
Chapter 471

Chapter 471
Chapter 260 Five
"My wife and your wife hit it off very well, so I always invite her to come over as a guest recently." On the way through the middle hall to the back house, the emperor said to Wang Sheng in a normal way: "My wife likes Meier very much. I want to take her as my daughter, but what do you want?"

Isn't the emperor's wife the queen?At least you have to start as a concubine, right?An imperial concubine or even an empress wants Meier to be her goddaughter?Does the royal family want to have one more princess?
"It depends on Meier's own opinion." Wang Sheng doesn't think he is qualified to make decisions for Meier. Method."

The Son of Heaven, who was half a body ahead, turned his head back to look at Wang Sheng in surprise. It seemed that Wang Sheng's answer surprised him: "You dote on her!"

Wang Sheng didn't say much, just shrugged his shoulders, noncommittal.What else can he say?He has nothing to do with Meier?Everyone just cooperate?

The emperor was in front, leading Wang Sheng straight to the back garden.Passed through two courtyard corridors in the middle, until the two saw the scene in the back garden.

In the water pavilion over there, there are two women sitting, leaning on the railing to watch the fish swimming in the pond, and there are two servant girls standing behind them serving them.From a distance, it is really a very peaceful picture.

With Wang Sheng's eyesight, of course he could see the two women clearly.As expected, one was Meier, with a very happy smile on her face.At first glance, it is the kind of joy from the heart, not the fake smile of pretending to be happy when you come here as a guest.

Next to Meier, sat another woman who looked similar to Meier.The woman doesn't look very old, at least Wang Sheng hasn't seen her crow's feet yet, with a smile in her eyes, and her proper manner gives people an intellectual feeling from afar.

Looking at that scene, Wang Sheng felt a burst of emotion in his heart.He has been in this world for so long, and he has never seen an intellectual OL beauty like the woman in front of him who is educated, elegant, aristocratic, and possesses a modern sense of independence.Even though Mei'er has been working hard in the workplace, she doesn't have the OL temperament like this woman.

Looking at it from a distance, the woman seemed to seldom speak and was always listening.Mei'er didn't know what she was talking about, but she was very happy when she said it.But the overall feeling of the two people there is not that one is talking and the other is listening, but that one is talking with his mouth and the other is talking with his eyes. The communication is very smooth.

Just looking at it a few times from such a distance, Wang Sheng suddenly felt a feeling of heartbeat.It seemed that the woman was the kind of soul mate he wanted to find.

As soon as this idea came up, Wang Sheng suddenly realized that something was wrong, silently recited the nine-character mantra several times, and calmed down for a while.When I looked over there again, I broke into a cold sweat for a while.

The old Taoist said that Meier is a woman who is naturally obsequious and has a fatal attraction to men who approach her.Looking at it now, Meier is simply a rookie in front of this woman.The other party is so far away, without even looking at this side, just sitting over there talking to Meier, Wang Sheng almost couldn't hold back, what kind of toughness is this?
No wonder the old Taoist said that the emperor later found another favorite concubine and promoted him to be a queen. If this is the one in front of him, then the emperor might have forgotten what the previous favorite concubine looked like, right?To be able to get out of that kind of frustration, it is probably only useful to find a woman who is more addictive than that favorite concubine, and use a more ruthless method of fighting poison with poison.

Looking at the emperor, the current emperor is about 40 or 50 years old, and Wang Sheng also has to admire him for daring to find two naturally charming women.By the way, the Son of Heaven is now said to have reached the seventh level of cultivation, so he should not be affected much, that's why he is so confident?
Wang Sheng even guessed that the reason why the shadow old eunuch killed the former emperor's favorite concubine and was not pursued continuously, maybe it was because he had already found a way out and offered this woman soon to get the emperor's forgiveness, right?

While being attracted by the woman, while thinking, Wang Sheng subconsciously followed the footsteps of the emperor.After walking a few steps, the emperor stopped, Wang Sheng then turned his gaze to the emperor, and then saw the surprised expression on the emperor's face.

The emperor took the queen's micro-clothes for a private visit, and lived in such a large courtyard outside the palace. Although he didn't bring a lot of expert guards, the necessary protective measures were definitely not missing.

Take this back garden as an example, there are only five or six female guards in total, but besides these five or six female guards, there is also an extremely powerful protective formation.If you don't wear a unique jade pendant, it is impossible to enter the formation.Even Meier came in with Zhou Guanshi himself, and asked Meier to use a jade pendant to come in.

Of course, the Son of Heaven wears a jade pendant for entering and exiting the formation, so there is no problem walking in from the outside.The problem is, Wang Sheng didn't wear that kind of jade pendant on his body, but he followed the emperor so naturally, step by step, how could this be possible?

This is the formation to protect the emperor!A defensive formation that cannot be broken by any number of experts working together.Originally, the emperor planned to stop here and wait for steward Zhou to order someone to deliver the jade pendant.Unexpectedly, Wang Sheng came in before he could do anything there.

The Son of Heaven was not the only one who was frightened. Steward Zhou, the controller of the formation, and the female guards in the pavilion over there all seemed to have seen a ghost.Except for the Son of Heaven and Guanshi Zhou, the reaction of the others was as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

The movement here immediately attracted the attention of the woman and Mei'er, both of them raised their heads together and looked towards this side.

As soon as she saw Wang Sheng, another kind of happy smile appeared on Meier's face. It felt like seeing another lover coming back to her, full of anticipation, happiness, and the same It was completely different when he was with that woman, but he was equally happy.

"Your Majesty... Xianggong!" The woman was obviously not used to addressing her, and just about to call her His Majesty, she blurted out a word, then realized it, and called her Xianggong instead.

"Master Hou, you're back!" Mei'er happily stood up, looking at her posture, she seemed to want to run over from there.

The emperor waved his hand slightly, and the guards who had already put on a defensive posture retreated a few steps calmly, and withdrew their defenses.As for Zhou Guanshi, he had never been on guard against Wang Sheng from the beginning.

"Let's go, let me introduce my wife to you." Like a really hospitable host, the Son of Heaven invited Wang Sheng to walk to the water pavilion over there.

(End of this chapter)

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