
Chapter 20 Don't fight

Chapter 20 Don't fight
Chapter 19 Stop hitting
Song Yan left just over two months ago, and she agreed to ask Wang Sheng to help her after three months, but so far Wang Sheng only knew that Song Yan wanted to help kill a monster by herself, but the specific situation of the monster and what kind of monster was unknown. have no idea.

From the moment Song Yan entered the door, Wang Sheng knew about it.Very strange intuition, this is a skill that Wang Sheng cultivated on earth.As an ace sniper, wouldn't it be a joke if he couldn't even remember some important targets?

However, Song Yan didn't say anything, and Wang Sheng didn't pursue it. Anyway, the cooperation between the two was only short-lived. If they successfully entered the first level, Wang Sheng would definitely leave here.

Song Yan didn't come alone, and Wang Sheng who came with Song Yan also knew him. He was the terrifying master who punched the opponent's throat and knocked out half of the opponent's spine. The name sounded very frustrating.

Coming here, Song Yan doesn't treat herself as an outsider at all, as if she is the master.Old Uncle Yu was the same, he didn't talk much, nodded with Wang Sheng and went straight to the kitchen, and after a while, he returned to Wang Sheng and Song Yan with a pile of sugar and a small bag of salt.

"What is this?" Song Yan had long heard that Wang Sheng made a big fuss when she was away, and she still didn't believe it. Now, looking at this pile of white sugar and the white fine powder that she had never seen before, she couldn't help but feel a little bit convinced. up.

"Salt." Wang Sheng replied seriously.This is what Wang Sheng ate himself. He couldn't eat coarse salt that hadn't been detoxified or filtered.

Song Yan's eyes widened. Is this salt?Although Song Yan is only a cousin of the Song family in Shanglin, she still has some knowledge. This kind of snow-white and fine white particles looks better than the green salt used by wealthy families.Snow icing is already a huge business, what would happen if this salt were on the market?
"You are the son-in-law of my Song family, how can you give Xue Tangshuang to outsiders?" Unlike Song Yan's reservedness, Old Yu Shu spoke more directly, and even asked in a questioning tone.

"Xiaoyan is the daughter-in-law of my Wang family, why don't you talk about moving the Song family's gold and silver treasures to me?" False, even if it is true, why do I have to give them my things?

Song Laoyu was at a loss for words for a moment, and some things that were taken for granted in his mind seemed to be unable to withstand scrutiny.No, Wang Sheng asked in turn, and Song Laoyu was speechless.

According to Wang Sheng's statement, the daughter's family is a waste of water after all, and she will always marry in the future.Wang Sheng wasn't a married man, so why did he become a member of the Song family?

In fact, this is not the opinion of Song Laoyu alone. Almost all the high-level officials who know about this matter probably have the same idea.Just trying to get Song Yan to win over Wang Sheng, she must let Wang Sheng hand over the making method of snow icing to the Song family.

But Song Yan quickly changed her mind after seeing the refined salt Wang Sheng ate.Such things as icing sugar are enjoyed by rich families, but common people and small families cannot afford them.But salt is different, as long as you need it personally, you still need it every day.If the business of refined salt is established, the scale can be more than ten times larger than that of Snow Sugar.

"I'm sorry! Uncle Yu just made a slip of the tongue." Song Yan immediately apologized, not for herself, but for Uncle Yu.Old Uncle Yu may not look like a servant, but he is more than half of Song Yan's elders. He has a stubborn temper and would never apologize.

"It doesn't matter!" Wang Sheng didn't care. Song Yan and himself just met by chance, but they just had a little more communication. If Wang Sheng treats Song Yan as his fiancée because of this matter, Wang Sheng is not a fool. How could such an obvious shield not be seen?

"Can the salt business be handed over to the Song family?" Song Yan saw that Wang Sheng didn't care, and didn't go around the bush, so she made a straightforward request.

"What benefits do I have?" Song Yan was direct, and Wang Sheng was even more direct.If outsiders saw their current situation, they would definitely not think they were fiancée and fiancee, but definitely two businessmen.

"If you don't hand it over, you won't be able to get out of Shanglin City." Song Laoyu interjected, threatening directly: "Don't think that killing a few young men in Wuyou City makes you think that you are so great."

In front of this terrifying old Uncle Yu, the third-level killer in Wuyou City is nothing more than a minion.Strength is one aspect, but Wang Sheng heard something else from his tone, that is, the Song family must have known about killing the killer of Wuyou City.

Wang Sheng didn't think that the Mengxue teacher would hide it from him for long. If the Song family didn't even have this ability, it would be in vain for the Song family.Wang Sheng just didn't expect that a servant of a cousin from a distant branch of the Song family would know about it. Could it be that everyone in the street knew about it?

"It's really no big deal to kill a few young men." Wang Sheng smiled slightly, and replied to Song Laoyu: "However, Shanglin City, come and go whenever you want, it's really not difficult."

