
Chapter 169 I Have Good Fortune Pill

Chapter 169 I Have Good Fortune Pill
Chapter 110 [-] I Have Good Fortune Pill
Mr. Liu concealed this excited gaze very well, but it couldn't escape Wang Sheng's eyes.What does Wang Sheng eat?A super sniper who can accurately spot the target task with a few glances in a square with thousands of people relies on his eyes to eat.

"Excuse me, where did you get this dagger?" Mr. Liu's emotional control seemed to be very good, he calmed down in an instant, waved his hand, and the two servants obediently stood behind him, and then Mr. Liu played with the dagger casually Asked: "If you can, I would like to buy it, can you?"

It seemed as if he suddenly became interested in this sharp dagger. On the one hand, he wanted to buy it politely, and asked Wang Sheng politely, and on the other hand, he asked about the origin of the dagger casually. Everything was like Is a buyer in general.

Before Wang Sheng answered, Mr. Liu seemed to realize that he was a little anxious, and explained again: "I also heard that this dagger is very sharp, and the hole was pierced by this dagger, right?"

When asking, Mr. Liu pointed to the hole that Wang Sheng pierced on Wang Sheng's iron chopping board. Everything seemed to indicate that he came here for fame.

"Yes!" Wang Sheng replied with a smile: "It's just a dagger, it's rare that Mr. Liu likes it."

He agreed to sell the item, but Wang Sheng didn't mention the origin of the item.In addition, the price has not been opened, but it is waiting for Mr. Liu to set the price himself.

Do you have a good attitude?It couldn't be better!I can't find a reason to want to attack.Could it be that he directly asked about the origin of the dagger?Isn't this going to be a price increase?

"Lone Wolf, Mr. Liu is a distinguished guest of the City Lord's Mansion. If possible, please make it easier for me." When Mr. Liu was at his wit's end, Wang Sheng suddenly heard the familiar voice of the butler of the City Lord's Mansion.

The butler's figure appeared silently a dozen steps behind Mr. Liu, just enough for Wang Sheng to see, and his voice just enough for Wang Sheng to hear, but it did not hinder the transaction between Wang Sheng and Mr. Liu. very appropriate place.

But Wang Sheng immediately showed a smile on his face.On the surface, the butler reminded Wang Sheng that Mr. Liu was a distinguished guest, but when he spoke, he changed the word "visited guest" slightly, as if he had an accent.Wang Sheng immediately understood that this distinguished guest, not to mention his high status, is also "expensive" enough, a big fat sheep.

"My lord wants to know the origin of this dagger." Wang Sheng smiled, his attitude immediately became much more enthusiastic, he stood up from the rocking chair, and said with a smile: "To be honest, I picked it up from Qianjuedi. "

Hearing that the answer was Qian Jedi, not only Mr. Liu, but even the housekeeper behind him changed their expressions.Seeing Wang Sheng glance over, he even smiled at Wang Sheng, as if to encourage him.

"Where is it in Thousand Jedi?" Mr. Liu is obviously not the kind of old fox with a deep city, his face immediately showed excitement, and asked anxiously: "What else is there with the dagger?"

This time Wang Sheng smiled directly but didn't speak.Looking at Mr. Liu calmly, he seems to be asking, why should I tell you.

Mr. Liu waited expectantly for Wang Sheng's answer, but when it came, Wang Sheng stood calmly and said nothing, his face suddenly changed.Just as he was about to have an attack, a servant behind him had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and hurried to his ear to remind him.

Hearing the servant's reminder, the anger on Mr. Liu's face flashed away.Suppressing the anger, he took a few deep breaths and suppressed the rising fire.There is no good person in this city, and the city wants to benefit, but when you come to this guy, you still have to pay a price.

From childhood to adulthood, Mr. Liu has been a superior person since he was born, and he always gives orders and gets what he asks for. How come he has encountered such a guy who doesn't give benefits and doesn't give news?That is to say, it is not easy for him to teach Wang Sheng a lesson in Wuyou City. If it is in his territory, he must let Wang Sheng know what the rules are.I dare to babble when I ask you a question?
"Tell me, what do you want?" Mr. Liu was upset, and his expression became arrogant.Since Wang Sheng wants to raise conditions, he is just a running dog who takes money to do things, so there is no need to be more accommodating.

"There's another necklace." Wang Sheng didn't put forward the conditions directly, but answered Mr. Liu's question with an abnormal smile.

Hearing that there was another necklace, Mr. Liu's expression changed drastically, and he shouted without thinking, "Give it to me!"

"What do you exchange for?" Wang Sheng laughed again.This Mr. Liu is really innocent, does he think everyone is your slave?Want it?
Mr. Liu was startled, and clenched his fist, almost wanting to strike.The housekeeper not far away coughed lightly, as if to remind Mr. Liu that this is not his land, but the inner city of Wuyou City.

Anyway, in the current situation, whoever speaks first may suffer.Wang Sheng has something in his hand, so he is not afraid that he will not be able to sell it for a good price.Although Mr. Liu is holding a dagger in his hand, it is just a dagger. What matters is the whereabouts of the owner of the dagger, isn't it?
The servant on the other side sighed slightly, stepped forward slightly, and whispered a reminder in his own son's ear, and then a smile appeared on Mr. Liu's face.

"I heard that you offered a reward of hundreds of thousands of gold coins for the Fortune Pill in Wuyou City." Mr. Liu obviously had a sense of complacency in Wang Sheng's complacency, and he smiled extraordinarily brightly: "You don't need to offer a reward. Give me the necklace, I will tell you the news about Creation Pill."

When Wang Sheng heard that it was the Creation Pill, without further ado, he turned his hand over, and a string of necklaces appeared in his hand, which was exactly the one that the owner of the dagger wore around his neck back then.The pendant is a piece of jade pendant, the one with a unique mark on it.

Seeing the jade pendant, not only Mr. Liu, but even the two servants' eyes lit up.If it weren't for the coughing sound from the housekeeper's side, the three of them would probably have rushed forward.

"Give it to me!" Mr. Liu's eyes were almost red, and he almost shouted out these two words.

"News about Creation Pill!" Wang Sheng flipped his hands calmly, held the jade pendant in his hand, and looked at Mr. Liu.

"My family has the Creation Pill!" Mr. Liu's face tightened, and he suddenly laughed, and opened his mouth to answer.

This news made Wang Sheng's eyes widen.This guy actually has the legendary Creation Pill at home?In other words, this guy is actually a child of a hidden family?
Looking at the butler, the butler nodded without a trace, as if he acknowledged what Mr. Liu said.

Without saying a word, Wang Sheng threw the jade pendant at Mr. Liu.

Mr. Liu stretched out his hand and held the jade pendant tightly in his hand. After looking carefully, he put it away with a smile, and said to Wang Sheng, "Although I have the Creation Pill at home, you will never get it! "

(End of this chapter)

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