
Chapter 472

Chapter 472
Chapter 260 The sixth is to attract the emperor to do business
After Wang Sheng completed the Pu Lao Transformation, as long as it is not an offensive formation, a pure defensive formation, etc., Wang Sheng can complete the resonance with the formation in a quarter of an hour at most.

There is another more important change, that is, Wang Sheng does not need to stand on the side of the formation, as long as he is within a certain distance, Wang Sheng can sense the position of the formation. Where sound waves can travel and reflect back, Wang Sheng can use Xing Zi Jue.

In addition, in addition to the application in the array, Wang Sheng also learned another important use of Xingzi Jue, which is the humanoid radar.

Wang Sheng can really turn himself into a human-shaped radar. As long as he keeps using Xingzi Jue, the spiritual energy vibration will spread around.

It was for this reason that Zhou Guanshi was able to detect the constant vibration of spiritual energy on Wang Sheng's body.As early as in Zhongtang, Wang Sheng had already started using Xingzi Jue non-stop.Although it seems that this is just an ordinary mansion, but it was arranged by the emperor after all, can Wang Sheng come in unprepared?

Therefore, Wang Sheng could vaguely perceive the formation in the back garden when he was in the middle hall.The distance is far, and Wang Sheng can't use the fastest speed to resonate harmoniously, but Wang Sheng and Tianzi can't stand the long time in the middle hall!It took about an hour or so. During this time, it was enough for Wang Sheng to grasp the fluctuations of the formation.

Just thinking about the problem, Wang Sheng himself walked into the formation inadvertently. It was completely an instinctive reaction to face the formation in Laojunguan some time ago, but it turned out that most people in the back garden were shocked. Surprised or even horrified.

Wang Sheng was completely unaware of the kind of surprise and uncertainty he had caused everyone. Of course, even if he knew, he didn't care.The Son of Heaven is suspicious, just trying to make him confused about his cards.

After arriving in the back garden, it was basically just chatting and doing daily things.However, when Wang Sheng called Brother Tianzi in front of the queen and the female guards, Wang Sheng still felt the trembling movements of the female guards in horror.

I really have never seen the world, why do I tremble when I hear myself calling out my brother?Can the Son of Heaven silence them because of this?Then their so-called bodyguards are too worthless.

On the contrary, the intellectual and beautiful queen remained calm, and even looked at her husband with a little amused look, as if this feeling was very fresh.

However, when Wang Sheng called her "sister-in-law" very face-saving, Wang Sheng finally saw the astonishment on the face of the intellectual and beautiful queen.It is estimated that since she entered the palace and became a concubine and empress, she has never been called such a name, right?

That kind of fresh, funny, and a bit dumbfounded expression made Wang Sheng want to laugh when he saw it.However, a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman, even if she can't laugh or cry, there is still a kind of silent attraction that is pleasing to the eye and heart. If Wang Sheng hadn't been reciting the "Linzi Jue" silently in his heart, he probably couldn't help but look at the queen frequently. eyes out.

The emperor saw Wang Sheng's state of being instantly attracted at the beginning, and he was secretly happy. Young people are young people, who can resist Meier's youthful temptation, but they can't stop the queen's intellectual style.But when he saw that Wang Sheng woke up so quickly, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, extraordinary people really have extraordinary abilities.

Amidst the Queen's freshness, there was naturally a kind of surprise that Wang Sheng, a young man, could resist her charm.In the palace, apart from the maids, only the eunuchs could bear her style.Among the men, except for the emperor, only a few masters of the royal family could face her normally, so that for a long time, the queen could only use female guards to protect herself.Those master male guards can only protect from a distance.

This is the first time that the queen has discovered that her charm is not unimpeded in the world, especially when she is only facing a young man who claims to have only a third-level and fourth-level cultivation. She actually found that in Wang Sheng's eyes, she seemed to be just a Ordinary beautiful woman.

Such a situation is absolutely abnormal.It was so abnormal that the queen even doubted whether Wang Sheng was a man.Could it be that Wang Sheng is also an eunuch like Lao Li and Lao Zhou?If this is the case, then Meier must not be with him, so as not to delay Meier.

Mei'er next to her didn't realize that Wang Sheng had made all kinds of unbearable associations with the "lady next door" she had just met. of happiness.Fortunately, when Meier was in charge of Baoqing Yutang, she had experienced a lot of battles. She talked and laughed happily all the way and ended the meeting with Wang Sheng with the neighbors, and then returned to the Hou's mansion with unfulfilled desires.

With Meier here, basically everyone just chats and makes daily life.Speaking of some interesting business stories, and some interesting stories about Wang Sheng in Qianjedi, the emperor and the empress listened with great interest.He even wanted to keep the two of them for dinner at night, but was declined by Wang Sheng and left with Mei'er.

"Your Majesty, what is the result of your meeting with him?" As soon as Wang Sheng and Mei'er left, the queen asked the emperor with a smile, "Will you still be able to sleep in the days to come?"

"Alas!" The Son of Heaven sighed, "After listening to the method he said, I could already fall asleep. Unfortunately, I did something stupid, so I'm afraid I won't be able to fall asleep from now on."

"Why, he threatened you?" The beauty queen, who was intellectual just now, suddenly became extremely angry.Dare to threaten my husband, this kid Wang Sheng doesn't want to live anymore?

"It's fine for him to threaten me alone. I just found out that he is not a threat to us." The emperor still sighed, and then smiled bitterly: "But he suddenly reminded me that there should be many reasons why I can't sleep. After listening to it, I really couldn't fall asleep."

After speaking, the emperor recounted the chat process and content between himself and Wang Sheng, and told the queen.He also needs the queen to give him some ideas. Sometimes, the queen is more comprehensive than he thinks, which is also an important reason why he is obsessed with the queen.

"Interesting little guy." After listening to the beauty queen, she first gave Wang Sheng such an evaluation.Then he raised his head, looked at his husband and said with a smile: "He's right, your Majesty, you did something stupid. But it's still timely to make up for it later, as long as this relationship is maintained, there will be a long time to come!"

After finishing speaking, the queen suddenly remembered what Wang Sheng called them, and burst out laughing: "Brother, sister-in-law, these are really new names. I find it very interesting to come out and play like this. Maybe I will come here often in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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