
Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Chapter 52 Opening a shop

No matter how powerful the Song family and Dai family are, it is impossible for them to hold onto such a large area with a radius of hundreds of miles.With Wang Sheng's strong field survival ability and combat experience, finding a loophole is as easy as eating and drinking.

Wang Sheng left in a big way, and no one noticed Wang Sheng's abnormality until he reached the place where there were people.

Everyone always thought that Wang Sheng was a barbarian, because when Wang Sheng first came here, he had the field oil paint painted on his face. Once the oil paint was wiped off, he changed into ordinary clothes and wrapped his hair in a cloth. Who could see the abnormality?

What's more, everyone knows that Wang Sheng is an ordinary person with no original soul, but Wang Sheng's current performance, as long as an experienced person observes carefully for a while, he can find that Wang Sheng is a monk at the beginning of the first stage. Clearly not someone they were after.

Even Song Yan and Song Laoyu couldn't accept the fact that Wang Sheng had entered the first stage for a while. It was simply impossible for most experts in the world to accept the uncommon thing that the inexperienced Yuanhun could reach the first stage. impossible.

Therefore, it can be said that Wang Sheng passed by under the noses of the people who were following him, but few people noticed.After Wang Sheng changed several places by car and rode a horse, and fled thousands of miles away, no one cared about who such an ordinary little guy in the first level was.

This is no longer the territory of the Song family, let alone the territory of the Dai family, but the territory of another big family, the Shanyin historian.Of course, it's not the core area, it's still the edge, close to the Song family's territory.

This kind of place bordering the two sides must be the most chaotic place in wartime. In peacetime, it is even a place where the Emperor Tiangao is far away. No one mentioned Miss Song's fiancé at all.

The matter thousands of miles away is still a matter about ordinary people who are not in the mainstream. It is strange that someone pays attention to the news that is too big.

Wang Sheng settled here temporarily.It's not that Wang Sheng really intends to settle down here. There are two reasons why Wang Sheng is temporarily dormant.

One is the one that Song Yan warned herself before leaving, that the Phoenix Yuanhun cannot be easily inquired about, it is a taboo.Wang Sheng believed that Song Yan would not lie to him about this matter, and he had heard many legends about masters, but he had never heard about Phoenix, there must be a very dangerous reason for this.

The other is Wang Sheng's need to improve his strength.Ever since he discovered the conditions for the Taotie Transformation to upgrade, Wang Sheng has been practicing diligently, and the two Taiji Yin-Yang cyclones are frantically absorbing spiritual energy, hoping that one day Chiki will be able to swallow that hill in one bite.

But one day, Wang Sheng accidentally discovered that the spiritual energy absorbed by him according to the Hunyuan Gong method was not as helpful to the original soul as the effect after the original soul devoured the external spiritual energy.According to Wang Sheng's approximate estimate, absorbing the aura of the enemy's own attack is more than ten times more effective than absorbing the aura spontaneously.

Therefore, Wang Sheng thought of a very secret method to absorb the aura of outsiders attacking him.

Linchuan City is a large city controlled by historians. It is larger than Shanglin City and has a larger population.This place can be regarded as a big offshoot of the historian, and there are tens of thousands of historians here alone.There are four branches of the historian here, each of which has considerable power, and each has a large manor in the southeast, northwest, and north of Linchuan City.

Around these four historian manors, there is a lively market all around.Wang Sheng rented a small shop in the market outside the manor in the south of the city, and opened a small clinic specializing in traumatic injuries.

The reason why I chose the south side of the city is that there is a small courtyard behind this small facade, and beside the small courtyard is the source of the moat, a wide river.For anything, as long as Wang Sheng dives into the river, there will be no tens of thousands of people, and Wang Sheng's shadow will never be found.

The small clinic is very low-key. Although it specializes in treating bruises, it does not sell medicine. It only says that it is an ancestral massage technique that can relax muscles and activate blood circulation.If you don't grab the business of those big medical clinics, no one will pay much attention.

But the business of Wang Sheng's small medical clinic is always continuous.Since he received the first patient, many people have come to him in an endless stream.

The historian is also a big family, and the children of the family are of course qualified to practice.Just like on the earth, as long as you practice martial arts, you will inevitably have bumps and bumps, especially when you practice, it is absolutely impossible to practice alone, you must have a sparring partner, so injuries are inevitable up.

Wang Sheng has received professional treatment training on Earth, especially to improve combat capabilities, he has studied detailed human anatomy, various bones, muscles, blood vessels, internal organs, etc. Wang Sheng can be sure that in this world where alchemy is developed but people still use In a world dominated by the idea that the dead should not be desecrated, there is absolutely no one who understands the internal structure of the human body better than himself.

Of course, these are the basics, the point is that Wang Sheng himself launched a simple "ancestral slogan" - general rule does not hurt, general rule does not hurt.His bruise clinic is based on this concept to treat patients.

