
Chapter 1539 The Historian Is Over 1

Chapter 1539 The historian is over
Chapter [-]: The Historian is Over and Continued
Wang Sheng didn't ask directly, but asked the two to sit down first.It's a pity that there was nothing to entertain the guests, and Miss Ling'er turned Wang Sheng's eyes so much that she took out the food and wine from the storage ring and arranged them for Wang Sheng and Lu Wenhou.

"Thank you Ling'er." Wang Sheng got cheap and behaved, and thanked Ling'er all the time, but Ling'er was full of anger but couldn't vent it, and he didn't know how many words he had scolded Wang Sheng in his heart.

"What's wrong with the historian?" Holding up his wine glass, Wang Shengcai asked Lu Wenhou.

"It's over." Lu Wenhou and Wang Sheng clinked a glass, drank it under the dissatisfied eyes of the little beauty Ling'er, and then began to tell Wang Sheng.

In fact, Lu Wenhou just got the news that the real thing happened last night.

All the masters of the historian in the valley at the core of the Thousand Jedi were slaughtered.This is obviously not done by Lin Xiu, but by various companies after hearing the news. It is not clear which one or which ones it is, but any one may be possible.The important thing is that the legendary masters stationed here by the historian are all dead.

Including within the scope of the History Kingdom, as long as they are well-known masters above the fifth level, and their whereabouts can still be traced, none of them will escape the bad luck of being killed.It has been seven days since the accident of the ancestor of the historian. No one has touched the historian for such a long time. It is estimated that each family is dispatching troops and making plans to kill with one blow.

In short, apart from the historians in Beijing and Wuyou City, as well as a few expert historians who escaped the catastrophe, there is no expert historian above the fifth level in the entire history kingdom.

For the rest of them, they are lucky to be able to keep their lives and everything they have.revenge?Is it an enemy of the whole world?Without Lin Xiu's ability, want to learn Lin Xiu's feat?
In fact, everyone can guess without Lu Wenhou's confirmation. At this time, besides the other seven families and those forces backed by the ancestors, who else would attack the historians?Maybe Lizhenfang won't do it directly, but they are absolutely happy to see the Shi family suffer bad luck.

In the final analysis, it was the inevitable result of the death of the ancestors of the historians and the masters of the capital of Shi Guoguo, and the death of the entire senior management.There are no masters in charge, guarding such a rich territory as Shi Guo for no reason, surrounded by a large pack of wolves, it's no wonder that nothing happens.

That is to say, the timing of their accident was not right. The royal palace was also massacred in Dai State back then. The patriarch, the great elder, and the guards of the entire palace were also killed cleanly. When the hidden manpower was mobilized quickly, the other family had no chance to do it.

The most important thing for historians is that the high-end force was directly wiped out, and the dragons had no leader, and it took a whole few days to end up like this.

"How is the Shi family's territory divided?" Wang Sheng was not surprised. The fact that each family killed the Shi family like this was for the sake of the territory?At most, add the title given by the emperor now.

"It hasn't been divided yet. It will probably take a long time to quarrel." Lu Wenhou only just got the news. It is impossible for such a big matter to be divided up in less than a day, and it will take several months.

"Fortunately, the Shi family was not wiped out." Wang Sheng sighed.When the big families dealt with the Lin family, they killed the entire Lin family.

Of course, Wang Sheng just sighed, and didn't mean to feel sorry for the Shi family.Isn't that the way the big families do things?Didn't the Triumph Palace end up in the same way a few years ago?The female disciple of Triumph Palace was even given to Wang Sheng as a gift.It's just that at that time they didn't know that those female disciples could still have strong fighting power. If they knew, they would definitely kill them all.

"If the rest of the Shi family members are smart, they should leave the Shi country quickly, find a small place, hide their names, live slowly, and never mention revenge." Lu Wenhou also nodded, and then Wang Sheng said: "As long as they have a little If you think about it otherwise, I am afraid that if you do it, you will be close to death."

"Speaking of being smart, there is one thing I don't understand." When Lu Wenhou brought up this topic, Wang Sheng really didn't understand, and immediately asked Lu Wenhou, "Brother Lu concealed his name to be your worry-free city lord, Yubao Zhaidong. Is the Lord not good? Why do you want to get involved here? What good will it do you if you play like that?"

Of course Lu Wenhou knew what Wang Sheng was asking, seeing how serious Wang Sheng was asking, he couldn't help but wryly smiled.

"I said I can't help it, do you believe it?" Lu Wenhou asked Wang Sheng.

"Trust!" Wang Sheng nodded immediately: "Who wants to play so big after being full and full? Then we two will be public enemies!"

Public enemy means that whoever intervenes at that time will either be killed by Wang Sheng and Lin Xiu, or be hunted down by the eight major families afterwards.Lu Wenhou is not that stupid, and Linger is not a fool, there must be a reason for them to do this.

"Because of Uncle Li." Marquis Lu Wen didn't hold back anymore, and directly stated the reason: "Uncle Li didn't kill you in the capital, and after he returned to Wuyou City, he tried to target you everywhere. He didn't know what method he used to kill you. Left a mark that only he can track. If I don't show up that day, Uncle Li will kill you."

"Even if that's the case, then you don't need to show up." Wang Sheng asked puzzledly: "The troubles are all because of the strong, I don't believe you don't understand."

"But you are going to die, what hope do we have?" Lu Wenhou replied with a smile.

Wang Sheng understood what Lu Wenhou meant.Without Lin Xiu, the whole world will face a reshuffle when the ancestors of all parties come out. Whether Wuyou City can still sit back and relax is probably another matter.

"Then why take her away by force?" Wang Sheng continued to ask.Killing Uncle Li Wang Sheng can understand, who dares to stay with a master who has a different heart?But taking Wang Sheng and Lin Xiu apart is a bit puzzling.

"I'm a businessman." Lu Wenhou didn't shy away from saying this at all: "Since you've made a move, you must try to maximize my profits. Separating you will allow me to gain a good impression in front of Miss Lin. In addition, you have Uncle Li's personality on you." Mark, who knows if he has told some people to follow you? Once you see me through you, Wuyou City and Yubaozhai will be destroyed, I dare not take this risk. "

At most, Wang Sheng believed half of Lu Wenhou's words.He believed that half of Lu Wenhou really thought so.But the other half who didn't say anything definitely wanted to take advantage of Lin Xiu's half-year recovery from injury to get something from Lin Xiu.Or you already got it, or you didn't dare to go any further, who knows?

(End of this chapter)

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