
Chapter 40

Chapter 40
Chapter 39 The Industry of Talking and Laughing
"Ling'er is presumptuous!" Lu Wenhou reprimanded directly and heavily.After scolding his girl, Lu Wenhou turned his head, cupped his hands at Wang Sheng and said, "Brother Wang, forgive me, I spoiled this girl. Let's make a deal at the price Brother Wang said!"

Wang Sheng could see that Lu Wenhou and Ling'er, one singing the red face and the other singing the bad face, was simply the most common routine in business.

However, if you can see it, you can see it, but Lu Wenhou's attitude is always so that people can't get angry.Very decent, very comfortable, and such a beauty, it is pleasing to the eye, how can I say no words.

"Brother Wang can take the gold coins away at any time." Lu Wenhou saluted Wang Sheng again, and asked, "I just don't know, what is the reason for what Brother Wang said just now that you can make a small profit, please give me your advice."

"Usually you catch young snakes, what are they usually used for?" Wang Sheng was not angry either. Eight thousand gold coins is not the price of snake eggs alone, it must be an industry.

After all, Ling'er was just a maid, so she couldn't tell, but Lu Wenhou understood what Wang Sheng meant, so he didn't hesitate to sell at a high price.

"Either kill and eat the meat, or use the snake's poison sac to poison the weapon." Ling'er replied angrily, staring at Wang Sheng, as if wishing to eat Wang Sheng.

"What a waste!" Wang Sheng couldn't help but let out a long sigh when he heard that it was still such a basic use.

"Brother Wang, please advise!" Lu Wenhou smiled even wider, and immediately asked Wang Sheng for advice.

"Eating meat is the worst form." Wang Sheng didn't give a damn, and directly refuted according to Ling'er's statement one by one: "The young snake is not big, and the meat is not much. And it is not mature, and it is not helpful for cultivation. Just tender meat, waste!"

"Poison quenching is a good use." Looking at Linger's unconvinced gaze, Wang Sheng took a sip of tea with a smile and put on airs. When Linger's eyes were about to burst into flames, Wang Sheng continued: "Using the poison sac to quench the poison, firstly, the snake must be killed every time, secondly, the direct quenching of the snake venom can only keep the activity for a few hours at most, the timeliness is too poor, it is a waste!"

Linger mentioned two purposes in a row, but Wang Sheng pointed out that it was a waste. Linger wanted to refute it, but what Wang Sheng said was the truth, with reasons and evidence, so she couldn't help being dissatisfied.The problem is, I have always claimed to be knowledgeable, so how can I be compared to a savage?
Wang Sheng said it easily, but he didn't know that Lu Wenhou was even more horrified at the moment.He smiled calmly on the surface, but there was already an uproar in his heart.

Ling'er is Lu Wenhou's maid in name, but in fact she is the most important assistant.Don't look at Linger's young age, but she has extensive knowledge and strong memory, and she has a photographic memory.Lu Wenhou deliberately searched the world and asked Linger to read all the books in the world. Almost as long as there are records, Linger can speak well. Unexpectedly, today he was defeated by Wang Sheng with a few eggs of the thousand phantom poisonous anaconda.

Everyone knows that eating meat is not worth it, but after a few hours of poisoning, the poison will lose its toxicity. This matter is also experienced by a subordinate of Lu Wenhou who is good at using poison. He told Lu Wenhou and Linger, but what did Wang Sheng do? knew?
It is not surprising that the barbarians drink blood like hair and know that using snake venom to infuse weapons with time-effectiveness is not surprising, but listening to Wang Sheng's words, it is clear that they are not the kind of shallow people who only know these problems, but they know the solutions.

"Actually, things like snakes are good things, especially snake venom." Wang Sheng took another sip of tea, looked at Linger, and didn't open his mouth until she pouted to refill Wang Sheng's glass.

"Getting the poison sac is the worst way." The other party spent money, and Wang Sheng didn't mind explaining in detail: "Snake venom can be obtained in a simple way, and there is no need to kill the snake at all."

Next, Wang Sheng introduced in detail the self-biting method of poisoning used in modern times on the earth. Wang Shengti didn't mention massage and electric stimulation, which was enough for them to ponder.

Lu Wenhou and Ling'er were dumbfounded after listening to the live poisoning method.Living snakes get their venom, isn't it possible to obtain snake venom continuously?

Of course, the snake venom doesn't just need to be removed.Snake venom is a kind of active protein. If it is not stored properly, especially at a slightly higher temperature, the protein will be denatured, and the snake venom will become a waste product.So preservation is also critical.

Wang Sheng also said this point in detail, and he brought it up specifically.If Lu Wenhou and Ling'er didn't care about this, they deserved to die.

Wang Sheng would not talk to them about the profound topic of protein denaturation, but just told them how to do it, which also explained why the poison would lose its toxicity if it was directly quenched for a period of time. It was because of improper storage.

"There are many articles that can be done." Wang Sheng introduced the process of taking poison, and then began to talk about its uses.

"The simplest way is to use the venom of various snakes to study antidote." Wang Sheng first explained the concept of antidote: "Don't tell me that you can't hire the best doctors and alchemists in Yubaozhai."

