
Chapter 423

Chapter 423

Chapter 240

Uncle Liu and the others agreed with a smile, and they seemed to be laughing and laughing along the way.

Everyone was already dying of curiosity, but no one asked what kind of deal Wang Sheng had made with the royal family.Unless Wang Sheng himself was willing to reveal it, or the royal family took the initiative to reveal it, otherwise, in their current embarrassing position, taking the initiative to inquire about the secrets of the royal family would be an act of courting death.

It was the official road, and most of the people had changed their image, so not many people noticed on the road, and within a few days, everyone rushed to the boundary of the capital.

When they arrived in the capital, Wang Sheng didn't take the people directly to the Hou's Mansion, but first found an inn and settled them down.

In the capital city, apart from the few masters who are familiar with the Linglong Pavilion, Wang Sheng only has a few acquaintances in the Laojun Temple in the suburbs of Beijing. All in all, it can be said that he is not familiar with the capital city.Wang Sheng didn't know whether the gold medal given to him by the shadow old eunuch was of any use, so it was prudent not to bring everyone there directly.

It's not that Wang Sheng is being careful, but that when dealing with the royal family, he must not believe in the other party's promises like ordinary commercial organizations.I dare not say anything else, the thousands of years of feudal history on earth has taught Wang Sheng many solid lessons.

The address of the Hou Mansion was given to Wang Sheng by the old eunuch Shadow, and it was the first time Wang Sheng came to the door, only bringing the female proprietor with him.Looking for a place while looking at the scenery, after a whole morning of shopping, I finally found a land.

It has to be said that the royal family's handwriting is big, and in the capital, where every inch of land is expensive, they just toss out a Hou's mansion domineeringly.The land with a radius of one hundred acres, besides the imperial city, can be regarded as a second-to-none mansion.

The environment is very quiet, the surrounding old trees are uneven, the shadows of the trees are mottled, there are neither small merchants hawking one after another, nor endless streams of horses and horses.

I don't know what's going on inside, but Wang Sheng looks very satisfied on the outside.Going around that circle, the tall but full of historical traces of the wall slowly walked to the main gate, and from a distance, I saw four gatekeepers standing at the gate, like javelins.On the whole street, there is only one mansion of almost the same size on the opposite side, and there is no other house. No wonder no one passes by. This is not a place where ordinary people can come.

"Stop!" Just ten feet away from the entrance of the Hou Mansion, before Wang Sheng and the hostess reached the door, someone shouted at the door: "Waiters, please don't come near."

Being so close was enough for the two of them to see many things clearly.It is said to be the Hou's Mansion, but there is no plaque on it, and there is no signboard, which probably means waiting for Wang Sheng.Only if Wang Sheng is willing to make it public will they publicly admit that this is the Marquis's Mansion, otherwise, it will be a noble mansion without a famous brand.

Wang Sheng ignored the scolding and went straight forward.Seeing that Wang Sheng didn't listen to the call, two of the four gatekeepers had already come up to him, holding the handle of the knife, and it seemed that as long as Wang Sheng moved forward, he was going to make a move.

"Someone told me that as long as I hold this, I can take over the mansion." Wang Sheng didn't talk nonsense. With a flick of his hand, the gold medal given by the old shadow eunuch appeared, and he flashed it at the two gatekeepers.

Sure enough, the two gatekeepers stopped in their tracks. They looked at the gold medal, then at each other, and turned their heads to ask the other two gatekeepers what they meant.

One of them seemed to be the leader. He trotted forward in a hurry, looked carefully at Wang Sheng's gold medal, and saluted Wang Sheng: "Your honored guest, wait a moment and wait for the little one to report."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly ran back to the gate of the mansion.After a while, an old man who looked like a steward of the inner government hurried out with a whisk in his hand.Looking around at the door, he saw Wang Sheng and the hostess.

"Honored guest, please forgive me for being rude, and please give me a gold medal!" Facing Wang Sheng, the old steward who looked like a eunuch bowed to Wang Sheng, and spoke to Wang Sheng in a unique high-pitched voice. Wang Sheng asked.

Wang Sheng didn't think there was anything wrong. If someone came over with a token, he would always have to take a look at it if it was him.Unexpectedly, he handed the gold medal to the old steward who had already stretched out his hands to receive the gold medal.

"Dear guest, please wait a moment!" The old steward held the gold medal in both hands, trotted to the door, and then handed the gold medal to a little eunuch inside the door, while he stood at the door and waited intently.

Not only Wang Sheng, but even the hostess didn't think there was anything wrong.But when the two stood there and waited for 10 minutes and there was no movement, the two realized that something might be wrong.

What snipers need most is patience. Wang Sheng watched the old steward standing at the door, and didn't think about the worst. He just comforted the hostess and continued to wait.

After waiting for another 10 minutes, there was still no movement. The old steward did not speak or move. He just stood there, and the four gatekeepers beside him had already returned to their original positions, standing like four javelins. Sheng and the proprietress didn't even look at it.

An hour later, Wang Sheng seemed to have figured out something, he let out a long sigh, and walked forward.The gatekeeper didn't stop him this time, and let Wang Sheng walk directly to the old lady at the gate.

"If there is any inconvenience, return the gold medal to me, and I will leave first." Wang Sheng said politely to the old steward.

"Gold medal?" The old eunuch just slightly lowered his head and stared at the position in front of his toes, but he didn't lift his head when he heard Wang Sheng's words, but raised his eyelids, and asked in confusion, "What gold medal?"

Now, even if Wang Sheng is a fool, he knows that he has been cheated.There is really nothing good about cooperating with the Royal gang. You can even deny the promised rewards, but you just want it.

"Understood!" Wang Sheng smiled at the other party, and said without much nonsense, "Then please return the things to the right owner." After speaking, he turned and left.

The proprietress also heard the words of the two, and seeing this scene happening before her eyes, she, a businessman who values ​​integrity more than the sky, couldn't help being dumbfounded and amazed.It turns out that some things can still be done like this?As expected, I am still much tenderer!

Wang Sheng gestured to the hostess, and the two of them walked straight along the way they came without saying anything.

"Someone asked me to bring you a message." After the two of them walked a few steps, the old steward's sinister voice suddenly came from behind: "There are some things that you are not qualified to get your hands on. Since you are so good, Then let you live and leave the capital as soon as possible! Otherwise, no one can protect your life."

(End of this chapter)

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