
Chapter 23 The Use of Killer Cards

Chapter 23 The Use of Killer Cards

Chapter 22 The Use of Killer Cards

No matter from the point of view of Song Yan or Song Laoyu, bringing Wang Sheng in this training is actually to allow Wang Sheng to participate in the process, so as to enhance the cooperation between the two sides in the battle, nothing more.

The two of them never thought that an ordinary person with no soul, who couldn't even send out spiritual energy attacks, would be of any help to them in killing the monster beasts at the peak of the third level.Even Wang Sheng couldn't even get within 50 meters of the monster. Without the protection of spiritual energy, the poison of the poisonous anaconda alone could turn Wang Sheng into a dead person.

However, Wang Sheng was so serious at this time, it was not easy for the two of them to dampen Wang Sheng's enthusiasm.Just take a look, although they have already seen it once in the past two months, it is right for the two of them to reconnaissance again, and the last double insurance is good.

With Song Yan and Song Laoyu leading Wang Sheng, Wang Sheng was not chased and intercepted by the Shanglin Song family, on the contrary, it gave the head of the Shanglin Song family a glimmer of hope.If Song Yan can really hold this boy in his palm, the good days of Shanglin Song's family will come soon.Therefore, everything is convenient, just go out of the city and walk around.

It is absolutely impossible for the third-level monsters to live near the city, at least ten days away from them.On the way, Song Yan and Song Laoyu carefully educated Wang Sheng about the habits of the thousand phantom poisonous anacondas. By the way, they also let Wang Sheng see the various low-level monsters they encountered along the way, and at the same time let Wang Sheng really see them. Take a look at the combat effectiveness of Old Yushu.

Song Laoyu was beaten up by Wang Shengpang, of course he was not convinced, but he couldn't beat back with a big bully, and only in this situation could he regain some face, so he behaved unusually tough on the road, Those low-level monsters had no one-handed generals in front of Song Laoyu, all of them were fatal in one blow, and all of them were crushed by strong strength.

Wang Sheng is very modest, as long as he encounters a monster he has never seen before, Wang Sheng will ask Song Yan and Song Laoyu to carefully popularize the basic knowledge for him.This is very important!
The habits of the thousand phantom poisonous anacondas are the ones that Wang Sheng studies the most.After Song Yanzi carefully explained the habits of the Thousand Illusory Poison Anaconda to Wang Sheng, Wang Sheng finally understood why there was such a huge gap between the two sides, and Song Yan wanted to take risks.

First of all, as Song Yan said, it has just laid eggs, and the Thousand Illusory Poison Anaconda's vitality is seriously injured, which is a big advantage.There is such a reason, the strength of the Thousand Illusory Poison Boa can be reduced by at least [-]%, and at most it can display the strength of the third-level high-level.

Secondly, the thousand phantom poisonous anaconda just arrived at the time to shed its skin.Snakes are indeed the best time to attack when they shed their skin, especially the thousand phantom poisonous anacondas, when they molt their skin, they have no attack power at all, and even exaggeratedly speaking, they don't even have the ability to make big moves, which they are proud of The highly poisonous poison is useless, it is simply the best time to kill the Thousand Illusory Poison Anaconda.

As long as the timing is right, to put it badly, even if you fail to kill the poisonous anaconda, it is no problem to retreat completely.This is also Song Yan and Song Laoyu's biggest reliance, and it is also where they dare to take on this experience even though they are so far behind.

However, there was one thing that Wang Sheng did not expect.Although the thousand phantom poisonous anaconda can't move much and has no attack ability when shedding its skin, it has unimaginable defense methods.

The reason why there is a word "phantom" in the poisonous anaconda's name is because when shedding its skin, the thousand illusion poisonous anaconda will enter a illusory state.It seems that there is no entity, only the shadow is left. With knives and swords, it is impossible to touch the flesh and blood of the thousand phantom poisonous anaconda. When the sword is slashed, it will only pass through the phantom of the poisonous anaconda, and cannot attack the real place at all.

In this state, the only way to attack the Thousand Illusory Poison Anaconda is to attack with spiritual power.Song Yan and Song Laoyu have no problem, but Wang Sheng is very embarrassed now, he is still in a low-level state, he has not entered the first level, at most he can only absorb spiritual energy, but he cannot use spiritual energy to attack.

In other words, in the whole process, Wang Sheng couldn't do much.At least Song Yan and Song Laoyu think so.Song Yan is okay, when Song Laoyu said this, he simply wanted to use this fact to give Wang Sheng a naked mouth, let him know that there are many things in the world that Song Laoyu disdains to be Wang Sheng but can't do. matter.

Wang Sheng just laughed it off, he followed one to relax and the other to open his eyes. As for actually participating in the attack, Wang Sheng never thought about it from the beginning to the end.The relationship between Wang Sheng and Song Yan is just a verbal joke of fiancée and fiancee, and it is not worth Wang Sheng's life for Song Yan.

The time for the Thousand Illusion Poison Boa to molt is the best time, but once the Thousand Illusion Poison Boa is successfully molted but not killed, Song Yan and Song Laoyu may have no choice but to flee for their lives.