"What a big tone!" Song Laoyu was really angry.If it's just the trash of Shanglin Song's family, Wang Sheng may really be able to leave if he wants to stay or stay, but facing him, a master of the third level, and saying such things in front of him, wouldn't it be useless at all? Take him seriously?
How dare a little boy with no primordial soul to enter the first stage in his life dare to speak so shamelessly in front of him?If Wang Sheng is not given a little lesson, I don't know how this guy who doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth will turn his tail up.

As soon as he said to do it, Song Laoyu didn't hesitate or remind him at all.It's the same even if the lady is right next to her.Song Laoyu just wants to teach Wang Sheng a good lesson, so that Wang Sheng knows how to respect the lady and himself.

Huh, Song Laoyu punched Wang Sheng. Of course, he withdrew his strength and didn't use his spiritual energy.The young lady still wants to subdue this kid and not beat him to death.

When Song Laoyu made a move, Wang Sheng's sitting body bounced up as if a strong spring had been installed.A strange light radiated from his eyes, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he pushed towards Song Laoyu's wrist.

When killing Dai Huan, Wang Sheng had seen Song Laoyu's terrifying skills, so he knew that if he fought Song Laoyu recklessly, he would definitely not be Song Laoyu's opponent.However, there is no Taijiquan derived from Taoist culture in this world. It should not be too difficult to deal with Song Laoyu.

Taijiquan is Wang Sheng who thought of the concept of Taijiquan when he was practicing Hunyuan Gong, and then thought of Taijiquan.As long as anyone on the earth is serious about Taijiquan, they will definitely stand on the Taiji Hunyuan pile. This is a combination of two, how could Wang Sheng ignore it?
As soon as this concept was conceived, the fighting consciousness in the soul space began a non-stop deduction process.Wang Sheng remembered a lot of Tai Chi movements, and after imagining them one by one in his mind, the gray figure with fighting consciousness began to deduce them excitedly. Up to now, he has deduced them for two full months.Song Laoyu's move like this is also a chance for the deduced Taijiquan to practice.

Song Yan watched Song Laoyu make a move, but called Lao Yushu weakly, but did not stop him.Wang Sheng could tell that Uncle Yu's voice was just to tell Song Laoyu to be gentle, and he probably didn't mean to teach Wang Sheng a little lesson in his heart.

With the cooperation of fighting consciousness, Wang Sheng's hand accurately pushed on Song Laoyu's wrist, and with a squeeze, Song Laoyu's wrist and arm were pushed in another direction, naturally hitting Wang Sheng's. The fist directly deviated from the target and hit nothing.

Song Laoyu was startled, what kind of routine is this?His punch was actually pushed in another direction?How can this be?How powerful is his punch? Even if he withdrew his strength, he still exerted his strength the moment Wang Sheng pushed him up. He wanted to hit Wang Sheng hard, but was pushed away by this kid so lightly?
Song Laoyu was surprised here, and Wang Sheng was also screaming secretly.Pushing away Song Laoyu's arm from the side, it seemed that he didn't use much force, but Wang Sheng knew how much force he had used.He almost used his full strength, and this is based on the practice of Hunyuan Kungfu for more than two months. If he was still the Wang Sheng on the earth, he would be bounced back several steps by Song Laoyu's punch.

However, Wang Sheng seized the opportunity this time, and his whole body quickly approached Song Laoyu's body.At such a short distance, Song Laoyu, a master who is used to opening and closing moves, has no way to use his strength in such a short distance, and suddenly becomes flustered.

But Wang Sheng has no such worries. He has heard of, seen and even practiced too many boxing styles on earth.Insiders, outsiders, domestic, foreign, this sect, that Tao, Taiji, Baji, there are countless.

This kind of close-range shot doesn't have much distance to exert force. Is there anything more suitable than Tai Chi plus Wing Chun plus Jeet Kune Do half-step Bengquan, etc.?
Anyway, Wang Sheng has a lot of things in his mind, and he has enough fighting experience, coupled with the powerful deduction and help of fighting consciousness, as long as he uses it, even if he doesn't have the real essence of those boxing techniques on earth, but he has never seen these routines against someone who has never seen them before. The guy at least has eight or nine points of power.

This eighty-nine points of power is enough for Song Laoyu who is open and close.So, with Song Yan's acquiescence, a wonderful action scene was staged in the confrontation between Wang Sheng and Song Laoyu.

Song Yan, who was looking forward to watching Old Fish Uncle teach Wang Sheng a lesson, let Wang Sheng know that the sky is high and the earth is strong, and then negotiate some conditions with Wang Sheng, and get Wang Sheng's method of making refined salt, suddenly saw a scene that did not suit him at all. Expected but equally exciting drama.

However, the outcome of this scene was completely different from Song Yan's expectation, so that Song Yan only watched half of it, then stood up in horror and shouted: "Stop! Stop! Stop! Don't hit! Don't hit! "

(End of this chapter)

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