
Chapter 619 What Does Wang Sheng Want To Build?

Chapter 619 What Does Wang Sheng Want To Build?
Chapter 320 IX What Wang Sheng Wants to Build
The people here in the royal family are masters in secret organizations, preparing supplies.The same is true for Linglong Pavilion.

Because of Wang Sheng's reminder, the master of Linglong Pavilion knew that he had also been designed. In addition to being angry, with the psychology of compensation and gratitude, he promised to give Wang Sheng the materials and sent out the master to make ten utensils designated by Wang Sheng.Now, Meier came to the door with the list.

Hearing that Wang Sheng was going to create something brand new, not to mention those great masters all staring to see if they had a chance to participate, even Pavilion Master Linglong's eyes lit up.

The things that Wang Sheng came up with these years are no longer ordinary things, they are all golden coins!Whether it's the furniture and cooking utensils in Wuyou City, or the products of Qianshengyuan and Runzifang in the capital, almost every item is an industry with a promising market!Doesn’t it look like the salt and sugar industry has already been divided up by jealous people from all over the world?
After receiving the list, Pavilion Master Linglong was immediately dizzy.This list would have confused him had he not been in constant contact with the masters of manufacturing.

Finally, I understand that this is the material parameter required by Wang Sheng, and the specific material has not been determined, that is to say, no matter what material it is, as long as it meets this requirement of Wang Sheng.

The list also gave several great masters who studied weapons and materials, and Tie Lao was one of them.Looking at the list, everyone was guessing what Wang Sheng needed these things for.

"Looking at this material that requires rebound speed and strong elasticity, it may be used for crossbows." Tie Lao took the list and pointed to the first material and guessed.

"Well, there are materials for making bowstrings and arrows." Another master nodded in agreement.

"But he doesn't have the material for the tail feathers." Someone put forward a different opinion: "Without the tail feathers, how can the arrow shoot? In addition, that may be the material used to make the back of the bow. It requires so much force, who can pull it away?"


Everyone has different opinions, but no one is sure what Wang Sheng wants to create.But this question is simple, prepare the materials first, and wait for Wang Sheng to give instructions.

However, just preparing the materials is not so easy.The batch of materials that Wang Sheng wanted needed to be thick enough but able to withstand a pulling force of [-] jin, or could penetrate five layers of iron armor without deforming. It was quite difficult to find them.

Linglong Pavilion is Linglong Pavilion. For outsiders, there are many difficult and dangerous things. For Linglong Pavilion, there are several things that are as simple as looking through the warehouse.

It's just that it's easy to dig through the warehouse, but taking this thing out, even if it's as rich as Linglong Pavilion, can't help but feel pain.Without him, too precious, too valuable.

Don't dare to say anything else, just say that the material is very hard and can penetrate the iron armor without deformation.But if Wang Shengyi turned up a hundred catties, then tens of millions of gold coins went out.

Linglong Pavilion was rich, but he never thought that Wang Sheng would open his mouth like this.However, Mei'er seemed to have expected all of this long ago, so she dropped the line after the time to send the list, and if Linglong Court didn't want to hand it out, the Hou Mansion would buy it with gold coins.Even Laojunguan also sent people to express this attitude.

Now Linglong Pavilion couldn't help but stop bleeding.Really, if Chang Sheng Hou's Mansion or Lao Jun Guan bought it with gold coins, would Linglong Pavilion lose face?No matter how painful it is, Pavilion Master Linglong has to grit his teeth and take out the things.

Fortunately, if Wang Sheng really wanted to make bows and arrows, he agreed at the time that only ten pieces would be made for free, and one bow and nine arrows would be enough to meet the quantity. Wang Sheng would probably have to pay for the rest. .

There are several materials, but not even Linglong Pavilion.However, several great masters were well-informed and knew which materials could meet the needs, so they made a new list, and then they worked together to find suitable materials from all over the world.Everyone is waiting to see what amazing thing Wang Sheng can come up with after the materials are complete.

Wang Sheng doesn't care about these things now, he has completely immersed himself in Laojunguan's exercises.After Wang Sheng completed the formation of Tai Chi yin and yang cyclone at the orifice points, Wang Sheng lived in the scripture building, either exchanging experience with Lingxu Taoist on transforming the orifice points, or reviewing exercises.

According to the thinking of ordinary people, Wang Sheng should directly take the exercises of the sixth and seventh realms and look through them eagerly at this time.But Wang Sheng did not do this, but started from the most basic exercises of Laojunguan, and learned them systematically bit by bit.

Wang Sheng has read The Deer and Ding Ji, and he still remembers the part introducing Shaolin martial arts.It is a gradual process to learn from Arhat boxing first, and then go all the way up to Wei Tuo palm to the great compassionate Qianye hand.The book records the martial arts of the Buddhist Shaolin Temple. Wang Sheng believes that the martial arts of Taoism are the same.

Therefore, Wang Sheng chose to start with the most basic skills that should be learned in the uninfluential realm, and looked at them one by one.If there is any need for some Taoist knowledge to explain, Wang Sheng will ask the old Taoist Ling Xu or other old Taoist priests. Anyway, there are not many other Taoist priests here, but there are many old Taoist priests.

Everyone, including the old Taoist Ling Xu, was surprised by Wang Sheng's choice.However, they didn't say much about it. Everyone learned from the simplest exercises. Apart from thinking that Wang Sheng had reached this level and there was no need to look at the most superficial things, they didn't say anything. People criticized Wang Sheng's behavior.

Wang Sheng cherishes this opportunity very much. It is really an excellent opportunity to systematically review the exercises of Daomen.Wang Sheng has practiced so far, but he has no systematic practice experience, and this time can obviously make up for Wang Sheng's shortcomings.

Even the simplest and most basic exercises are the most precious experience accumulated by the Taoist ancestors for thousands of years with the lives and future bodies of countless disciples. For Wang Sheng, this is a treasure.

It has to be said that it is just the simplest basic martial arts skills that Wang Sheng discovered many fallacies in his past practice.Although they are all very insignificant and subtle mistakes, they will not affect the overall situation for the time being, but if the dike of a thousand miles is destroyed by ant nests, if the root cause is not resolved, there will definitely be a big crisis when the practice reaches a higher level in the future.This is the reason why a small loss is a thousand miles away.

Now that Wang Sheng has the opportunity to solve all the hidden dangers in this area when he is still in the sixth level, Wang Sheng naturally put in the most effort to complete this matter.Not only Wang Sheng urged his brain to memorize crazily, but even the villain with fighting consciousness is also constantly integrating this whole set of Daoist practice theories, perfecting the newly transformed exercises bit by bit.

For more than a month, Wang Sheng was looking through the exercises below the sixth level, and there were almost thirty or forty kinds of exercises every day.Next is the advanced exercises.

(End of this chapter)

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