
Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Chapter 40 The Dai Family Killer

Almost speechless by Wang Sheng's previous words, the little girl Ling'er could only listen while nodding, she didn't realize at all that Wang Sheng was tricking her at the end, and she didn't realize until she nodded in agreement, what do you call me? Should read more?

If Wang Sheng just said that he knows too little and needs to read more, the little girl wouldn't realize it.But it’s so hard to die, Wang Sheng still had a sentence in front of him that you should read more because you are ugly, and this sentence immediately changed its flavor.

"You mean I'm ugly?" Ling'er changed from a beautiful little maid who defended her young master into a female tyrannosaurus in an instant, and she was about to growl at Wang Sheng.

"Just kidding, you still take it seriously." Wang Sheng suppressed a smile, shook his head and sighed: "It really is a child, I don't know how to play!"

Ling'er was so wronged at this moment that she wanted to throw herself into the young master's arms and cry for comfort.Obviously it was Wang Sheng who said that she didn't understand, that she was ugly, and that she couldn't take a joke, but why did people always feel that he had done something wrong?
"Okay, Ling'er! You are a beautiful woman." Lu Wenhou couldn't see it anymore, and couldn't get angry at Wang Sheng, who just gave him a big fortune, so he could only comfort Linger and said: "Brother Wang Bickering, you are not an opponent, you are far behind, and you will not be wronged if you lose!"

I have to say that Lu Wenhou has a trick, just a few words can make Ling'er burst into tears.Wang Sheng kept looking at Linger. In fact, Lu Wenhou only needed one sentence. You are a beautiful woman. Five words will immediately make Linger happy.This girl, indeed, has unruly plans for his young master.

"Thank you, Brother Wang, for your guidance!" Turning around, Lu Wenhou cupped his hands at Wang Sheng again: "To be honest, I have seen many monster snakes among monster beasts, but I never thought that there is such a big industry among them. "

"I'll just say that, and you'll listen to it." Wang Sheng waved his hand: "You still need to find a doctor and alchemist to test it yourself, and you need to spend a lot of money to raise all kinds of monster snakes. Eight thousand gold coins, half sold and half free , it can be regarded as the beginning of cooperation!"

"This is because I have made a lot of money in Yubaozhai." Wang Sheng said bluntly, half selling and half giving away, but Lu Wenhou understood how much benefit was contained in it, so he didn't realize that Wang Sheng entrusted it with big money, but it was Sincerely thank you: "Lu X has a small gift to give, which can be regarded as thanks to Brother Wang for his advice."

Ling'er also recovered at this time, gave Wang Sheng a hard look, stood up and walked out of the car.A large tray was brought in from the outside and placed in front of Wang Sheng.

The large tray was covered with red silk, and it looked like several balls. Wang Sheng also smelled a strong smell of blood in his nose.Ling'er put down the tray, covered her nose and retreated to Lu Wenhou's side.

He casually lifted a corner of the red silk, and Wang Sheng saw what was inside.Sure enough, as Wang Sheng expected, there were four heads on the big tray.It looked like it had just been cut off, and the blood hadn't completely coagulated.

Judging from this sign, it was after Wang Sheng and Lu Wenhou entered the car and started talking that the people outside did the killing.It is even very possible that it started after Lu Wenhou and Wang Sheng made a deal.It was planned a long time ago to please Wang Sheng.

The four heads are very unfamiliar, and Wang Sheng is sure he has never seen them before.For him, the ace sniper, he knew it just by looking at it, so he didn't need to open it to look further.There is also Linger here, she is definitely not willing to watch such a bloody scene.

"These four belong to the Dai family." Lu Wenhou waited for Wang Sheng to look at it, and then waved Linger to take out the big tray.While explaining to Wang Sheng: "Brother Wang probably hasn't seen him before. They came to kill Brother Wang, and they happened to be met by my people, which can be regarded as saving Brother Wang from a little trouble."

The Dai family wanted to kill Wang Sheng, it was because of Dai Huan.Wang Sheng believes that there is no need for Marquis Lu Wen to use the heads of other family members to impersonate the Dai family. Besides, Wang Sheng also saw just now that there is a piece of skirt in front of each head, and there is Wang Sheng on it. The mark of the Dai family.

It has to be said that this gift is not light.At least Lu Wenhou, the young master of Yubaozhai, used the heads of the Dai family to show that they are on the side of Wang Sheng for now.

"Then thank you very much!" Wang Sheng was not hypocritical, and Lu Wenhou solved several Dai family members for him, and he had to be sympathetic to some extent.

"Actually, there is another one in Dai's family, but he was not with them, so I don't know where he went." Lu Wenhou smiled and apologized: "Otherwise, we will solve it for the husband. I came in a hurry, and I couldn't clean up the head and tail for the husband, but it was My fault."

