sheng manipulate him.It is so cooperative, Wang Sheng is not easy to show any tricks.

Dozens of small gluttons swarmed up and began to gnaw on the tip of the long snout of Jianyu Yuanhun.Of course, they didn't want to devour the swordfish soul, but bit off the long snout of the swordfish soul.In this regard, there is nothing better than Xiao Taotie.

Everything went smoothly, the moment the long kiss was gnawed off, Wang Sheng grabbed a dagger in his hand, and sent the gnawed tip from the soul space into the dagger.

It may be because of the bones of the body, the pointed part entered the dagger without the slightest hindrance, without any twists and turns at all.

After completing this step, Wang Sheng took a tool to cut off the last connecting part of the dagger, cut it off from the whole swordfish snout, and handed it to Ah Qi.Unsurprisingly, Ah Qi did not appear to be attacked by Yuanhun.

"If you have nothing to do, use spiritual energy to nourish you." Wang Sheng reminded Ah Qi.The long-kissed primordial soul split must not have much wisdom in it, the more aura absorbed from Ah Qi, the more it will merge with Ah Qi, and the easier it will be for Ah Qi to use in the future.Because the split soul is part of the long snout of the swordfish, the split soul also has the effect of increasing the attack power, which is quite practical.

Of course, in the primordial soul space, Wang Sheng did not forget to use a lot of aura to nourish Jianyu's primordial soul.Most of the spiritual energy of the shark's fin in the deep sea was absorbed and nourished by the swordfish's soul. In less than two days, the broken long snout grew again.

The poor swordfish soul, after the long kiss grew out, was bitten off again by the little Taotie and sent to another dagger.From front to back, Wang Sheng intercepted four daggers and two long swords for a total of six times before sending the swordfish soul back to the long sword carved in the center of the swordfish's long kiss.

Wang Sheng's own tiger-toothed saber-style dagger was already on his body to keep it warm all the time.The remaining dagger and three long swords Wang Sheng asked the people on the island to build four boxes and seal them up.Before handing them over to their owners, no one except Wang Sheng touched them.Even Wang Sheng did not infuse spiritual energy into these long swords to ensure the purity of the spiritual energy.

It was already half a month after Wang Sheng finished all this work.During this period of time, [-] tooth arrows have been produced according to the plan, and [-] ordinary metal tooth arrows have also been produced, which is enough for Wang Sheng to use.There will be nothing for the great masters in the future, just waiting to move to the capital.

The relocation work of the entire island has been almost prepared, and all important things are sealed in the Najie and carried by the eight elders.All other things that could be brought were packed and sent to the fishing village on the shore by sea boat.The only ones left here are those houses that can't be taken away, and those don't need to be taken away.Most of the people were also sent to the fishing village, and they went to Beijing together after Wang Sheng and these great masters left.

"Let's go!" Seeing that everyone didn't want to stay on the island any longer, Wang Sheng waved his hand and issued the last order on the island.

Everyone boarded the sea boat, including Wang Sheng and Ah Qi, and they didn't have to worry about exposure or anything. They just sailed during the day and headed straight for the fishing village on the coast.

It is impossible for Wang Sheng to go to the capital with everyone now, so the most fundamental forces of Linglong Pavilion can only go to Beijing by themselves.Fortunately, there are now eighteen legendary masters inside, plus so many Ninth Layers, they are also a force that cannot be ignored. As long as you reveal your identity as Linglong Pavilion, no one will dare to make things difficult.

Ah Qi also mixed in the team, and changed her appearance a little.She also wanted to go to the capital with her, and she was the witness who proved that these masters of Linglong Pavilion had completely voted for Wang Sheng. Otherwise, Wang Sheng would not show up without her, so Meier might not dare to trust so many people.Once it is not handled properly, these great masters will be dissatisfied, that is not a good thing.

Of course, another reason is that Ah Qi's current cultivation level can't help Wang Sheng at all.This is not a thousand Jedi, and the next one to face is not an ordinary master. Ah Qi's staying by Wang Sheng's side is a drag.Ah Qi was self-aware and would not let Wang Sheng take risks for her, so she obediently embarked on the journey to the capital.

Of course, the dagger and long sword made for Meier and Qiangwei were carried on Ah Qi's body, and she will hand them over to them in person when the time comes.This is also a mission for Ah Qi to go to the capital, to let Meier and the others know that Wang Sheng is safe and sound, and to warn them not to act rashly for the time being.

After the team from Linglong Pavilion set off on the road, Wang Sheng rode the heavy snow alone and went straight to Qianjudi.

It has been nearly half a year since Lin Xiu was brought to the present by Lu Wenhou. Wang Sheng also wanted to find out what the current situation of all parties is, whether those seniors who unsealed the seal 500 years ago have now let the various families Strength soared?Has the previous balance of power been disrupted?
Most importantly, Wang Sheng was waiting for Lin Xiu.Lin Xiu said that it would take at least half a year for her to recover from her injury, so it should be about the same time.However, Wang Sheng still has some doubts about this time.Lu Wenhou didn't have the means to promote recovery with Wang Sheng's nine-character mantra. It would probably take longer to rely only on elixir and a place of cultivation rich in aura.Of course Wang Sheng hoped that Lin Xiu could recover faster, but there were some things that could not be rushed, especially things like recuperation, too fast would be bad.

When Wang Sheng flew over the core of Qianjedi, it was already a different scene.

The glacier lake has already disappeared without a trace, and even the last hard ice has completely melted and flowed away. The original muddy land has long since dried up and turned into solid land.There are many kinds of trees soaked in water on it, which looks completely different from the large circle of tropical jungle outside.

However, this area is now full of voices.In the most central thirty-mile area, there are a lot of masters in almost every direction.Wang Sheng knew the reason as soon as he thought about it. The 24 valleys left by Lin Xiu must have now become holy places for practice under the control of all parties.It's just that I don't know how the parties distribute the benefits, and Wang Sheng needs to inquire further.

The aura of Qian Jedi has begun to weaken, only the most central area of ​​dozens of miles still has a very strong aura.The large seal formation was broken, and there was no more spiritual energy to provide to the periphery of Qian Jedi.After half a year of changes, as long as they have trained in Qianjedi for a few months, they can basically come and go freely in Qianjedi.

Wang Sheng found a place and returned to the ground quietly, letting Daxue wait for him in the air first, while Wang Sheng sneaked out of Wuyou City.

(End of this chapter)

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