
Chapter 1540 The Historian Is Over 2

Chapter 1540 The historian is over
Chapter [-]: The Historian is Over and Continued II
As Lu Wenhou said, he is a businessman who makes a fortune in speculation.Anyway, as long as the most basic interests are maintained, the rest can be won as much as possible.

"Then why didn't you explain it at that time?" Wang Sheng counterattacked with a smile.

"Who am I? I am the owner of Yubaozhai, I am the owner of Wuyou City!" Lu Wenhou immediately yelled and exaggerated: "At that time, I clearly had the upper hand, and I had to explain to you two. face?"

"Okay! Cheers for your face!" Wang Sheng raised his glass and had another drink with Lu Wenhou.

"Grandpa, why did you come to Wuyou City all of a sudden?" After drinking the cup, Lu Wenhou took the initiative to ask.

"There's nowhere to go!" Wang Sheng laughed: "I almost killed the Dai Sheng ancestor of the Dai family, and played a round with Dai Xiao and their Dai Hao ancestor, so I came to you for fear of their pursuit Avoid the limelight, and take a look at whether your cultivation base has skyrocketed these days or something."

"What? Grandpa wants to ask for advice?" Before Lu Wenhou could speak, Ling'er had already stood up in front of her, and her two little hands seemed to be impatiently pinching each other's fingers, making a kaba kaba sound.

It's really a bit wrong for a little beauty to make such a threatening gesture of a big man.Wang Sheng looked at Ling'er and couldn't help shaking his head: "No hurry, no hurry, I will know when Dai Hao ancestor of the Dai family kills Wuyou City, I don't need to do it now."

Ling'er was furious for a while, but she couldn't get angry, she could only stare at Wang Sheng bitterly, snorted heavily, and stood beside Lu Wenhou in aggrieved manner.It's better to be my son, this Mr. Chang Sheng, since I met him, I know that he is not a good guy.

"Maybe they won't come!" Lu Wenhou said to Wang Sheng with a smile: "The ancestors of each family have not touched Wuyou City for so long, at most they just passed by, and never broke the tranquility of Wuyou City. .”

"I know the big secrets of the ancestors of the Dai family, the most terrible ones." Wang Sheng spread his shoulders: "If they don't want others to know, I'm afraid they will definitely come."

This time it was Lu Wenhou's turn to smile wryly. Wang Sheng had already made it so clear. Obviously, the pressure from the ancestor of the Dai family would definitely come as expected.If Wang Sheng is handed over, will the signboard of Wuyou City be still there?If he doesn't hand it over, I'm afraid he will have to face the ancestor of the Dai family.

"Your aura is different." Wang Sheng suddenly asked again: "In the past six months, she should have pointed out to you, twelfth stage?"

Lu Wenhou nodded silently, although they hid it well, but in front of Wang Sheng, a person who knows the basics, it is meaningless to hide it.

"That's almost the same." Wang Sheng nodded: "Old Taoist Ling Xu can compete with Dai Sheng alone. You are two people. If there are one or two more masters, it will not be a problem to stand against Dai Hao. Don't want me to help when the time comes? Believe me, if you cooperate well, killing Dai Hao will not be a problem."

What Wang Sheng said earlier made both Lu Wenhou and Linger fall into deep thought.But as soon as the latter sentence came out, Lu Wenhou was startled immediately, and he blurted out: "Don't do it!"

It's okay to seriously injure an ancestor master one-on-one. After all, it's one-on-one, and there's nothing to say about inferior skills.But if several people besiege, and Wang Sheng plots to kill one of them, it will be a big deal.

There are twenty thirteen-level ancestors, and now there are nineteen. Naturally, it is a loose alliance.At this time, they can rely on their cultivation and seniority to be the overlords of the whole world. How could they allow juniors to challenge their dignity?If Dai Hao were to be killed with such great fanfare, then Wuyou City would have to face the siege of eighteen other thirteenth-level masters.

"Let me deal with it!" Looking at Wang Sheng's interested eyes, Lu Wenhou couldn't help another headache.This guy Wang Sheng did it on purpose, definitely for revenge.

"By the way, Miss Lin and you will be in a lot of trouble if the ancestor of the Shi family is killed." Wang Sheng couldn't be in such a happy mood, Lu Wenhou instantly thought of a counterattack, and smiled at Wang Sheng: "You and the housekeeper What you said is useless."

"How to say?" Wang Sheng asked.

"Everyone will only think that Miss Lin did it." The smile on Lu Wenhou's beautiful face became more and more beautiful at this moment: "She has the best reasons."

"What reason?" Wang Sheng asked very cooperatively.

"Vent for you." Lu Wenhou smiled very mysteriously: "Don't forget, why did you enter the Thousand Jedi for the first time back then."

Why enter the Thousand Jedi?It was because Wang Sheng caught up with a dead member of the Gan family who stole the peerless treasure map of the historian in the Shijia, and several younger generations of the Shijia wanted to kill Wang Sheng to vent their anger, so they were forced to escape.Although there are people from every family who pursued and killed them, it is obviously not wrong to blame the historians.

"So, everyone will think that Ms. Lin did it." Lu Wenhou smiled and stared at Wang Sheng, wanting to see his anxious gaze.

This reason is enough, enough to make people put the matter of killing the ancestor of the historian firmly on Lin Xiu's head.However, the expression Lu Wenhou wanted to see Wang Sheng worried about Lin Xiu did not appear.

"It doesn't matter." Wang Sheng's face was calm, as if it was not a big deal at all: "She won't care. Let alone a Shi family, the total number of people from the major families who died under her hands must have exceeded [-]. One more and one less, how much difference can it make? Even if it’s her, so what? If it’s not her, wouldn’t those ancestors stop looking for her?”

Lu Wenhou Dun was at a loss for words.The reason for his suspicion is very strong, but Wang Sheng's reason for not caring is even stronger.Lu Wenhou's attempt to see Wang Sheng's worried expression failed.

After receiving Wang Sheng's warning, Lu Wenhou and Ling'er just ate and drank at Wang Sheng's place before leaving in a hurry.This area has also been blocked long ago, except for Wang Sheng and the people who should know, still no one knows about Lu Wenhou's other identity.

Wang Sheng lived there with peace of mind. Anyway, Wuyou City must be the first to take care of all troubles. It is impossible for Marquis Lu Wen to give up Wuyou City. All parties in the world also need a place like Wuyou City to buffer all parties. Relationship.

After settling down, Wang Sheng could finally relax completely, pondering how to strengthen his cultivation after promotion, and the exercises needed for the 24 acupoints.In addition, there is another big problem to be solved, that is, Dai Xiao's original soul, which Wang Sheng still needs to fully digest and integrate.

When he escaped from Dai's house before, Wang Sheng let Da Taotie swallow Dai Xiao's soul in one gulp, but this does not mean that Wang Sheng has already digested the other party.This period of quiet time just allowed Wang Sheng to completely deal with Dai Xiao's original soul, leaving no trace of future troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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