
Chapter 24 What a pity

Chapter 24 What a pity

Chapter 23 What a pity

When everyone talked about becoming the killer of Wuyou City, even Song Yan, the eldest lady of the Song family, didn't think it was so inappropriate.In fact, many normal masters also chose to secretly join the ranks of the killers in the city of worry-free.

Of course, they don't necessarily do those bad things like murder and arson, but Worry-free City doesn't just accept murder and arson to buy prostitutes, such as the investigation of Wang Sheng last time, there are many similar ones.There is a lot of income, and it can also increase experience, which is not rejected by many masters of practice.

Wang Sheng understood the usefulness of the Wuyou City Killer Card thoroughly. At the same time, he was meticulous and saw the plans of the imperial court and those big families for Wuyou City from some arrangements in Wuyou City.It has to be said that it is really the most brilliant design.

Worry-free city is besieged and isolated, and the necessary living materials are definitely needed.As a result, some big companies can enter Wuyou City to do business after being approved by His Majesty the Emperor and several big families.But Wang Sheng wanted to understand many problems in an instant. The things in Wuyou City must be very expensive.This point was actually revealed by Song Yan just now.

How is this a city without worries!It was clearly a huge prison!
Whether it's His Majesty the Emperor or the big families, countless vicious criminals have been trapped in a worry-free city without a single soldier, and they can't go out easily.The criminals inside seem to be free, but they can only circle around in the circle of the city of worry-free. This is not a prison, what is it?
What's more, those who can escape into the city of worry-free are either powerful or extremely intelligent.Things are so expensive, these people are forced to use all kinds of methods to make money.His Majesty the Emperor and the big families don't have to do anything, they just need to set up a card to collect heavy taxes, and they can make a lot of money.

The people in Wuyou City are diligent and honest, pouting their buttocks to make money, who are they working hard for?There must be many smart people among them who can see this, but sadly, they have to make money for His Majesty the Emperor and several big families in order to survive, and there is no end to it for a lifetime.

Just making money is not enough, this is not too big of a punishment.The biggest punishment is that the people in Wuyou City do not restrict the people inside from fighting each other. That is to say, some people may accept rewards from the outside to attack the people inside in order to make money.

It is said that it is the city of worry-free, and when you arrive in the city of worry-free, you can be carefree, but the people in the city have to keep one eye open even when they sleep, for fear that others will kill them.

Being killed outside is nothing more than a hundred and one hundred, but fleeing into Wuyou City is a lifetime of fear, living in suspicion, suspicion, worry, and calculations every moment, endlessly, unless you are not afraid of death, you have to bear it all the time pain.But since he is willing to die, why not die outside?Why bother to enter Wuyou City to suffer this kind of crime?

Why didn't His Majesty the Emperor and the patriarchs of several big families swear poisonous oaths?Who would swear a poisonous oath, how happy is it to torture a guy who is not good for the family like this?He also gives me money.Even if you want him to die, it's just a high reward through the caravan, and someone will take action.To not let him die is to watch him be tortured alive.

Wang Sheng understood the plans of His Majesty the Emperor and the patriarchs of several big families almost instantly.This worry-free city is really a stroke of genius!

It's a pity that Wang Sheng won't say these words.Song Yan may or may not know the real intention of Wuyou City, this is not Wang Sheng's concern.But one thing is for sure, if Song Yan can't even think of this, then she is not suitable to be the heir of a big family.

When they were resting at night, Song Laoyu and Song Yan saw Wang Sheng practicing with a Hunyuan stake.The two of them couldn't help but look at each other a little bit. Is it worth it for a low-level Yuanhun?Even if he can absorb some spiritual energy to nourish his body, that's all. In the end, do he still want to make a breakthrough?
However, when Wang Sheng's body began to absorb the spiritual energy around him, both Song Yan and Song Laoyu noticed something unusual.

The surrounding aura, as if attracted by Wang Sheng's body, frantically rushed towards Wang Sheng.That strong feeling is almost comparable to that of Song Yan when she was practicing.

The question is, how is this possible?Song Yan is at the peak of the second-level realm. It is normal to be able to absorb spiritual energy so efficiently, but Wang Sheng is just an ordinary person. To put it bluntly, he is a waste with no soul. Absorption speed?

What is even more incomprehensible is that it has only been two months since Wang Sheng absorbed the original soul. This also includes the time he spent repairing the incomplete original soul. How could he be so monstrous?

You know, normal soul enlightenment takes as little as a year and as many as a few years.Even those geniuses who have shown extraordinary talent since childhood, such as Song Yan, a genius recognized by everyone, took seven or eight months to complete their enlightenment.Wang Sheng, a barbarian who has never been exposed to the concept of Yuanhun, is still a first-time brother who relies on Song Yan to solve his doubts. How could he do this in two months?
Only then did the two realize that Wang Sheng's pose was not to put on airs, but a unique technique.But even though Song Laoyu was well-informed, he didn't see what kind of exercise it was.Perhaps, all the secrets are hidden in this secret.

