
Chapter 1521 Leaving the Island

Chapter 1521 Leaving the Island

Chapter 790 Three Leaving the Island

He randomly found an ordinary little monk, gave him dozens of gold coins, and asked him to take a heavy arrow used by a heavy sniper crossbow as a token and enter Wuyou City. outside the city.After inquiring about the news, Ying Ying, the royal undercover old eunuch, is the most suitable.

Wang Sheng has a face-changing mask from Wuyou City, which is ingenious and can hide formation fluctuations. After wearing it, ordinary people can't see it.

However, this mask was obtained by Wang Sheng from the Mansion of the Lord of Wuyou, that is, from Marquis Lu Wen. Wang Sheng couldn't guarantee that he would not be discovered by the Lord of Wuyou when he entered Wuyou City wearing that mask necklace.The relationship between Wang Sheng and Lu Wenhou is hard to say now, and Wang Sheng doesn't want to take this risk yet.

The shadow old eunuch must be loyal to the royal family, otherwise the emperor would not have trusted him for so many years.If you want to inquire about the news, the old eunuch Shadow must be the most suitable one in the big worry-free city.

Although Wang Sheng is famous all over the world, not everyone knows what Wang Sheng looks like.Especially outside the city of worry-free, there have been countless shops in recent years, and there are also many ordinary folks hired.Dozens of gold coins go to the city for a trip, and many people are willing to do this.

In fact, many people who don't want to enter the city of worry-free communicate with the people who established it in this way.Back then, Linglong Pavilion's shop outside the city used such tricks to trick Wang Sheng out of Wuyou City for Dai's family.

From Wang Sheng's point of view, there seemed to be a little tension outside Wuyou City.It is not difficult to understand that without a flying mount, the most convenient way to go to the core of the Thousand Jedi is to follow the opened road from the city of Wuyou to the camp of the city of worry-free, and then enter the core of the Thousand Jedi.Now that the 24 valleys over there are so important, it will be unreasonable if the city of Wuyou is always lax.

There was no news from the old shadow eunuch. The person who delivered the letter had already returned. The result he brought back was to tell Wang Sheng that the things had been sent in, but he did not get any reply.

Wang Sheng was patient, and he also knew that the old eunuch Shadow would not easily trust a random person from outside the city, so he was not in a hurry, but quietly waited in another room across the street from the room reserved for Shadow. .Although the speed of the shadow is very fast, Wang Sheng firmly believes that if he comes, he will not be able to escape his eyes and ears.

Waiting until night, the shadow old eunuch did not show up.Wang Sheng was not in a hurry next door, he just made some stewed pork from Wuyou City and ate it slowly, waiting quietly.

In the middle of the night, there was finally movement over there.Wang Sheng didn't even need to see the person, he just heard the familiar voice driven by the movement and knew that it was the old eunuch shadow.Before he entered the room, he told him his hiding place with a seven-character tactic in an extremely concealed manner.

The old eunuch was just stunned for a moment, and then turned straight to Wang Sheng's side, and like a black smoke, it passed through the window that Wang Sheng kept.

A silence formation was activated immediately, and in this silent night, it did not attract the attention of others at all.In and outside the city of worry-free, no one lives so calmly, there are many people who have no sense of security, and the sound suppression array is simply a standard configuration.

"Was it you who spied on Qian Jedi's core yesterday?" Shadow came in and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Wang Sheng.He caught the wine bottle thrown by Wang Sheng, took a big sip, and then asked Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng was shocked!Sitting on Daxue's back to observe the situation below Qian Jedi, it is at an altitude of [-] meters. From the bottom up, I am afraid that people will only see white clouds. How could they see themselves?

"It's me!" Wang Sheng quickly nodded and admitted.The old shadow eunuch would not ask this question for no reason, obviously something related to him.

"That's right!" Shadow also looked stunned, and after sipping a glass of wine with Wang Sheng, he slowly explained: "Yesterday at noon, Xunniao passed a letter, saying that the senior who sits at the core of Qianjedi discovered There are people peeping from high above, so please be careful. Didn’t you feel that the atmosphere here was not right from yesterday afternoon to night?”

Wang Sheng suddenly understood the time.I see!When I arrived, I felt that something was wrong, but it turned out that the root cause was still in myself.Fortunately, I was careful not to enter the city, otherwise, I might be stuck in the city.

"Why?" Wang Sheng asked a little unwillingly.

"The old monsters that came out of there are all very scary." Shadow seemed to have some fear on his face: "Within twenty miles, almost no expert can hide. You can't fly twenty miles high, right? Those old monsters can't find you, but your mount will definitely not escape those guys' detection."

It was only at this time that Wang Sheng discovered that the old shadow eunuch had already entered the ninth level, and it seemed that he was already in the late stage of the ninth level, and he would reach the peak soon.It is estimated that Shadow has worked hard these days.

Wang Sheng was speechless at the words of the old shadow eunuch.The altitude of [-] meters, that is, about [-] miles, is indeed within the detection range of those old monsters.In addition, there is no shelter in the sky at all, and with a body as big as Daxue, it is a matter of course to be discovered.Daxue is not like Wang Sheng, who can restrain the aura of his whole body. Its current aura of the eleventh level is as bright as fireflies in the dark within the detection range of those old monsters.

Fortunately, I came to Qianjedi first, and I haven't entered Wuyou City rashly. If I go in, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out.

"What's the situation now?" Wang Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked.

"Where do you mean?" The old shadow eunuch didn't have much hostility towards Wang Sheng, he was a member of the royal family, so he must be naturally close to Wang Sheng.

"Talk about it." Wang Sheng didn't specify, and let the old eunuch Shadow continue.

"Let's talk about Wuyou City first." Ying Ying hummed and began to tell Wang Sheng.

Worry-free City hasn't changed much from the beginning to the end, and the mysterious city lord has also appeared, but outsiders still don't know his identity.Worry-free City was naturally included in the groups of the royal family and those small family forces, and honestly followed the interests, not showing off the mountains and not revealing the water, fighting for what should be fought, and never standing out for what should not be fought.

This is consistent with what Lu Wenhou said before, and it is not beyond Wang Sheng's expectation.In order to cover up Lin Xiu, Lu Wenhou would never put himself on the cusp of the storm.

It is because of the road from the Wuyou City camp that it became the fastest way to enter the core land of Qian Jedi.Other houses may need to open the road from scratch, but Wuyou City does not need it at all.

Lu Wenhou seized this opportunity and directly opened several convenient large inns along the road, and sent a large number of people to build roads and repair inns between the camp and the core area. It is also added from this way that Yubaozhai is definitely making a lot of money this time.

"So many people entered?" Wang Sheng was a little surprised: "The eight major families are willing?"

(End of this chapter)

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