
Chapter 401 Running on Lava

Chapter 401 Running on Lava
Chapter 230 Running on Lava
Magma is a non-Newtonian fluid with a density of about [-] tons per cubic meter, a viscosity [-] times that of water, and a temperature between [-] and [-] degrees.

This density is many times higher than that of the human body, which also means that even if Wang Sheng jumped directly into the magma lake, he would not sink to the bottom, but would float and burn on the surface of the magma.

The place where Wang Sheng chooses to run is usually the reddish part of the magma lake, which is also the part with the lowest temperature in the magma lake, about 1000 degrees.If it is those bright positions, it is enough to exceed more than [-] degrees.

At the same time, the water on the soles of Wang Sheng's boots was vaporized at the moment of contact with the lava, which would take away a large amount of heat and further reduce the temperature of the contact surface.This temperature is not enough to ignite the soles of Wang Sheng's boots at the moment of contact.And every time he ran, Wang Sheng would control the release of water from a certain ring to the soles of his boots, keeping his soles moist and low temperature.

Of course, the most important thing is that Wang Sheng runs fast enough.Touch and go, the average contact time with magma is no more than one tenth of a second.And just to be on the safe side, Wang Sheng also soaked all the parts below his knees with water to ensure that the water would vaporize and take away the heat so as not to ignite his pants and whole body.

The meaning of non-Newtonian fluid is simply that if Wang Sheng is standing on the magma, he will sink slowly, but if he is running fast, the most is that the magma ground is somewhat elastic, which does not hinder Wang Sheng's actions.The premise is that Wang Sheng's speed is fast enough and the contact time is short enough.

This is the principle of Wang Sheng's liquid body armor.It is usually soft, but the moment it is stabbed by a bullet or a sharp weapon, it will harden instantly.

So, what everyone saw was that Wang Sheng's feet were steaming with water vapor, but even the soles of the protective boots that were in direct contact with the magma showed no signs of burning.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wang Shengheng hugged the hostess, and in less than ten seconds, he rushed across the [-]-meter-wide magma lake and onto the small flat land opposite.

The moment the hostess picked her up in Wang Sheng's arms, her mind went blank.It seemed to be joy, and it seemed to be shock.But when Wang Sheng rushed into the magma lake with her in his arms, Rao closed his eyes involuntarily with the heroine's boldness and trust in Wang Sheng, stretched out his hands and hugged Wang Sheng's thick body tightly. neck, and buried his face on Wang Sheng's broad chest.

If you must die, it's not bad to die with Wang Sheng like this, at least they hug each other tightly, and there is no separation.Before he died, there was a man who made him feel safe by his side. It seemed that it was not a pity to die like this.

But the hostess didn't wait for death to come, she just felt that she was moving rapidly.When he opened his eyes, he saw that Wang Sheng was about to rush across the magma lake with him in his arms.

Waiting until the hostess was put on the ground by Wang Sheng, with her feet firmly on the ground, after confirming that this was neither a dream nor an illusion, the hostess found out that she was still tightly hugging Wang Sheng's neck and did not let go, and Wang Sheng had no choice but to bend over. Bend down so that he can reach Wang Sheng's neck.

"Okay, let go!" Wang Sheng gently patted the back of the hostess, and comforted him: "We can watch the show slowly now."

The hostess let go of Wang Sheng, first took a careful look at herself and Wang Sheng, and made sure that both of them were intact without any scars, and then she looked at the opposite side with confidence, looking at those who had been asked before. The subordinates of the new boss who monitored him and wanted to kill him at any time turned into logs.

Feihu and the others were indeed stunned.How can this be?The same ground fire veins, the same people, and the same protective clothing, why is it impossible for Wang Sheng to run across such a large ground fire pulse with the hostess in his arms, while his subordinates are only in such a small ground fire pulse? Standing on the veins for a while, was burned to ashes?
Is it because of running fast?Reminiscent of Wang Sheng's desperate charge just now, everyone is a master of cultivation, so they immediately came to such a conclusion.

A master guard at the fifth level doesn't believe in evil. Since Wang Sheng can rush over, theoretically he should be able to rush over too.Gritting his teeth, he greeted his companions, then took a few steps back, ran up, increased his speed to the highest, and imitated Wang Sheng's appearance and rushed towards Wang Sheng.

What he thought was right, but as soon as he rushed in and hadn't rushed out ten meters, everyone saw that the boots under his feet were already on fire.But Wang Shenggang was unscathed, and there was no flame on his body.

If it's just the boots on fire, it's not a big problem. As long as you can rush to the opposite side in time and take off your boots, you will be safe.The question is, will Wang Sheng on the opposite side allow him to rush over?

With a flick of his fingers, the steel ball appeared in his hand, and Wang Sheng aimed at the figure of the guard running in the magma and flicked it out.The steel ball, like a bullet, directly leaped over a distance of tens of meters, and accurately hit the sword in the guard's hand.

It wasn't that Wang Sheng had a good head and hit the blade just right, but that the guard drew out his long sword while running, and slashed accurately on the steel ball.

This set of movements is done in one go, but Wang Sheng's steel ball is not only one, but several.The guards were not simple, they blocked several steel balls in a row, but forgot that they were still standing on the magma and needed to run.

A few pauses were enough to set his boots and pants on fire.The hot flame ignited his shirt again.The poor guard was just blocked in the magma and burned into a ball of torches.

By the time he realized something was wrong, knowing that he couldn't rush to the other side, and hurriedly turned back and ran back at high speed, he had already missed the best time to escape.

Less than three meters away from the magma lake where everyone was standing, the guards of the fifth level fell down.A companion with a long weapon by the lake pulled him out of the magma lake with a weapon in time, and when everyone rushed to extinguish the flames on his body, this master had already suffered severe burns on more than 90.00% of his body .Finally, his cultivation base is advanced, he is not dead, and he still has a breath to linger on.

If there is a magic pill at this time, and that resurrection pill really has the effect of resurrecting the dead, maybe the guard can still survive.But the problem is, knowing that the magic pill might be in that grotto, everyone couldn't take it out, they could only watch the guard groaning in pain, and his life force drained away bit by bit.

Feihu looked at Wang Sheng and the hostess opposite with hatred, walked to the side of the burnt guard, saw his pained appearance, gritted his teeth, and ended him with a sword, giving him a happy feeling.

"Let's break the formation! Don't worry about them!" Feihu ordered through gritted teeth.As long as you get the magic pill, leave immediately, and then see how these two dogs and men will be suffocated to death in the underground palace.

(End of this chapter)

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