
Chapter 402 Mantis Catching Cicadas

Chapter 402 Mantis Catching Cicadas

Chapter 230 Praying Mantis Catching Cicadas

It was almost a mile away, and Wang Sheng could still clearly see what was going on there, but the hostess basically could only listen to Wang Sheng's explanation.

With such a long distance, coupled with the fact that it is completely illuminated by the light from the magma, even Wang Sheng can barely see clearly, and the details are still not fully visible.

Under the puzzled eyes of the hostess, Wang Sheng took out the scope of his M200 and brought it close to his eyes.The scene over there immediately appeared clearly in front of my eyes.

The proprietress couldn't understand Wang Sheng's state at all. Although Wang Sheng had created many miracles and just ran across the flowing magma with her in his arms, now he was holding a long and thin pipe in front of his eyes. What are you doing?Is it possible to see things over there with a tube?

Feihu only sent a guard with the lowest cultivation level to watch over Wang Sheng's side, and they would ignore him as long as Wang Sheng couldn't come over.The rest of the people are all under the arrangement of the four formation masters, each holding a formation stone, standing in the calculated position, and waiting for one of the formation masters to give an order, and the formation stone will be activated at the same time.

This is a set of formation stones for violently cracking formations, especially for various solid protection formations.This kind of formation will suddenly concentrate on one point, and then break violently for two or three breaths.Taking advantage of this time, prepared masters can enter and exit the protective formation freely, but the premise is that the speed must be fast enough to complete all this before the protective formation recovers.

More than 20 people practiced collectively several times, and when they were able to activate the formation stones in a unified manner, everyone stood at the calculated position, and the formation stones aimed at the protective formation at the entrance of the grotto, ready to attack.

Feihu was the only one who didn't hold the formation stone. He wanted to smash the stone door that sealed the grotto at the moment when everyone broke through the formation at the entrance of the grotto.

The hostess looked at this side with a bored expression on her face.She herself couldn't see the scene over there, Wang Sheng was holding a strange pipe to the other side, she didn't know what she was doing, and she didn't talk to her, and she didn't have the confidence to be like Wang Sheng in the fire and fire veins. Running, I can only stand on the side with my mouth pouted and helpless.

Wang Sheng heard the movement of the hostess, smiled slightly, handed the scope to the hostess, and taught her to put it in front of her eyes.

When the scene from the other side of the grotto clearly appeared in front of the proprietress, the proprietress finally knew what this strange pipe was for.This time, the proprietress directly grabbed the pipe, never gave it to Wang Sheng, and stared at it closely, for fear of missing any scene.

Bang, the movement of dozens of people mobilizing the formation was really big, and there was a roar like boulders colliding.However, the scene of the collapse of the protective formation that everyone expected did not happen.Not to mention collapse, not even a small hole was broken.

"They can't break the formation." The hostess became happy when she saw this scene.These ungrateful guys, now taste the pain of treasure in front of them but can't take it, it's really refreshing to watch.

"It's just one or two strokes." Wang Sheng was not so optimistic.

With so many masters and four formation masters, it is necessary to break a formation 500 years ago. Not to mention how strong the formation is, the 500-year research gap alone is a huge natural moat.Wang Sheng has never heard that the technology 500 years later cannot crack the locks 500 years ago, especially these guys still use brute force to crack.

One experiment can't explain anything, this kind of formation, as long as you find the right direction, find the right position, and find the right attack frequency, you can always break through it.

Feihu was not discouraged, but continued to order the formation master to attack again.Bang, there was another extremely shocking sound, and the entire underground space seemed to be shaken.

Wang Sheng and the hostess were so far away that they could feel the shock of the space. One could imagine how big the movement was just now.

"Look, they found the trick." Wang Sheng looked over there and said to the hostess next to him.

The hostess was extremely unwilling, but she could only accept such a helpless ending.Although they still didn't blast away this time, the stronger shocks each time clearly showed that they were slowly approaching success.Thinking that the magic pills and recipes she wanted to use to make a comeback would be taken away by Feihu and Wang Sheng but she and Wang Sheng could do nothing, the female proprietress felt powerless for a while.I have worked so hard to arrange all this, what is it for?
Next, it was Flying Fox who directed a group of people to experiment non-stop.Everyone stopped to rest when they were tired, and continued when they were rested.Anyway, in such a large underground space, there is no need to worry about being discovered by anyone, let alone the danger of Qian Jedi everywhere, as long as there is enough time.

For more than ten hours, everyone tried hundreds of times there, and the four formation masters finally found the weakness of the formation, and also figured out the frequency of the attack, and began to let everyone recover immediately, and then prepare to formally broken array.Feihu also concentrated all his strength, waiting for the final blow.

Boom, this time the crowd's attack brought about the sound of an invisible barrier collapsing.

"It's done!" A formation master exclaimed in surprise: "Feihu, speed!"

Feihu was already ready to attack, and as soon as the array mage's voice came out, his attack had already landed heavily on the stone door of the grotto.

A stone gate carved out of volcanic rock about a foot thick is not a barrier that is difficult to break through for a seventh-level expert.It was just a blow from Feihu's iron rod, and the stone door shattered, revealing the space inside the grotto.

Chick, a burst of incomparably irritating gas erupted from the grotto.Flying Fox had been prepared for a long time and stepped aside.This space has been sealed for 500 years and needs to be ventilated, and the grottoes have also been sealed for 500 years and also need to be ventilated.

Just like this, the protective formation has been restored.Everyone is not in a hurry. If you can open it once, you can open it a second time. You just need to wait for the exhaust gas inside to go in again. You can also take advantage of this time to observe the situation inside.

The door of the grotto is facing Wang Sheng and the hostess. With Wang Sheng's scope, the hostess can clearly see the scene in the gate.

There is a fire vein of earth fire inside, and an alchemy furnace. In addition, on a pattern that is clearly outlined by a formation, this shining jade box is suspended.The body of the jade box is also engraved with countless complex patterns. I don't know if it's because of the formation or the material, but it keeps shining brightly.

All eyes were on the jade box.With such a miraculous performance, everyone can almost be sure that the magic pill they are looking for on this trip is in this jade box.

(End of this chapter)

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