After moulting, the outer skin of the thousand phantom poisonous anaconda will soon become tougher than iron and stone, and it will not leave even a trace when it is cut with a normal sword.A mid-level three-level expert like Song Laoyu would leave a blank mark if he slashed with ordinary weapons.Unless there is some magical weapon that might be able to break through the shell of the thousand phantom poisonous anaconda.

Obviously, neither Song Yan nor Song Laoyu had magic weapons in their hands.Wang Sheng's saber looked good, and it might hurt the poisonous anaconda in his hand, but Song Laoyu didn't say anything.So short, what can you do?So what if the shell is broken?To say the least, it would cause Miss to lose the opportunity to escape, the gain outweighs the loss.

"Let's wait and see!" Regarding this, Wang Sheng didn't say much.He couldn't explain to Song Yan and Song Laoyu what a sniper rifle is. Although the special armor-piercing bullets can't penetrate the frontal armor of the main battle tank, they can still penetrate two to three hundred millimeters of homogeneous steel plates. No matter how thick the shell of the poisonous anaconda is , Can such a thick steel plate be hard?
On the contrary, Wang Sheng suddenly remembered something on the road, and took this opportunity to ask his doubts all the time.

"Where is the city of worry-free?" Wang Sheng has contacted several killers in the city of worry-free, but he still doesn't know where the city of worry-free is.Since it is called a city, it is obviously not as simple as a killer organization, so I just asked: "Also, what is the use of the killer card in Wuyou City?"

Wang Sheng always thought that the killer card was nothing more than a killer's identity card, but the fat shopkeeper said it was useful to let him take the killer card away, obviously it was more than just an identity card, so he asked about it.

"Worriless City is a place where all the criminals from all over the world are gathered." Song Yan didn't expect Wang Sheng to ask this question, and almost laughed out loud. Thinking about Wang Sheng's barbarian background, it's normal not to know, so she patiently told Wang Sheng He explained: "If you commit a crime and are hunted down, just run to the city of worry-free."

"As long as you can escape into Wuyou City, even if you commit a terrible crime, no one will chase you down." Song Yan tried to explain clearly to make it easier for Wang Sheng to understand: "The city lord is very powerful. I have offended many big families before, and established Wuyou City myself. As long as people enter Wuyou City, even the emperor can't go in and arrest people."

"A city full of wanted criminals? Doesn't the emperor's authority work there?" Wang Sheng asked in surprise.How powerful is this city lord, so that all the families in the world will not pursue those who committed crimes in the city?

"Yes!" Song Yan gave Wang Sheng an answer with certainty: "Now there are dozens of enemies that our Song family wants to kill in Wuyou City. We have been powerless for so many years."

Isn't this the Valley of the Wicked, or the Peace Hotel, or the famous city in the game?Wang Sheng thought about it in his heart, but he didn't say it out of his mouth.

"Is it really safe in Wuyou City?" Wang Sheng couldn't believe that such a place existed, and reconfirmed.

"When the city of Worry-free was first built, His Majesty the Emperor and the patriarchs of the major families all agreed to the Lord of the city and swore a poisonous oath. What do you think?" Song Yan rolled her eyes at Wang Sheng, Wang Sheng didn't even know such common sense.But thinking that Wang Sheng is just a barbarian, he felt relieved.

"I mean, people in Wuyou City can't do anything to other people?" Wang Sheng asked again.

"There is no limit." Song Yan replied casually: "It's just that outsiders can't do anything to people in the city. As for the people in Wuyou City against the people in Wuyou City, then no one cares."

"What about the killer and the killer card?" Wang Sheng asked again.In his opinion, this worry-free city is really incredible.

"The price of goods in Wuyou City is very expensive. People who fled into Wuyou City can only find ways to make money in order to live." Song Yan replied seriously: "And these escaped masters, they don't have many skills. , the best thing is actually..."

"Kill." Wang Sheng took her talk and said the following: "So, most of the masters in Wuyou City are killers, right?"

"Yes!" Song Yan looked at Wang Sheng and nodded.It's easy to talk to a smart person, and you don't need to spend so much verbal words: "The killer in the city of Sanssouci came into being. The killer card is the proof of the killer's level and identity."

"With the support of Wuyou City, as long as you become the killer of Wuyou City, when you go out of the city to kill people, even if you have enemies, those enemies will not dare to do it easily." Wang Sheng was about to ask these people who fled into Wuyou City how to kill Wuyou City. Song Yan took the initiative to explain the targets outside of Youcheng: "So, the name of the killer of Wuyoucheng became famous, and in the end, even many people who fled into Wuyoucheng without committing crimes secretly became killers of Wuyoucheng .”

"You are not allowed to kill each other in the city of worry-free, but there is a section between the city of worry-free and the outside. Some guys in the city settle their personal grievances here. It is also a disguised form of allowing the people in the city to fight each other." Song Yan began to explain the function of the killer card: "So the killers in Wuyou City have also continued this rule, but their scope includes the whole world."

"Whether the killer of Wuyou City kills people or does tasks, there are points to get. Different goals are evaluated by the experts of Wuyou City. The more resources there are. If you get someone else's killer card and return it to the city of worry-free, then one of the points on the killer card will be transferred to your own killer card. If you become a city of worry-free in the future Assassin, then maybe you can become a second-level or even higher-level assassin once, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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