
Chapter 170

Chapter 170
110 Chapter [-] Exchange for Good Fortune Pill
"Oh!" Wang Sheng gave a noncommittal oh, and then said lightly: "I just need to know the news, and naturally someone will deliver it to my door."

Mr. Liu has already got what he wants, and he doesn't mind letting Wang Sheng, a guy he has never looked up to from the bottom of his heart, know what it means to have eyes but no eyes.Holding the jade pendant in his hand, he shook it and laughed.

This time Mr. Liu's smile is really the kind of happiness that comes from the bottom of his heart.Happy!With an answer like playing tricks on the other party, the jade pendant was taken back, and the previous unhappiness disappeared with the jade pendant.

"Do you know what this is?" Mr. Liu asked Wang Sheng, dangling the jade pendant.

"Family emblem." Wang Sheng replied without thinking, "Maybe it's the seal of a certain sect, or something like this?"

"That's right, the sect's seal." Mr. Liu looked at Wang Sheng like a mouse looking at a cat. His good mood was maintained, and he was extremely happy: "Then do you know the function of this sect's mark?"

Before Wang Sheng answered, Mr. Liu shook his head and laughed: "You don't know! If you knew, you would never give it to me just because of a mere news of the Creation Pill, right?"

"Yes!" Wang Sheng laughed and replied cooperatively.He believes that as long as he cooperates, he doesn't need to worry about forcing a confession, and Mr. Liu will tell all the inside stories when he is proud, which is very interesting.

"Originally, if you go to the door with this, you can unconditionally ask to join the sect." Mr. Liu really cooperated extremely, and said the answer in a tone of mourning for his misfortune and indisputable anger: "You know there are How many people are crying and begging in their dreams to join?"

"Such a powerful sect?" Wang Sheng expressed his "shock" and "regret" just right, and then asked eagerly: "What sect is so powerful?"

"You have no chance!" Mr. Liu enjoyed Wang Sheng's "pain" quite a bit, but he would never say the name of the sect easily.In his eyes, Wang Sheng is not even qualified to know the name of the sect.Of course, Mr. Liu said secretly in his heart: "Now this opportunity is mine."

"Joining this sect, can I get news about Creation Pill?" Wang Sheng seemed a little confused, and asked a question that made Mr. Liu even more proud.

"Of course!" Mr. Liu could not let go of this opportunity to show his superiority, but he seemed to want to comfort Wang Sheng, and added: "However, at least you have to reach the fifth level to join the sect. Only you are qualified to know. Relying on your current cultivation base..." Mr. Liu stopped talking later, and directly shook his head.

Wang Sheng immediately put on a thrilling look of patting his chest, and heaved a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's okay, at least I now know the whereabouts of Creation Pill."

Mr. Liu was directly fooled by Wang Sheng's performance.Is this guy a fool?Do you know what sect this is?Do you know how many core children of big families tried their best to join but had no way?This guy is so satisfied with the news of Creation Pill?

But this news has a fart use?Mr. Liu has already made it clear that telling you the news is telling you the news, but Wang Sheng will never get the Creation Pill.Do you really think that anyone can get their hands on the Creation Pill?Letting you know that the name is already a gift, does this guy still want to get the Creation Pill in a whimsical way?

Not to mention Wang Sheng, even Mr. Liu himself only knew that there was a Creation Pill, but he couldn't even use it himself.For ordinary children of his family, Good Fortune Pill is also a legendary existence that is beyond reach.At most, they know a little more than ordinary people, and they know that the existence of Creation Pill is not just an illusion.

Maybe this time I took back the jade pendant of the sect, maybe I have a chance to get some rewards from the high-level family, after all, I have the opportunity to join the legendary sect.But for Good Fortune Pill, Mr. Liu shook his head directly in his heart.

He still knew that there was a Creation Pill in his family through his father's relationship. The news was true, but he had never seen it himself.He doesn't even play with himself, let alone a savage in Wuyou City.

Besides, even if Wang Sheng was given the Creation Pill, so what?For Wang Sheng's cultivation level, if he ate a fortune pill, there could only be one result, that is, he would be blown alive by the huge and surging spiritual energy.

The butler of the City Lord's Mansion was standing not far away. He didn't feel anything at first, but when he heard the words behind him, his face changed color.

This piece of jade pendant turned out to be a token of joining that sect, but under his nod, Wang Sheng handed over the jade pendant in exchange for the news that he would never be able to get the Creation Pill.

If the city lord knows the news, he will probably be furious.When the city lord is angry, there may be a big accident in Wuyou City.

The housekeeper was also complaining incessantly, who knew that the jade pendant Wang Sheng was holding could have this kind of effect?Besides, who knew that Wang Sheng had such a jade pendant before?Wang Sheng didn't say it himself, but Mr. Liu only said it was a dagger at first, and no one knew that there would be such a thing as a jade pendant.

This is a big trouble now. The benefits that should have fallen in Wuyou City were cut off by Mr. Liu. No matter how powerful the family behind Mr. Liu is, Wuyou City probably won't let it go. I'm afraid there will be another dispute in time, and maybe there will be a big fight, which is troublesome.

The housekeeper's head was as big as a fight, but Wang Sheng's side was calm as usual, except for the various emotions on the surface.

No matter how big the jade pendant is, what is the effect?Can Wang Sheng leave Wuyou City right now?As long as he leaves with the jade pendant, he will definitely die without a place to bury him.Isn't the jade pendant cheaper than others?News that can be used to exchange for the Creation Pill that you need is more useful than anything else.

As for Mr. Liu's statement that Wang Sheng would never get the Creation Pill, this is even more of a joke.Before, Wang Sheng didn't know where the Creation Pill was, but now that he has specific news, it's not a matter of minutes for them to take it out?

"In addition to the dagger and the jade pendant, I also found some other things." Wang Sheng waited for Mr. Liu to feel complacent, and then slowly opened his mouth.

Mr. Liu's smile froze on his face, and the face of the housekeeper not far away became more and more ugly, and he had already started gesturing to order the master to come over.

"There is actually a map next to the dagger." After a pause, Wang Sheng looked at Mr. Liu's suddenly cold smile, and continued to add: "A hand-painted map, um, a small part of the map of Thousand Jedi."

(End of this chapter)

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