
Chapter 424 Emperor's Chapter

Chapter 424

Chapter 240 Two Words of the Son of Heaven

Watching Wang Sheng and the two walk away, out of sight, the old lady supervisor who had lowered her eyebrows just now raised her head, sighed, opened the door and approached the mansion.

Hastily passed through the front hall and the front yard and went straight to the middle hall. In the middle hall, there were five young people sitting and talking and laughing.On the main seat in the middle, a young man in a bright yellow robe is holding Wang Sheng's gold medal in his hand.

"Your Highness, you have already left." The old steward entered the door and saluted the young man in the main seat.From the title, the young man on the throne seems to be a prince.

"Did he say anything?" Everyone stopped talking, His Highness raised his head and asked, "Did you make a fuss at the door?"

"He said that it is enough to return the things to the rightful owner, and he didn't say anything else." The old steward reported truthfully: "There was no fuss, and he left after talking."

"Hmph!" His Highness snorted coldly, with a look of disdain on his face: "Forget him to be wise!"

"A country bumpkin who didn't know which country ran out dared to covet the position of the Marquis." A young man immediately next to him joked, "I really don't know the heights of heaven and earth."

"If you ask me, Your Highness is too kind-hearted." Another young man in brocade robes was not to be outdone, and flattered him: "This kind of foolish person should be captured on the spot, and then distributed to the frontiers."

"Your Highness is a generous person, so naturally he wouldn't do such a thing like extermination." The third immediately argued: "Since that country bumpkin is sensible, let him live, and His Highness will also appear to be magnanimous."

The His Highness sitting in the main seat listened to the compliments from the people around him, and showed a smile of enjoyment on his face.As they said, a country bumpkin who didn't know where to jump out, is worthy of the emperor's solicitation?He only took back his gold medal and the Marquis Mansion, and it is already a great favor to spare his life, so how dare you make nonsense?
"After all, it's an edict from the emperor. If the emperor finds out about my actions like this, I'm afraid it won't be good." Among the few people, there is still a smart person, who said it with some worry at this moment.

Since a few months ago, the Seventh Highness has been very dissatisfied with the emperor's inexplicable award of a killer in Wuyou City.In particular, the mansion that His Highness the Seventh Prince took a fancy to was actually rewarded by the emperor to the so-called Marquis of Chang Sheng, which made His Highness even more unhappy.

His Highness the Seventh Prince could bear it at first, but after waiting for two months, he found that no one had taken over the Marquis Mansion, and when it was just left here empty, His Highness the Seventh Prince began to use his brains.

First, relying on his identity as the prince, he forcibly lived in this mansion.With his status as a prince, which of the servants in the mansion would dare to say no?

The property that the emperor bestowed on Wang Sheng became the private property of His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince.From time to time, His Highness the Seventh Highness would bring some of his servants here to drink and enjoy the flowers.

The unlisted mansions also meet the requirements of secrecy. Over the past few months, there have been no rumors about these things in the capital, which made the Seventh Prince and his group feel more and more that this should be the case, and they became more and more unscrupulous.

Today, when Wang Sheng came to the door, it happened that His Highness Seventh Prince and others were having fun, so the old steward took the opportunity to inspect the gold medal and received the gold medal from His Highness Seventh Prince, but Wang Sheng had to leave sadly.

The four attendants of His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince are also the sons of the four important ministers of the imperial court.Two of them were important ministers in charge of drafting the edict, so they also knew that the emperor's reward was a real thing.

It's just that, including His Highness the Seventh Prince, no one has taken Wang Sheng, who was born as a country bumpkin, seriously. Even if Wang Sheng is not reconciled, so what?How many big inner guards can he beat?Or can they break through many barriers and appear in front of the emperor to cry for grievances?

"Are you leaving just like that?" After turning the corner of the street, the people behind must be out of sight, so the proprietress asked Wang Sheng.

"What if I don't go?" Wang Sheng's face showed no sadness or joy, he was very calm, as if what happened just now didn't happen to him: "Can I cry at the gate of the mansion? Or fight the masters inside?" Fan?"

The hostess also fell silent.Indeed, if this happened to her, what would she do?The owner of Baoqing Yutang grandiosely let his son take her place, and almost put her to death, but isn't she just as helpless now?

"No wonder you said you must be careful when doing business with the royal family." At this moment, the proprietress really understood what Wang Sheng said before: "It turns out that there are really people who turn their faces and deny people. If such people were in the business field, they would have The lost pants are gone."

"That's not necessarily the case." Wang Sheng shook his head slightly in his heart, thinking of the many dishonest profiteers on the earth.Compared with them, all the businessmen in this world are conscientious businessmen. Even Lu Wenhou, who Wang Sheng always thought was a profiteer, was always spitting at each other. The cooperation between the two only needs to be verbal, not even a contract. signed.

In contrast, Wang Sheng prefers these lovely businessmen in this world.

"It doesn't count what the emperor said, so what will happen?" the proprietress asked with some emotion.

"The emperor pays attention to the king's nonsense." Wang Sheng replied with a smile: "If the emperor's words don't count, then he is the end of the emperor. In fact, being an emperor is much more difficult than doing business. Unfortunately, they don't seem to understand This principle."

"Are you really planning to just let it go?" The two slowly walked away, and the words of the hostess also came slowly.

"Of course!" Wang Sheng didn't seem to realize that there was nothing wrong with being tricked, and his tone was firm.

"In the rumors, you don't seem like such a submissive person!"

"That's a false rumor."

"It's so easy to talk, if I knew it earlier, I would have taken your idea and wouldn't have paid you."

"There's nothing you can do if you don't give it to me! There are so many masters around you, can I ask you to force me to do it?"

"Where is the last person who made fun of you like this?"

"Who knows? The bones are already rotten!"


The figures of the two became farther and farther away, and their voices became farther and farther away, until finally they became inaudible.

On the opposite side of the direction where the two disappeared, in the mansion facing the Hou's mansion, a man dressed as a servant seemed to be slacking off under the wall, leaning against the wall and sleeping soundly.

The words of Wang Sheng and the hostess did not avoid others. In fact, there was no one around. No one knew that behind the next wall, there was a man sleeping with his eyes closed smiling as if in a dream. .After the two of them disappeared completely, the lying person jumped up and ran away like flying.

(End of this chapter)

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