
Chapter 52

Chapter 52
Chapter 51 Conditions for Gluttonous Transformation
Little Six is ​​actually not convinced by Mr. Li's words.It's just an ordinary person who doesn't come into the world with a magic weapon in his hand. Is it worth being so cautious?
However, looking at the faint gleam of wisdom in Mr. Li's seemingly dim old eyes, Little Six wisely didn't say anything, just nodded.

Being well-known in the Shenwei Prison and being favored by Mr. Li, plus his own analysis of the causes of the deaths of the deceased is also very good, Xiao Liuzi's vision can be described as poisonous, and his mind is quite clever.When to speak and when not to speak, Xiao Liuzi is very clear.

The Song family is busy making arrangements, and Wang Sheng is also making repairs.

After being chased and killed for more than a month, Wang Sheng's nerves have been stretched to the limit.Finally, after many people were killed, the pursuit was not so urgent, so Wang Sheng had a chance to relax a little.

The continuous fighting allowed Wang Sheng to completely digest and absorb the benefits brought by Chiwen Transformation.How else can we say that true knowledge comes from practice?No matter how much you learn in theory, it is not as solid as what you have tested in practice.

The first is the improvement of physical fitness.Wang Sheng knew very well that no matter how thoroughly spiritual energy nourishes the body, the improvement of physical fitness cannot be achieved overnight.The kind of thing that was a thin and weak chicken yesterday, but today becomes Captain America with muscles and big breasts can only happen in movies.

To put it bluntly, even the growth of muscle fibers takes time.Reiki nourishment can improve to a certain extent in a short period of time, but it is by no means the limit.Through the effective use of exercise, there is at least double the room for improvement.

Wang Sheng has fully exercised his body this month, running, jumping, and climbing in various ways, so that the muscles of the whole body have been effectively tempered.

It is almost unnecessary to exercise Wang Sheng empty-handed and without equipment.Push-ups, sit-ups and other simple movements, Wang Sheng's group can do them for two hours non-stop, without sweating on his head.When I exercise occasionally, I always put three thousand gold coins in my backpack as a load, which is equivalent to carrying a weight of three hundred catties, so that Wang Sheng can feel it.

Muscle strength, flexibility, reaction speed, and the body's recovery ability, that is, the metabolism speed of cells, have all been significantly improved by Wang Sheng.This is the primary factor that makes Wang Sheng feel at ease.

Another surprise is Wang Sheng's eyesight.When he just completed the Chiwen transformation, Wang Sheng obviously found that he could see farther and see more clearly in low-light conditions, but there is another point that Wang Sheng didn't realize, that is the ability to distinguish colors.

When he was on the earth, even before this world changed, Wang Sheng's color discrimination ability can only be said to be the same as that of ordinary people, neither color blind nor color weak, the performance of normal people.But after Chi kiss changed, everything is different.

The first time he discovered this was when Wang Sheng saw a killer in disguise.The killer was covered with branches and grass, similar to Wang Sheng's sniper auspicious suit, crawling in the bushes next to a big tree.Ordinary people might ignore that place directly, but Wang Sheng could see the subtle difference between it and the surrounding environment at a glance.

The killer is covered with shrubs and weeds in situ, but broken shrubs and dead weeds, even for 10 minutes, will be slightly different in color than the living ones.

However, this difference is too small. On a computer monitor, it may be only a difference of plus or minus one for each RGB value, and no professional artist can distinguish it.But Wang Sheng just glanced at it so casually at that time, and he saw the difference abruptly.

Wang Sheng himself is an expert in camouflage, coupled with the excellent eyes, he found the opponent's location at a glance.A small trap was set up in a targeted manner, and the disguised killer was easily killed.

In the following many times, Wang Sheng relied on this pair of distinctive eyes to detect the enemy far in advance, and was able to calmly arrange again and again.The most dangerous time, Wang Sheng only found out when he was more than ten steps away from the killer.

It happened that Wang Sheng was on the tree at that time, and the killer was hiding under the tree. After the two sides competed patiently for a while, Wang Sheng gained the upper hand by relying on the forbearance of the sniper, and hanged the first-level man with the thin thread in the military watch. The pinnacle killer.That thin thread is something that Mr. Li will never forget.

Don't look at Wang Sheng killing many people with traps, but Wang Sheng himself did not suffer less.One must know that even the worst opponents have higher cultivation levels than Wang Sheng, and there are even masters in the second and third levels of the opponent. Wang Sheng's ability to retreat completely is already a remarkable achievement.

Even so, Wang Sheng was also injured.There were several close-range attacks, and the enemy fought back fiercely. Fortunately, he was protected by the liquid body armor. Every time Wang Sheng was attacked by the enemy, the characteristics of the liquid body armor could disperse the attack power over the entire chest and abdomen, allowing Wang Sheng to The possibility of Wang Sheng being injured is greatly reduced.

Relying on the combat awareness villain and Wang Sheng's own combat experience, Wang Sheng can successfully find the enemy's weak point to attack every time.But it's not that you can't be attacked at all every time, it's just that the enemy is fatally wounded, and Wang Sheng is only slightly injured. Especially Wang Sheng pays attention to protecting the vitals of his head. He not only wears a helmet, but also wears goggles. Most of the injuries were on the body, and there were basically no external injuries.