"It's easy to say." What else can Wang Sheng say?Know there's another one but can't find it?This may?Maybe the remaining one is to prove that Wang Sheng killed the four people and has nothing to do with Yubaozhai.The means of a businessman must be to get himself out of the way, and it is best to make money on both sides, isn't it?
After the cooperation was reached, Wang Sheng happily accepted the gift, so everyone was naturally happy.Lu Wenhou originally wanted to bring [-] gold coins to Wang Sheng directly, but Wang Sheng refused, and directly asked Lu Wenhou to replace it with an elixir of the same value.Practicing in this world requires the use of elixir, which is easier than carrying gold coins weighing hundreds of catties, and does not take up space.

For pocket money, the [-] gold coins Wang Sheng got from the Song family is enough to spend. When he needs a lot of money in the future, he can simply sell another idea. There is no need to bring a large amount of gold coins.

When Wang Sheng got out of the car, he realized that more than an hour had passed.When I came here, there were still people passing by here one after another, but now there is no ghost except for the car and some guards from Yubaozhai.

Marquis Lu Wen left with a smile, the group of people disappeared quickly in chariots and horses, and after a while, only Wang Sheng was left alone, beside him was the empty backpack and a big red silk bag, inside were four The head of the Dai family.

Good means!Wang Sheng believes that no one in Shanglin City will know that the young master of Yubaozhai visited here not long ago, and even those who passed by before are not guaranteed to be Lu Wenhou.But in the near future, everyone will definitely see themselves entering Shanglin City with a package containing four Dai family heads.

Therefore, the gift was given by Lu Wenhou, but Wang Sheng had to carry the blame himself.But it doesn't matter, Wang Sheng never thought that after he killed Dai Huan, the Dai family could still have a good time with him.As Lu Wenhou said, it just reduced Wang Sheng's trouble, even if he didn't do it, Wang Sheng would not let these four people go.

The Dai family came to Shanglin City, other than dealing with himself, Wang Sheng couldn't think of any other purpose.Lu Wenhou said that there is another one. If the guarantee is not complete, Lu Wenhou deliberately stayed and wanted to test himself.

Wang Sheng shook his head. These businessmen have too many brains.It's no wonder that every business is booming, even Wuyou City can open a semicolon, and there is no fuel-efficient lamp.

After such a stop, it was still afternoon when we arrived, but it was already dusk when we entered the city.By the time Wang Sheng walked to the street in his small courtyard, it was almost dark.

There were no people on the street, but Wang Sheng could vaguely "see" some popularity from the surrounding yards.This is also a new ability brought to Wang Sheng after the Chi kiss transformation of Yuanhun. It was not very conspicuous at the beginning, but it became obvious after a few days.

It's as if Wang Sheng's eyes have built-in infrared functions, but it's not that exaggerated.From a distance, Wang Sheng could see the halos of some warm-blooded animals, but it was only a rough idea, and he couldn't determine the shape, let alone the location, and could only determine a direction from a distance.Especially at night, it is even more obvious.

When he discovered this, Wang Sheng was almost pleasantly surprised.This is simply giving himself an extra human-shaped radar, at least in terms of safety, there will be greater guarantees. Nothing makes Wang Sheng more ecstatic than this change.

Glancing at his small courtyard from the street, Wang Sheng concentrated, and immediately found that there was a trace of popularity in his small courtyard.

There are people inside!With a thought in Wang Sheng's mind, the infrared telescope appeared in his hand.This world cannot be recharged, but it was fully charged before departure, and the infrared telescope only looked at it a few times, and the electricity in it was enough for a long time.

The binoculars are professional, and it is easy to see that there is indeed a person in his small courtyard.That person seemed to be very confident in his hiding skills, and even used an extremely exaggerated posture to hide on the beam of his room.Judging by the posture that can attack violently at any time, it should be that Wang Sheng will attack immediately when he comes back.

This must be the rest of the Dai family.This is well-founded. Although this is the location of the Song family in Shanglin, the Song family only wants the wealth in their own hands and minds, and will never come up to take their own lives.

Since someone wants to play this method, Wang Sheng doesn't mind playing with him.Wang Sheng clearly remembered something in the places he passed along the way. Wang Sheng turned around quickly and returned to this side after a long while.

However, Wang Sheng already had a big bag in his hand.It contained quicklime found somewhere on the road, and Wang Sheng specially ground it finely, and mixed a pack of earth-like pepper noodles unique to this world in it.

He opened the door with a normal voice, entered the yard, and walked to the door of the house at a normal pace.Goggles suddenly appeared on Wang Sheng's face, a protective mask was added to his mouth and nose, and a steel helmet was also put on his head.

The expert in the room was Fourth Master Dai's subordinate. Fourth Master Dai said that he wanted to take Wang Sheng's head back himself.He hid it very secretly, and he arrived here two days ago, so he didn't alarm outsiders at all, and he didn't even know about the four companions he brought.

Hearing the sound of Wang Sheng opening the courtyard door and walking to the door of the room and opening the door, the expert guard of the Dai family, who was at the peak of the second level, couldn't help but clenched his dagger tightly.

The door opened, but Wang Sheng didn't enter the door, a cloud of white mist exploded suddenly, covering the whole room in an instant, and there was a pungent smell inside, as long as it smelled it, it made me want to sneeze wildly.

The Dai family guard on the beam was shocked, how did he find himself?
(End of this chapter)

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