
Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Chapter 18 Fourth Master Dai

The Patriarch was really angry and didn't know how to express it, he just wanted to kill people now.Hundreds of thousands of gold coins, half of the entire Shanglin Song family's income in a year is still two, but there is such a large amount of business that was already in the Song family's basket, but it was thrown out by the family. .

If it's because of another, bigger deal, then that's forgivable.The problem is, the housekeeper only spent a dozen or so gold coins for a month, and Song Tianze was just jealous.

Compared with that huge profit, the Patriarch now has the desire to eat people, let alone kill people.Therefore, looking at Song Tianze and his son, he wished he could eat their flesh raw.

"Don't you father and son like to kill people?" The punishment of the Patriarch finally came down: "Help me to kill the family. If you kill them, this time it's fine. If you can't kill them, then you can only be punished." Their killing is your punishment this time. Do you accept it or not?"

"Thank you Patriarch for your kindness!" Song Tianze's father was old and mature after all, when he heard that Patriarch was willing to give this opportunity, he immediately understood and kowtowed to Patriarch.

After his father kowtowed three times, Song Tianze came to his senses, and quickly kowtowed too.

This is no punishment, it's clearly a step down for his father and son!Kill people, you can't kill yourself, why can't you invite a few more killers from Wuyou City?The big deal is just to pay some gold coins. After making such a big mistake, he only paid some gold coins as a fine.

Song Tianze and his son left happily, and immediately went to arrange manpower to kill people according to the news given by the Patriarch.The two of them were still thinking about going back to the city for a period of time after completing this task, and slowly making plans.

When the two father and son left, the Patriarch coughed lightly, and a capable man turned out from the back hall, bowing down to wait for the Patriarch's order.

"After the housekeeper's family leaves, tell Song Tianze and his son their whereabouts." The head of the family calmly issued the order, not remembering that he gave almost everyone a way of life more than ten minutes ago: "In addition, the news also told the housekeeper people, let them fight each other."

"Wait until the fight is almost done, and then you can clean up the mess." The Patriarch finally gave an order: "All the people involved on both sides of them must not let go, and all the property will be dealt with afterwards, and it should be cleaned up."

The man agreed and walked out.The head of the family trusts this man very much, he has been with him for many years, and he does everything without leaking.Within two days, the housekeeper and Song Tianze and his son would all die, and after a month, the property of the two families would be exchanged for gold coins and moved back to the Song family's warehouse.

It doesn't take any brains to deal with these people, the trouble is Wang Sheng.How to get Wang Sheng to ask about the things he sold to Baoqing Yutang is the big problem.

This is Shanglin City, and the Song family in Shanglin is a local snake, but the problem is that Baoqing Yutang is not vegetarian.The newcomer Wang Sheng doesn't know, how can the head of the Song family not know?

In the entire country, there are only two companies that dare to open a branch in Wuyou City, and can open a branch in Wuyou City, and one of them is Baoqing Yutang.In the whole country, as long as there are cities that can be called famous, they all have the semicolon of Baoqing Yutang. Compared with others, the Song family in Shanglin is just a small ant.

Therefore, the persecution of Wang Sheng should not be too harsh, otherwise Wang Sheng voted for Baoqing Yutang in a fit of anger, and the Song family would not even be able to eat any bones.What idea did the fat shopkeeper of Baoqing Yutang give Wang Sheng the jade token for the distinguished guests, could the owner not see it?
In the current situation, it is possible to make a fuss about Wang Sheng being Song Yan's fiancé.When Song Yan comes back next time, first win over Song Yan, and then let Song Yan pull Wang Sheng over, this is the safest way.

If it really doesn't work, if you marry Song Yan to that barbarian, you won't be afraid that he won't submit.Even if Song Yan is a distant relative of his own who has defected to relatives, it is not wrong to sacrifice when he can.

At the same time that the Song family in Shanglin almost turned upside down, a similar scene also happened in the Dai family. However, the reason was not that their big business was robbed, but that Dai Huan was killed.

It has to be said that Dai Huan made a counter move before dying.He sent seven iron guards and a soul refiner to escort the nine-star primordial soul snatched from the Song family's forbidden area.

The combined strength of these eight people, on the side of the Song family's distant branch, is almost like gods blocking and killing Buddhas.Especially the soul refiner, when he discovered and personally captured the great honor of a nine-star primordial soul and put it on his head, he was simply on the hook, so sharp that it was outrageous.He will never allow this honor that belongs to him to be left alone.

I don't know how many masters who were chasing and intercepting were killed along the way. When the real masters of the Song family caught up, the soul refiner and the Seven Iron Guards had already returned to the Dai family's territory.However, what was sacrificed along the way was the lives of four of the Seven Iron Guards, and the remaining three were all seriously injured, and the only one who was intact was the soul refiner.