A high-level ring plus such an extraordinary skill can indeed be replaced by the method of making snow icing.Unexpectedly, Baoqing Yutang paid so much for Snow Sugar.

Wang Sheng was unaware of the shock of the two of them, he was already immersed in the space of his original soul.

The villain with fighting consciousness is not standing quietly like Wang Sheng's practice, but is constantly replaying the battle between Wang Sheng and Song Laoyu on the day of Wang Sheng. Every attack must be repeated several times, and then he keeps Deduction and calculation, optimization of the shooting angle, has been thoroughly immersed in the summary of that battle.

Wang Sheng didn't interfere with the combat consciousness, and the optimized results of the combat consciousness villain still had to be fed back to Wang Sheng himself.These are extremely precious experiences. Having such a fighting consciousness left to him by the woman in his dream can at least save half of Wang Zheng's time in combat practice.

The soul space is no longer static, but a vibrant and moving scene.The long river flows, and the green hills on both sides of the bank are facing each other, which is completely a living world.

Yuanhun Xiaoyu has changed a lot, at least in terms of size, it has grown a lot and is much stronger than the original one, which was less than a palm.According to Wang Sheng's preliminary estimation, it has reached at least two feet in length. It swims flexibly in the river, jumping out of the water from time to time, trying to jump over the glittering golden archway.

That's right, in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, there is an extra golden archway.On the plaque in the middle above the archway, there are two big blood-red characters "Dragon Gate".

This is the dragon gate that Wang Sheng took a full month to condense. It is more than ten feet high and spans the entire river.The Yuanhun Xiaoyu can easily swim from below, but it is quite difficult to jump over.

However, after more than a month of absorbing the spiritual energy to nourish the small fish of the original soul, the small fish has become a half-sized koi.Jumping from the water, you can even jump more than a foot high.Perhaps in time, when the soul fish has absorbed enough aura, it should be able to jump higher, and one day, it will be able to jump over the dragon gate.

Except for a small part of the influx of aura that will merge into the river and the dragon gate, most of the aura will enter the soul.The Tai Chi cyclone that used to occupy almost half of Xiaoyu's body is still rotating at that speed, but the cyclone has doubled in size, with a radius of five inches.

The cyclone became larger, and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy was also much faster.It's a pity that it has reached the limit now, and it can no longer be accelerated.According to Wang Sheng's calculations, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy now is equivalent to twice the speed of Pei Yuandan's ability to provide spiritual energy.

"Xiaoyan, how long did it take you to become enlightened?" Old Yushu looked at Wang Sheng and began to doubt everything. once.

"Seven months." Song Yan looked at Wang Sheng blankly, and subconsciously replied.She doesn't know what to think of Wang Sheng now. She obviously absorbed a low-level primordial soul, but what she showed was even more monstrous than a genius like her. Would she let people live?
"In your opinion, how long will it take him to complete the enlightenment and step into the first stage?" Old Uncle Yu asked again.

"His primordial soul is not at the top level, how could he enter the first level?" Song Yan realized now, and looked at Old Uncle Yu very puzzled.Old Uncle Yu is also a master in the middle stage of the third level, how could he make such a low-level mistake?
"Which low-level Yuanhun can do this?" Old Uncle Yu smiled wryly, pointing at Wang Sheng's body: "He told me now that he can enter the Ninth Layer Realm, I definitely have no doubts .Where the hell is he a freak from?"

Song Yan and Lao Yushu were both present when Wang Sheng landed, so they naturally knew how Wang Sheng appeared suddenly.Thinking about it now, the sudden fall from the sky clearly showed Wang Sheng's extraordinaryness from the very beginning, how did they realize this until now?
Old Uncle Yu said this purely because he was surprised by Wang Sheng.Both of them actually understood in their hearts that no matter how exaggerated they were, it was just an exaggeration, and there was no way to really break through the limit of being unable to flow into the original soul and step into the first stage.

It's a pity that Wang Sheng, who obviously has such a terrifying talent, bumped into an untimely Yuanhun because of an untimely timing. He is destined to be able to surprise people at this time in this life, but he cannot become a real master.

However, even so, as long as Wang Sheng still holds the method of making snow icing refined salt, Wang Sheng can easily become a rich man.

I just don't know if Wang Sheng will be reconciled at that time, and if those greedy guys who know that Wang Sheng has mastered these methods will just let Wang Sheng go.Even guys who already know the method will let him go, after all, the dead are the safest, aren't they?
(End of this chapter)

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