
Chapter 422

Chapter 422

Chapter 240

Wang Sheng mentioned his place, referring to the old shadow eunuch who told him that the emperor had rewarded him with the Hou Mansion in the capital. Obviously, the female proprietor and Uncle Liu misunderstood, and they misunderstood that Wang Sheng was in the small town in Wuyou City. hospital.

"Your place can't accommodate two more people. We have more than 20 people here." The proprietress was taken aback for a moment, obviously not expecting Wang Sheng to say that, but just thinking of his small yard, she immediately refused. up.

"Can you still go back to Baoqing Yutang?" Wang Sheng raised his head and asked.

In fact, Wang Sheng knew the result without asking.The hostess and Uncle Liu shook their heads in unison.

The female proprietress managed to get out of the control of Bao Qing Yu Tang, how could she throw herself into the trap again?If they really go back, the new owner will definitely never give them another chance, even if they have a reputation of being inhumane, they will kill them directly.

"Have you thought about what to do?" Wang Sheng asked again.In fact, this sentence is nonsense.

"No!" The proprietress originally thought that she could get the magic pill formula this time, and then use these resources to operate.But now the magic pill has been snatched away by the masters of the Song family, and the recipe is in the hands of Wang Sheng.Speaking of the process of discovering Danfang, the female proprietor did not feel that she was qualified to ask Wang Sheng to give her, so she was still at a loss in the way ahead.

"Then follow me to my side, cultivate for a while, and think carefully about what you want to do." Wang Sheng once again made a suggestion to the hostess.

The hostess looked at Uncle Liu, who nodded slowly towards her.Since Wang Sheng invited him twice in a row, Uncle Liu and the others are of course happy to see their young lady and Wang Sheng deepen their relationship further.It doesn't matter that Wang Sheng's yard in Wuyou City is small, they can find a place to live, as long as the eldest lady and Wang Sheng can get closer and win Wang Sheng to live, it's worth it!

"Okay! There's nowhere to go anyway, and your place is safe." The hostess nodded and agreed.

The reason why Wang Sheng wanted to invite the hostess to the Hou's mansion in the capital also had his own selfish motives.

The longer he lives in this world, the more Wang Sheng understands the benefits of having a strong group behind him.When he was on earth, Wang Sheng was backed by the entire country. Of course, he was not afraid of anything. But after coming to this world, Wang Sheng lived the life of a solo traveler most of the time, and even called him a solo traveler. Wolf.

The real backing against the big tree is after coming to the city of worry-free.But Wuyou City can only guarantee Wang Sheng's safety in the city, and there is no guarantee after he leaves.For a while, he still carried the name of the son-in-law of the Song family, but now he exists in name only.

Wang Sheng can take refuge in Wuyou City, the royal family, or any vassal state. He can rely on a big tree to enjoy the shade, but no matter how good a big tree is, how can he become a big tree by himself?What's more, Wang Sheng's ultimate goal is the girl in his dream. If the girl in his dream is still alive, she would have been an enemy of the world 500 years ago. Now...some things have to be prepared.

The current situation of the proprietress is at her lowest point, and Wang Sheng can give her enough help to rebuild a business empire.But the premise is that the hostess is biased towards him enough.

This premise is difficult, but Wang Sheng must try.If it doesn't work, we can only cooperate with Yubaozhai in depth.

Going to the capital will expose some transactions or relationships between Wang Sheng and the emperor. It depends on whether the female proprietor will value herself more because of this, or she will distance herself from politics, who knows?
There is one purpose to arrange the female proprietor, and another main purpose is to find the old Taoist priest Lingxu.Wang Sheng has already comprehended the use of Xingzi Jue, and after a while of familiarity, he will be able to advance again.Wang Sheng didn't want to be in Wuyou City when he was promoted, Laojun Temple is a good place, just right.

To be honest, Wang Sheng was quite tempted by Laojunguan.In the whole view of Laojun, except for the old Taoist priests, the number of top masters is definitely no less than that of any vassal state.At this moment, Laojunguan's attitude towards Wang Sheng is very friendly, and Wang Sheng hopes to regard Laojunguan as his last retreat.

As a senior sniper, you must take all the details into consideration when setting out a mission.How to evacuate successfully, how to evacuate in failure, infiltrate plan, retreat plan, backup plan and so on.Wang Sheng was able to fight in various complicated battlefields for more than ten years, relying on this caution.

Along the new road from the camp to Wuyou City, Wang Sheng and the hostess walked forward.When it was almost a dozen miles away from Wuyou City, seeing no one around, Wang Sheng led the crowd off the road and walked into the jungle.

Following Wang Sheng, everyone in Qianjudi was not worried about anything, but they were about to reach their destination, why did Wang Sheng suddenly change the route?The hostess was not reserved, and asked directly.

"We're not going to Wuyou City." Wang Sheng gave the answer directly to everyone.As for where to go, Wang Sheng didn't say, and everyone didn't ask, obviously this was Wang Sheng's own secret.Anyway, I will always know when I get to the ground, and there is no need to ask now.

After going around in a circle, Wang Sheng led the people away from the edge of Qianjedi, which is tens of miles away from Wuyou City, and went straight to the main road.Uncle Liu waited for several shopkeepers to come forward in turn, and bought a few carts and horses in the passing town, and the guards took turns driving them along the official road to the capital.

When they first heard that Wang Sheng's destination was the capital, the hostess and Uncle Liu were very surprised.Does Wang Sheng have any relationship with the emperor?But they were smart enough not to ask, what Wang Sheng wanted to say would always be told to them.

"I made a deal with the royal family. The emperor, um, the current emperor gave me a favor." Wang Sheng knew that concealing the truth would not be a good thing for the future cooperation between the two parties, so he kept his relationship with the royal family simple first. He made an explanation, pointed to his head and said with a smile: "You also know that I always have some different ideas."

Both the proprietress and Uncle Liu agreed on this point.One of the ideas in Wang Sheng's mind is a big business with at least hundreds of thousands of gold coins.Snow icing is like this, refined salt is like this, and it is said that Yubaozhai's new snake medicine is also like this. As for the fact that any shop in Wuyou City is waiting for Wang Sheng to go in and order things, let's not talk about it.

It is normal for the royal family to make a deal with Wang Sheng.This shows that the royal family has become smarter this time and knows who to cooperate with.

"What did the emperor reward you?" The proprietress became interested on the road and began to ask the bottom line.Mainly out of curiosity, why is the reward from the emperor different from the cooperation of ordinary families?

"Well, a big house!" Wang Sheng replied with a smile: "It's big enough to fit all of you. By the way, when you arrive, Uncle Liu, you have worked hard, help me to settle the accounts, and see if the emperor has rewarded me. How much is it worth in gold coins?"

(End of this chapter)

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