The masters of the Song family did not give up and chased directly into the territory of the Dai family.The two sides paid an unknown price in secret, and the soul refiner finally returned to Dai's house with the nine-star soul, and was heavily protected.The masters of the Song family saw that there was nothing they could do, so they had no choice but to return.

Even though several elders of the Song family had secretly communicated with the Dai family, when facing a nine-star primordial soul, that pitiful covenant was almost instantly torn apart.

The senior executives of the Dai family got a long-awaited nine-star primordial soul, and the only one who truly returned to the Dai family was the soul refiner.Including the young master Dai Huan who went out this time, the bodyguards and the seven iron guards were all dead.However, in the hearts of the real senior executives of the Dai family, this deal is definitely worth it.

What is a dead Dai Huan?Announced that he is the young master, does he really think he is the young master?Even if he is alive, it is impossible for the nine-star primordial soul to be assigned to him.Poor guy, until the moment of his death, he didn't know his true status.

The higher-ups don't care, but the real relatives are distraught.Fourth Master Dai is one of them. At this moment, he is angry like a mad bull.

Fourth master Dai is an absolute master in the Dai family.Seven-star primordial soul, who is only in his early thirties, has already reached the peak of the fourth level of cultivation, and he is also a rare cultivation genius in the world.Fourth master Dai and Dai Huan were not much different in age, so fourth master Dai had liked Dai Huan since he was a child, and he would definitely go crazy when he heard that Dai Huan was killed.

"How did Huan'er die?" Facing a subordinate of the Dai family who was kneeling in front of him asking for news, Fourth Master Dai asked with a sullen face.

"This subordinate got in touch with the insider of the Song family, and saw Master Huan's body with his own eyes." The kneeling subordinate knew that Fourth Master Dai was in a bad mood, so he didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly reported: "Master Huan was killed by a hidden weapon." It was shot into the brain from Yintang and died. The hidden weapon is very powerful and destructive."

While speaking, the subordinate presented a strange-shaped metal particle to Fourth Master Dai.If Wang Sheng was there, he would definitely be able to recognize it at a glance. This is the bullet of the 17X9mm Parabellum pistol dedicated to the Glock 19.Because Dai Huan's skull was pierced, it was slightly deformed.

The moment Mr. Dai took the bullet, he calmed down. He was really angry, but he was not the kind of idiot who would be overwhelmed by anger and burn his small universe. At any time, only by keeping calm enough can he really control everything .

Little by little, he touched the bullet with his hands, and felt the deformation of the bullet with his heart. Mr. Dai was a little confused. Who would use such a strange hidden weapon to kill people?
Stuck the bullet between his thumb and middle finger, Fourth Master Dai flicked it hard at a wooden dummy outside. The bullet flew out with a strange whistling sound and hit the wooden dummy's head.

Bang, with a soft sound, the deformed warhead directly penetrated the hard wooden dummy's head, and shot towards the stone wall behind without losing momentum.Bang, there was another soft sound, and the warhead was firmly embedded in the solid stone wall.

The material used by the wooden man outside is much harder than a real person's head, but with just this, Fourth Master Dai can judge the approximate strength of the person who made the shot.If the opponent doesn't keep his hand, at most it is at the level of the late stage of the third level.Such a person is not worthy of fourth master Dai himself.

"You bring a few guards yourself, kill the guy who did it, and bring his head back." Fourth Master Dai ordered coldly to his subordinates, then turned around without saying a word.

The subordinate agreed and left quickly.In just this moment, he was soaked in sweat. In front of Fourth Master Dai, the pressure was too great. He would rather face a few enemies fighting than face Fourth Master Dai in anger.

Wang Sheng didn't know what happened inside and out. He only knew that he came to this strange world. Whether he wanted to kill that woman or save her, he always needed strong strength to do it. arrive.The number of bullets in my firearms and equipment is limited. If I can't quickly improve my strength, it will definitely be a tragedy.

Therefore, Wang Sheng has been practicing non-stop these days. The fat shopkeeper sent a jade card over, and he didn't go out much, just practicing behind closed doors.Among other things, I just want to quickly build the dragon gate in the shortest possible time, and try to see what it feels like for Yuanhun carp to jump over the dragon gate.

The Taiji Hunyuan Kungfu completed by Wang Sheng, Wang Sheng has been practicing continuously. This is not taking medicine. There is a daily limit. Wang Sheng can stand up and practice anytime and anywhere. As long as the spiritual energy from the outside world is not exhausted, Wang Sheng can practice uninterruptedly. .

However, Wang Sheng would not carelessly practice with his head covered, as the saying goes, haste makes waste.Moreover, Wang Sheng has to do a lot of exercise every day to adapt to the changes in his body due to the absorption of spiritual energy.Use scientific training methods to achieve the goal of steadily improving your strength.

In his small courtyard, Wang Sheng practiced for another half a month, and after Longmen finally appeared after absorbing a lot of spiritual energy, Wang Sheng saw Song Yan again.

(End of this chapter)

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