
Chapter 1541 Devour

Chapter 1541 Devour

Chapter [-] Devouring

At this point in time, basically all the forces in the world knew that Wang Sheng had arrived in Wuyou City. At the same time, everyone also knew that the historian disappeared overnight, and all parties immediately became lively.

The downfall of the historian made everyone see the horror of the super master.The previous historian was such a terrifying behemoth, but just because the ancestor of the historian died in one dynasty, even a legendary master was killed cleanly like a decoration. It took less than seven days for such a behemoth to die. It crashed down, and the shock to all parties was simply subversive.

Regardless of whether there are ancestors or no ancestors in the family, the high-level people began to think about this issue silently.If even one of the eight major families like the Shijia cannot protect the safety of their own family in this era, then who else can?You know, historians have super ancestors!

Lin Xiu's threat was immediately placed first.Those who don't have super-ancestors are fine, but those forces with super-ancestors are all starting to be cautious.Everyone knew that if Lin Xiu, the number one expert 500 years ago, really wanted to take revenge, they would definitely be the first to bear the brunt.With Lin Xiu's pride, she will never move those forces that don't have super masters first.

Of course, except Lizhenfang.As long as the female patriarch of the Triumph Palace takes good care of Meier and Qiangwei, Lin Xiu will definitely not have any murderous intentions towards her.Everyone knows this, but no one will say it publicly.

In addition, there is another point that everyone is terrified of, and that is these super ancestors.Apart from Lin Xiu, if there is anyone who can hurt a certain super-ancestor, it is probably the super-ancestors of other families of the same level.Now everyone can live in peace because of Lin Xiu, a common enemy. If there is such a day, Lin Xiu is gone, I am afraid that all parties need to consider whether the world needs to rearrange the ranking of family power.

All of a sudden, the news that Wang Sheng had arrived in Wuyou City was suppressed and became less important.If Wang Sheng hadn't been related to Lin Xiu, maybe this news would have been ignored.At this moment when the family may live or die at any time, who would pay attention to which person escaped to the city of worry-free?

Of course Wang Sheng was happy to be quiet, and the pressure was taken by Marquis Lu Wen of Wuyou City, so he just needed to practice quietly in Wuyou City.Dai Xiao's primordial soul is also time to digest.

Dai Xiao's soul left Dai Xiao's body and became very quiet.No one controlled it, and it seemed that he had lost the instinct to devour, and stayed obediently in the belly of the big glutton.

However, Wang Sheng knew that this was only a superficial phenomenon.Dai Xiao's primordial soul has an evil instinct to devour each other in his bones, and he is so quiet now only because he has not seen blood.Wang Sheng clearly remembered the scene of frantic devouring caused by a drop of blood in the lake.

Fortunately, Wang Sheng's primordial soul was collected by Wang Sheng before that, and it can still be changed according to Wang Sheng's will.When Wang Sheng calmed down, Da Taotie spat out Dai Xiao's soul in one gulp.

As soon as he broke free from the shackles, Dai Xiao's primordial soul seemed about to turn into a demon, and it exploded like an explosion, and it slammed into a pile of small primordial souls, each of which was extremely ferocious, and surrounded the big Taotie, wanting to play A group of ants swallowing an elephant.

Counting carefully, there are not too many souls split, exactly 99, which is also the number of the most primitive carp souls back then.

Originally, Wang Sheng was still hesitating whether to refine all the original souls or divide them into one by one. After all, if they were divided into one by one, the integrity of each original soul would not be affected. This is Wang Sheng's preference. It's just that I never thought of how to separate all the souls.

Unexpectedly, without his own control, Dai Xiao's primordial soul immediately became an instinctive reaction, and they all split apart.What else is Wang Sheng thinking about now?Come one by one!

Boom, the big gluttony directly split into 48 in an even more exaggerated manner, and every twenty surrounded a soul, completely isolated them, and could no longer gather together to form a soul. overall.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining 68 little gluttons directly selected a primordial soul at random, together with the twenty little gluttons who besieged the primordial soul, they opened their small mouths one by one and devoured them frantically.

It didn't go up to bite directly, but the small mouth opened, like a giant whale sucking water, the aura in Xiao Yuanhun's body seemed to be sucked crazily by 88 powerful water pumps, and flew towards the mouth of Xiao Taotie like a gate.

The little primordial soul trapped in the middle has no strength to struggle at all.The primordial souls they met before were all stupid, and they were in Dai Xiao's primordial soul space, with an absolute home court advantage.Now the situation has changed suddenly, they have become suppressed in the away game, not to mention, they are facing a lot of gluttony that far exceeds them in quantity and quality.

In order to prevent his primordial soul from being devoured by Dai Xiao, Wang Sheng completed the gluttonous transformation when he was in the second stage, in order to maximize the devouring ability of his primordial soul.After upgrading to the legendary realm later on, Taotie's ability has already surpassed these primordial souls by far.

Seeing the lines formed by the visible white aura on Xiao Yuanhun's body sinking into the mouths of the little gluttons, the size of Xiao Yuanhun shrunk little by little as the aura decreased.Not only that, but with the extraction of spiritual energy, the original terrifying and hideous figure is also changing.

First, the spikes on his body gradually became smaller and smaller, and finally they all retracted into his body.Next, those hideous nails on the surface of the body also began to soften and disappear bit by bit.The extremely strange shape became regular little by little, and finally returned to a carp like the carp that Wang Sheng first came into contact with.

At this point, Wang Sheng made the 88 little gluttons around the carp stop absorbing spiritual energy, and his own consciousness slowly approached the little carp.

After entering the encirclement of 88 small gluttonous nets, Wang Sheng could clearly feel that there was an invisible bond between the little carp and himself, an indescribable sense of familiarity.

The little carp is very docile, just like an ordinary little carp. It slowly wags its tail and flips its fins, its two gills are still flapping, and its small mouth is opening one by one, just like a real carp in Wang Sheng. Swimming in the space of the original soul.There is no bloody ferocity that is devoured madly.

Wang Sheng's consciousness touched the little carp, and the feeling of flesh and blood connection became more and more obvious. The little carp seemed to be connected with Wang Sheng in an instant.This feeling is exactly the same as when Wang Sheng first collected the carp soul.

The familiar feeling made Wang Sheng startled?Is this collecting Yuanhun?What about the original soul?
(End of this chapter)

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