
Chapter 196 Here Comes

Chapter 196 Here Comes

Chapter 120 Eighth Coming

Dai Wuji was more and more surprised.There were so many times that he was almost able to determine Wang Sheng's position.But Wang Sheng seemed to notice it all of a sudden, and then hurriedly shifted away.

Afterwards, Wang Sheng observed more and more carefully. The field of view of the telescope was wide, but it was not as far away as the sniper rifle scope. Therefore, Wang Sheng has changed to a sniper scope to observe from a longer distance.

The more he observed, the more frightened Wang Sheng became.It has to be said that the defense system that Dai Wuji has arranged looks decent, and it is almost impossible to touch him to plot against him.

Fortunately, Wang Sheng's patience is good enough. In order to complete a mission, Wang Sheng followed a target on Earth for two months before finding a chance to shoot.Dai Wuji, a master, made him feel like he was performing a tricky mission on Earth.

Dai Wuji was excited, and Wang Sheng was equally excited.Such a strong opponent brought Wang Sheng not only happiness and challenges, but also high fighting spirit.The more this is the case, the more Wang Sheng wants to kill this guy.

Wang Sheng didn't want people's lives for no reason, but this guy sent a killer to assassinate him in the street. If Wang Sheng didn't pay back, wouldn't it appear that he didn't know how to reciprocate?
Wang Sheng observed the patrol routes of the guards for three days, and finally found three points where he could advance silently.As for Dai Wuji, the more regular his life is, the more opportunities he can take advantage of. As long as he finds an opportunity to put the little spider on his only path or where he sleeps, even with Dai Wuji's cultivation, it probably won't be able to stop him. The little spider took a bite.

It has to be said that Dai Wuji is really a genius.He had never been trained in hot weapons, but he was able to set aside three suitable sniper spots for Wang Sheng around his residence.These three points are very suitable for sniper ambushes in terms of height vision and range, especially since they are not easy to be found, they are simply ideal sniper positions.

Even without sneaking into Dai Wuji's residence, these three sniper spots allow Wang Sheng to successfully shoot Dai Wuji.

When Dai Wuji and the guards thought about it, if Wang Sheng wanted to use his sniper rifle in the end, it would be these three places, and there was no other possibility.

In fact, even Wang Sheng himself thinks so, of course, the premise is that Wang Sheng intends to use a sniper rifle.It's a perfect sniper position, it's a pity not to use a sniper rifle.

The problem is, Wang Sheng is very aware of the power of his sniper rifle.He would never think that the M200 could pose the slightest threat to a master who might be at the seventh level at this distance.Therefore, no matter how perfect the sniper position is, it can only be given up.

Everyone thought that Wang Sheng would touch the mountain, even Wang Sheng thought so at the beginning, so it is understandable that Dai Wuji has been guarding against the several directions surrounded by the mountain.

After observing patiently for seven or eight days, Wang Sheng finally determined that the waterway was the most suitable direction of attack.

It's not that Dai Wuji and the guards are not wary of the water, in fact, they are.There are always four guards in this direction in shifts every day, staring at the water all the time.

On the calm water surface, there is no shelter, no cover, and it is absolutely impossible to swim from the waterway without showing any traces.

Besides, what if he just swam over?Dai Wuji while attacking fishing from the water?When Dai Wuji was fishing, he was most concentrated. As long as Wang Sheng appeared within ten feet of him, he would be spotted immediately.Still want to attack?It is lucky not to be caught as a fish.

As for touching Dai Wuji's residence from the river, it was even more impossible.This river beach is also bare without any shelter, and the distance is long enough.What's important is that there are guards patrolling the riverside and Dai Wuji's residence. If you don't want to be found in this open space, unless you become an invisible person.

Just because they were so relieved about the direction of the waterway, Dai Wuji and the guards still focused their vigilance on the mountains and forests, giving Wang Sheng an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Waiting patiently, in addition to careful observation, there is another point, which is to wait for the most suitable time.At four o'clock in the middle of the night, people are the most tired, and it is also the favorite time for special elites like Wang Sheng to go out.

There was no moon at night on the day I chose to go out, and the sky itself was a little gloomy. At four o'clock in the middle of the night, I couldn't even see my fingers.Wang Sheng went into the water at this time.

Packing lightly, Wang Sheng held a thin reed pipe in his mouth, and his whole body was underwater, swimming silently to the simple little wharf where Dai Wuji was fishing.The part exposed on the water, except for a short section of the reed tube, is only a bamboo tube floating on the water.

Inside the bamboo tube was the terrifying little spider, which was paralyzed by Wang Sheng again with carbon dioxide, and carried over in a breathable bamboo tube.Living things cannot be put into the ring, so the little spider can only be wronged like this.

The surface of the water was completely dark, and the sound of rushing water covered up the sound of Wang Sheng's small movements underwater, allowing him to touch the pier silently.

There are guards on the shore patrolling, but the patrolling is not so attentive.No one would have thought that Wang Sheng would come from the water at night, even if they did, they would not be afraid.

The small pier where Dai Wuji fishes is actually a row of wooden rafts nailed together, half of which is on the shore and half of which extends out of the water, less than half a foot above the water. It's such a simple thing.

Wang Sheng's goal is this small pier.After a few patrolling guards passed by, Wang Sheng sneaked under the small pier without anyone noticing.

Then, Wang Sheng took out the only remaining directional blasting landmine, rushed the exploded side up, and stuck it under the small pier.The directional blasting mine itself has a sticky design, and Wang Sheng did it easily.

Afterwards, Wang Sheng was underwater and used two very thin branches to send the small bamboo tube to the small pier.The top of the small bamboo tube was already connected with a thread, and Wang Sheng pulled the two ends, and the seal was opened.The ingenious design directly erected the bamboo tube, sending the drowsy little spider inside to the junction of the two outermost logs of the pier.

Seeing the little spider land on the slit, Wang Shengcai gently pulled the bamboo tube and the plug into the water without leaving any trace.

When the patrolling guards came here, Wang Sheng had disappeared without a trace.In the middle of the night, no one noticed that there was a small spider in the gap between the two logs at the front of the small pier, let alone a directional blasting landmine pasted under the pier.

Early in the morning, Dai Wuji happily ate his breakfast, and accompanied by four guards, he brought a fishing rod to the river.After a few guards checked the left and right in a serious manner, they stepped onto the small pier with a small wooden stool and a fishing rod.

(End of this chapter)

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