Not only the Shi family, as long as they have the conditions, they will choose to practice. Only with strength can they become masters.The more people practice, the more people will be injured.Serious injuries had to go to those medical clinics to buy high-priced pills for treatment, but some minor injuries were not necessary at all, but at this time I saw a small medical clinic with low fees, maybe I could come in and try it.

"The arm is sprained, but fortunately it is not dislocated." Wang Sheng grasped a big man's arm and rubbed it slowly, while instructing: "Slowly mobilize the spiritual energy, from the shoulder to the arm, slowly, as long as the spiritual energy is released, the injury will be healed quickly." Get well soon. If it works, it won’t hurt, but if it hurts, it won’t work! Don’t use too much force, yes, the spiritual energy is hitting me, lightly, do you feel better?”

Wang Sheng rubbed some medicated oil on the red and swollen area of ​​the big man's arm.These medicated oils were also Dieda pills that Wang Sheng bought from a big medical clinic next to him. He made some oil and blended it himself, and then used it on these people.

Naturally, this is also one of the reasons why the Great Medical Center does not bother Wang Sheng, because Wang Sheng himself also buys pills from the Great Medical Center, not only does not compete for business, but also takes care of the business, a very good partner!What's more, Wang Sheng only accepts those injured patients who don't need to go to the big medical center for treatment. If they encounter serious injuries, they will take the initiative to send them to the nearby big medical center. Who will make trouble?
As a senior ace sniper, Wang Sheng is very good at disguising. His every move now is that of an ordinary monk who has just obtained a first-level cultivation base and ventured into the world to find a small business foothold.

While kneading with the massage technique on the earth, Wang Sheng guided the injured patient to slowly enter the spiritual energy into his body.In fact, it is to let the wounded use the lightest method to attack themselves, those auras that attack themselves, of course Wang Sheng's Chi kiss soul will accept it with a smile.Eat a little bit of happiness.

Especially when Wang Sheng and the wounded are in such close contact, if the contact can be maintained for a quarter of an hour, Chi Kiss Yuanhun can even enter the opponent's body through Wang Sheng's hand and take a bite.

Many times, bumps and falls are caused during sparring. Although the injuries are not serious, the injuries must be due to being attacked by spiritual energy. Nourish, don't heal the injury too quickly.

Basically, redness, swelling, bruising, etc., as long as it is not a serious problem of fracture, after Wang Sheng's massage, the swelling will be reduced by half, and then go back to sleep, and the next morning, it will not be obvious that you have been injured the day before.

It is precisely because of such a powerful curative effect that there are repeat customers and word-of-mouth reputation. Within a few days, everyone near the Shijia Manor in the south of the city knew that there was such a small medical clinic.

Being massaged by Wang Sheng requires one to send out spiritual energy attacks. Although one has to control the speed well, after one treatment, it is equivalent to a small battle, but it is not so intense.He was rubbed with medicated oil by Wang Sheng and massaged for a while. The sweating and spiritual nourishment made his whole body feel comfortable.

Even if he is not injured, enjoying Wang Sheng's place can make the fatigue of the day go away.Half a month later, even some uninjured monks would come over and ask Wang Sheng to massage them.

As soon as more people knew about it, the business in Wang Sheng's store boomed.Basically, from morning to dinner, the number of people coming will not stop.Generally, it takes at most 40 minutes for one person, and at the end of the day, Wang Sheng has to receive about [-] to [-] people.

Wang Sheng's fee is not expensive, only fifty copper coins per person, this price is simply free for those pills whose price starts from a few gold coins to dozens of gold coins.If it weren't for the bad place he lived in, the gate would have been smashed through the door long ago.

When others saw Wang Sheng sweating profusely giving massage treatment to the injured, and the fee was so low, they might be laughing at him for not knowing how to do business.Little did he know that Wang Sheng's heart was about to blossom with joy.

Everyone has to contribute their aura to lightly attack Wang Sheng, and all those auras are accepted by Chi kiss.External spiritual energy is ten times more efficient than what Wang Sheng absorbed himself. Wang Sheng worked hard for a day. With his current physical fitness and strength, he was not tired at all, but the harvest was equivalent to ten days of hard work. Where would such a good thing go? try to find?
What's more, Wang Sheng didn't expect these injuries. Sometimes these injuries can't control his aura, which may be mild or severe. Although it won't hurt Wang Sheng, it is a solid aura attack every time.Under this almost non-stop light attack, Wang Sheng's body is now more and more used to the external spiritual attack.

These injuries can be said to be a volley for Wang Sheng and increase Wang Sheng's ability to fight.You know, these guys not only contributed their own efforts, but also paid Wang Sheng fifty copper coins, and Wang Sheng was about to burst into joy.

In just one month, Wang Sheng's chi kiss primordial soul has grown at least five times. What's even more amazing is that the big mouth is completely out of proportion to the body. Now it is close to half of the smallest mountain. I believe that after a while, Chiwen Yuanhun will be able to swallow the smallest mountain in one gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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