The weapons of these killers are temporarily unable to break through the anti-stab function of liquid body armor.However, the aura attack contained in it was something Wang Sheng could never escape, and internal injuries were inevitable.

So, after being injured, Wang Sheng finally discovered what is the easy to swallow among the characteristics of the chi kiss.The Chi Kiss of Yuanhun can devour the foreign aura that attacks one's body.

The first time the injury was not serious, but Chi Kiss Yuanhun seemed to have found something great tonic, opened his mouth directly, and a suction appeared, directly attracting that ray of foreign aura and rushing into the Yuansoul space, Chi Kissed him. swallow.

The most troublesome thing about internal injuries is the continuous damage caused by the stasis of spiritual energy. Without the damage of external spiritual energy, Wang Sheng's body self-healing ability is enough for Wang Sheng to recover quickly for the remaining minor injuries.

Later, he was attacked several times, and Wang Sheng discovered that Chi kiss Yuanhun could not swallow all the aura in one gulp, and there was still an upper limit.But the Chi kiss primordial soul can not only be devoured once, after digesting a mouthful, it can continue to devour it immediately, no matter how powerful the spiritual power attack is, the Chi kiss primordial soul can be slowly consumed after being divided into many times.

Wang Sheng's own aura protection plus the liquid body armor can offset part of the aura attack, and then counting the devouring power of the Chi kiss Yuanhun, Wang Sheng found that as long as he is not beaten by a master at the peak of the second level or above, even if Wang Sheng can't To avoid injury, but not to lose the ability to move instantly.

The most ruthless time was a killer in the middle of the second level, who counterattacked on the verge of death, and stabbed Wang Sheng's heart with a sword. The huge strength and powerful attack directly made Wang Sheng vomit blood.Although the opponent was also cut by Wang Sheng's throat, Wang Sheng was still seriously injured, and he was able to run at last. After stumbling and escaping for hundreds of meters, Chi kiss swallowed the second breath of spiritual energy, which was considered to relieve Wang Sheng.

It has to be said that the wound medicine that Wang Sheng exchanged from Lu Wenhou from Yubaozhai before was really good.With the engulfment of the chi kiss and the treatment of wound medicine, Wang Sheng's internal injuries recovered [-]% in just two days.At this time, Wang Sheng had recovered at least [-]% of his combat effectiveness.

surprise!Wang Sheng was really surprised.Who knew that a chi kiss change could contain so many benefits. Wang Sheng almost thought that the improvement of vision and physical fitness was the limit at the beginning, but he didn't expect that there would be a follow-up.

The more benefits he discovered, the more Wang Sheng looked forward to the next twelve changes.More surprises suddenly appeared just as Wang Sheng slowed down to rest.

The chi kiss transformation happened because the carp soul jumped over the dragon gate, but the gluttonous transformation Wang Sheng didn't know what conditions had to be met.But after Chiwen Yuanhun devoured so much external spiritual power continuously, the conditions for upgrading suddenly appeared on that cloud path.

A mountain appeared so abruptly in the soul space, Wang Sheng himself was startled.To be precise, it is not a mountain, but a big mountain plus two small mountains.The big mountain is very big, one of the two hills is medium-sized, and the other is relatively small.

The three mountains are each forming a whole, and it is not wrong to describe it with three huge rocks.However, the smallest one is about the size of the Tiananmen Gate Tower, the medium one is probably the size of the Forbidden City, and the largest one is probably about the size of Beijing City.This is only the area of ​​the bottom, and the height should be about ten feet, one hundred feet, one thousand feet.

As soon as these appeared, Chiwen Yuanhun seemed very excited, the big dragon opened its mouth, and bit the smallest piece.Then, Ka, as expected, he only bit a small corner and got stuck there, he could only let go and continue to absorb the spiritual energy.

Wang Sheng suddenly understood that the Taotie Transformation can only be completed if Chi kiss Yuanhun can swallow the biggest mountain in one gulp.The more aura absorbed by the soul, the wider the mouth can be opened.

There was no direction to work hard before, even if Wang Sheng kept absorbing spiritual energy with his soul, it was just futile absorption.Now it finally has a goal, even if the three-foot-long Chiwen wants to open its mouth to swallow the smallest hill, it is impossible, but at least it has a direction.

Before Yuanhun carp wanted to jump the dragon gate, it could only jump less than one foot high at the beginning, but the dragon gate was ten feet high. It seemed impossible, isn't it possible now?Wang Sheng's heart was eager again, and with a goal to strive for, his enthusiasm for practice also rose.

Sure enough, in many cases, only real battles will cause qualitative changes. This was the case when Wang Sheng killed the thousand phantom poisonous anaconda before, and the same is true after more than a month of chasing and killing.The original soul is used for fighting, so it can only become stronger and stronger in the battle.

It was obvious that the intensity of the pursuit was much weaker, and Wang Sheng didn't even know what happened.However, this is a good thing, no one likes to be hunted down.

Just when the pursuit slowed down, after two days of recuperation, Wang Sheng calmly drilled into the deep mountain, turned around a few times, came out from the mountain pass hundreds of miles away, and easily blended into the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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