There are simple snake medicines in this world, Wang Sheng knew it before, so how could he not prepare these when he went to kill the thousand imaginary poisonous anacondas?However, snake medicine is too simple, it can be regarded as a broad anti-poison, and it cannot detoxify.After being poisoned, taking this medicine can only increase the resistance, whether it can be recovered depends on the individual's physical fitness and many other factors.

Wang Sheng must live in this world, contact with these is indispensable, so targeted antidote is very necessary.Wang Sheng himself didn't have the time and energy to do these things, so he just asked the rich Lu Wenhou to pay for the research. After the research, someone would definitely buy it.

"Hmph, even if there are doctors and alchemists, where can we find a group of people who are willing to be bitten by snakes to test?" Ling'er wanted to win the game, and asked angrily.

Then, seeing Wang Sheng looking at her like a fool, Ling'er didn't know if she said something wrong.Doesn't snake medicine need people to try it?
In fact, Lu Wenhou was also a little puzzled, but he didn't ask.In this regard, Ling'er and Lu Wenhou have always cooperated very well, and Ling'er asked their doubts in time.

"You don't know how to find some white mice, rabbits, monkeys and so on? Your family's life is so cheap?" Wang Sheng really looked at Ling'er with the eyes of a fool. How can such a smart little girl even Can't even think of this way?

Ling'er almost got under the table in shame.With such a simple method, it's really embarrassing for her to try to get it back with words so righteously!
The method is very simple, but no one thought of it before.How many doctors and alchemists have always used people to test medicines!There are some people who are willing to covet the high price to be a test drug.Speaking of which, those doctors and alchemists are really not as good as this barbarian, at least in this way, they are far behind.

"After all, I'm not a human being, and the medicine is effective..." Lu Wenhou also explained with a smile, you can't make Ling'er too ugly, can you?

"But at least I've tried things like mice, rabbits and monkeys, and it's not too dangerous to use them on humans, right?" Wang Sheng's understatement left Lu Wenhou with no further explanation.

"If you want to make money from snake medicine, it is probably more difficult." Wang Sheng didn't care whether the two were embarrassed or not, and said to himself: "Not everyone just rushes to Shekou when they have nothing to do. But..."

"Then you still say that you can make money?" Ling'er finally caught Wang Sheng's speech problem, and before Wang Sheng could say the rest, she raised her head and asked.

"At any rate, it's about saving people's lives. It's a matter of great merit." Wang Sheng gave Ling'er a blank look, and then said: "It is said that Yubaozhai also has a great reputation."

Now Ling'er immediately withered, with a red face, she would have known that she would not be so talkative, and she was going to say the second half of the sentence.Who doesn't know that when the reputation of doing business is good, the benefits will naturally follow?
"Snake venom still has a lot of effects, it depends on what your doctors and alchemists can do." Wang Sheng continued, this time instead of Wang Sheng staring at Linger, Linger took the initiative to wait for Wang Sheng to take a sip Will refill the tea for him.

"Being bitten by certain snakes will cause paralysis, and sometimes you can't even find that you have been bitten by a snake." What Wang Sheng said, both Ling'er and Lu Wenhou have the impression that there is a kind of monster snake that bites people, and people can't find it at all.

"If the dosage is right, this snake venom is actually the best pain reliever." Wang Sheng mentioned another function of the snake venom.

"Just kidding, is there any way to survive after being bitten by that kind of monster snake?" Ling'er's stubborn temper came again, and she couldn't help but questioned: "Are you killing people or relieving pain?"

"I've convinced you!" Wang Sheng looked defeated by you: "Didn't I say that the dose is appropriate? Half a mouthful if one mouthful is not enough, and less if half a mouthful is not enough. Let your doctors and alchemists Try it little by little! Salt is not poisonous, and if you feed it ten catties at a time, it will kill you if you don’t overstretch. Do you know what the proper dosage means?"

Ling'er froze again, hardly daring to raise her head, she could only desperately remember what Wang Sheng said, not daring to forget a single word.

Lu Wenhou's eyes also lit up.Snake medicine may not make much money, but if this painkiller can be produced in large quantities, practitioners will inevitably have pain, who doesn't need it?Where are these mere snake eggs, they are clearly a piece of gold!

"Some snakes bite people, and people's blood will condense into a ball." Wang Sheng continued to speak, this time whether Lu Wenhou or Ling'er, no one said anything, just listen.

"Let's do some research. It is a good hemostatic medicine with proper dosage and some other medicinal materials." Wang Sheng also mentioned the use of a snake venom, so he won't say anything else.They can't understand the anti-cancer, blood pressure-lowering and thrombolytic, etc., so it's better not to talk about it.

"Snake venom is a good thing! Isn't it appropriate to breed a large number of young snakes that have no strength but have enough venom?" Wang Sheng concluded, which is the final conclusion for the snake venom industry.

Seeing the unconvinced but speechless look of the little girl Linger, Wang Sheng couldn't help but prodded: "Girl, if you are fat, you need to eat less, and if you are ugly, you need to study more! You, there are too many things you don't understand. More, read more books!"

(End of this chapter)

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