
Chapter 195

Chapter 195
Chapter 120 Seven
Wang Sheng did rush over.However, it was still many days behind Dai Wuji's calculated days.It took five days to catch the bugs, but traveling in Thousand Jedi, the speed of course couldn't compare to ordinary places, and it took another three days just in Thousand Jedi.

Along the way, he had to take good care of the little spider and conceal his whereabouts, so naturally he would walk slowly.When they arrived at the ground, it was a full ten days late.Ten days was enough time for Dai Wuji to arrange everything and even wait until he got impatient.

The one observing Dai Wuji was naturally Wang Sheng, but Wang Sheng did not approach Dai's ancestral grave, but observed with a telescope from a far away place.The enhanced eyesight and the increase of the telescope are enough for Wang Sheng to see Dai Wuji's every move from ten miles away.

Wang Sheng still underestimated Dai Wuji's cultivation level and Dai Wuji's keenness. When he saw this side for the first time and stayed on Dai Wuji's body for a while, he was already taken by Dai Wuji. Mowgli found out.

"It's finally here!" Dai Wuji almost cried with joy.Is it easy to stay in this place with no entertainment by yourself?It's not easy for a silly guy to be late for such a long time.

If Wang Sheng's eyesight was several times stronger and he could see through, he would be able to clearly see the expression on Dai Wuji's face with his back turned to Wang Sheng at this moment.The kind of joy that comes after suffering is even more exaggerated than Huang Bo's expression after Sun Wukong tricked Tang Seng to take off the lotus seal in "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons".

"You must be careful when you patrol, you must not be found by him. You have already found him, do you hear?" Dai Wuji deliberately emphasized this point again when he explained to the guards at night.

The performances of the guards were also exaggerated one by one. Their mood was exactly the same as that of Dai Wuji, but they were not as strong as Dai Wuji, and they could find themselves being watched.But Dai Wuji's words must be correct, that barbarian must be around.

Dai Wuji found out that he was being observed and spied on, but he couldn't find Wang Sheng's location.The joy in Dai Wuji's heart was indescribable.It's been a long time since I had such a fun toy, so I have to play longer anyway!

Under the careful observation of Wang Sheng's binoculars, the feng shui of Daijiazu's tomb is really good.Surrounded by several continuous mountains, there is a big river in front of it, with beautiful mountains and rivers, and it is also a first-class good feng shui on the earth.

Assassination foolishly as soon as you arrive at the ground is courting death.Wang Sheng is an ace elite sniper, not a lowly assassin.No matter what, you have to observe the other party's whereabouts and make the most appropriate action plan before you do it.

Therefore, what Wang Sheng did next surprised and delighted Dai Wuji.Wang Sheng changed several places in succession, patiently observing Dai Wuji's activities every day.

The more cautious and patient Wang Sheng is, the more Dai Wuji likes it.How boring would it be if Wang Sheng used his magic weapon to shoot himself from afar without thinking about it?It's still such a battle of wits and courage that makes Dai Wuji happier.

A guard had already notified the head of the Dai family, and the head of the Dai family sneaked up to Dai Wuji's side in the dark, advising him to be more careful.It's just a small assassin, and it can be eliminated by sending out a few masters at will.

"Don't!" Dai Wuji stopped the patriarch directly: "I will stay here for a few more months, and I'm bored to death. Finally, I have someone to accompany me to relieve my boredom. Don't kill me casually." gone."

"His artifact is powerful. It can be used to take people's heads a few miles away." Of course, the patriarch didn't want to see his gold medal fighter and gold medal undercover have an accident, so he specially emphasized the power of Wang Sheng's sniper rifle.

"You think I'm an incompetent bastard like Little Four?" Dai Wuji flatly rejected the patriarch. In order to dispel the patriarch's worries, he had to show his trump card: "Don't worry, the disciples from Wuyou City It is estimated that although his sharp weapon is powerful, it can deal with the sixth level at most, and it still does not have armor."

Lifting off his coat, Dai Wuji let the patriarch see the inner armor he was wearing inside.Naturally, the patriarch could recognize it as a treasure in the family at a glance. With Dai Wuji's cultivation at the seventh level, plus this inner armor, even if Wang Sheng's sniper rifle was twice as powerful, it would be impossible to wear it. Mowgli.

Dai Wuji knew the power estimate of Wang Sheng's sniper rifle, and the patriarch naturally knew it too.Seeing that Dai Wuji didn't relax his vigilance because of his high cultivation, the patriarch was also relieved.

"Protect your head as well." After a word of advice, the patriarch said nothing more: "When you're almost done with the game, kill it, don't leave any trouble behind!"

Of course Dai Wuji readily agreed.After sending the patriarch away, Dai Wuji discussed with some smart guards for a long time, and began to create false appearances for Wang Sheng.

As a result of everyone's discussion, if Wang Sheng wanted to kill Dai Wuji, he would definitely come from the surrounding mountains.No matter what method is used, it must be close to a certain distance.The most convenient thing is the surrounding mountains. Didn't Wang Sheng claim to be the most lethal in the mountains?Can he give up his advantages?
It's not that I haven't thought about coming from the river in front, but the river is too wide, seven or eight miles long.This distance is no longer something that can be crossed out of thin air with a magical weapon.According to Wuyou City's estimate of the power of Wang Sheng's sniper rifle, the range is at most five miles.

It has to be said that this estimate is definitely the closest value to the real range.It is indeed impossible for Wang Sheng to kill Dai Wuji with a single shot on the other side of the river seven or eight miles away.Not to mention that the range is not enough, even if the range is enough, the power is not enough to kill Dai Wuji.

In order to create opportunities for Wang Sheng, after more than a month of research, the guards deliberately chose a patrol route that seemed meticulous but had several hidden breakthrough points. The weak point sneaks up close.

As for the rightful master, Elder Dai Wuji, of course he had to participate in it.He doesn't need to patrol, but the defense he designed for his residence is not so strict, as long as he wants to, he can still sneak in secretly.

If Wang Sheng can't even get close to him, then this assassin is too incompetent, and Dai Changlao doesn't have enough fun, so how can it be?

Therefore, Dai Wuji made his life as regular as possible, so that Wang Sheng could find opportunities from it.

Every morning, Dai Wuji got up to do morning training, and after breakfast, he took his fishing rod to a simple wooden pier by the river to go fishing.Eating at noon, taking a nap, practicing in the afternoon, reading and sleeping at night, life is in a mess, waiting for Wang Sheng to do it.

Wang Sheng also lived up to Dai Wuji's arrangement. After observing from several directions, he seemed to have finally determined the direction to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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