
Chapter 620

Chapter 620
Chapter 330
Compared with elementary exercises, the number of advanced exercises is much less.Especially for those above the sixth level, it is directly compressed into less than one hundred kinds, and among these dozens of exercises, Wang Sheng contributed two kinds of Taijiquan and Nine-character Mantra. The set of Tai Chi swords that came out is one of a kind.

The rest are the essence of high-level martial arts of the Taoist sect that has cultivated such powerful masters as Lingxu, Taoist Qingchen, Qingling Taoist, and Daguanzhu.

Basically, there are less than a hundred kinds of exercises, which are the highest-level exercises that only loyal core disciples who have passed a series of loyalty assessments of Laojunguan have the opportunity to practice. Now all of them are open to Wang Sheng. .

It's a pity that Wang Sheng can only drool when looking at these exercises, but he can't practice them.However, this does not prevent him from reading it carefully and remembering these exercises in his heart so that people with fighting consciousness can refer to and optimize them.

You know, these skills are just unattainable now, but as long as Wang Sheng advances one more time and completes the Prisoner Transformation, all the skills here will not be enough to add up. 120 eight acupoints, that is a great genius who has never been seen before or since, maybe only the super masters of the [-]th stage can match it.

It took more than half a month again, Wang Sheng carefully read all these advanced exercises, and basically kept them firmly in his heart.

And these two months are enough for the Lingxu Old Taoist Society to turn one orifice point into a Tai Chi Yin-Yang cyclone.Although the rotation is a little slower and the range is a little smaller, there is indeed a cyclone.

I don't know if it's because Wang Sheng is not from this world. Many things that are very simple to Wang Sheng are so difficult to people from this world.There may be this reason, but Wang Sheng guessed that the bigger reason is the difference in knowledge.

Wang Sheng, who has received a modern education, if the amount of information on the earth is based on T (1T=1024G) as the starting unit, then the most knowledgeable people in this world can reach M (1G=1024M) Level, the difference is more than a million times?
The difference in the amount of information brings about the difference in imagination and creativity, and more importantly, the difference in understanding.This is also the key reason why Wang Sheng seems simple but others find it extremely complicated.

It took the old Taoist Ling Xu one and a half months to barely form a cyclone in one of the acupoints.After that, it was easy. The second acupuncture point only took five days, and the third one quickly took only one day.Later, the speed became faster and faster, at least five or six acupoints can be converted every day. Although it cannot be compared with Wang Sheng's abnormal speed of converting one acupoint every hour, on average, one acupoint is more than two hours. A rare master in the soul world showed up.

By the time Wang Sheng left the Sutra Library, the old Taoist still had less than half of his acupoints converted.For the time being, it is definitely impossible to act together with Wang Sheng.

But even so, the effect of the old Taoist priest only converting half of the multi-aperture points still stunned Daguanzhu and a group of Taoist priests who knew the ancestor's cultivation.

The speed at which ancestor Lingxu's cultivation base improved can be said to be leaps and bounds. Every day, he is familiar with people around him. This change is almost naked in front of everyone.

Da Guanzhu was both surprised and delighted, although he is not yet able to complete the conversion, but as long as Lingxu Patriarch proves that this kind of acupoint conversion is effective, it is enough.As long as Laojunguan masters this unique skill, a disciple who has reached a certain level can surpass the cultivation level of the same level outside masters by at least double or even several times in just one year. What is the concept?
This one-sentence stunt was immediately sealed and turned into an advanced technique of Taijiquan and Taijijian practiced to the extreme. It cannot be practiced without great credit or core old disciples.

"Brother, you can practice with peace of mind, I will build some tools and my weapons." Wang Sheng told the old Taoist Ling Xu not to worry, and go to work on the things to be built first.

Master Ling Xu waved his hand to let Wang Sheng leave the scripture building, where he was still completing the final changes.

This time Wang Sheng left, he was not alone.Laojunguan sent four young masters to accompany him all the way as Wang Sheng's guards.Originally, Da Guanzhu wanted Wang Sheng to bring a few old Taoist priests of the Qing Dynasty, but Wang Sheng felt that bringing a few old Taoist priests was a bit lacking in respect for the elderly, so he declined.In the end, under the strong request of Daguanzhu, he brought four young disciples.

Everyone went straight to the capital along the way, and then went straight back to the Hou Mansion.

Seeing Wang Sheng, Mei'er complained for a long time in a coquettish manner, and then happily transformed back into a lady, and began to prepare for Wang Sheng to bathe and change clothes.After staying in Laojun Temple for two months, I have been in the courtyard of the Tibetan scripture building, but it is not as comfortable as in the Hou's mansion.

Not seeing each other for two months, Wang Sheng suddenly realized that he was missing Meier unknowingly.Fortunately, after seeing Meier, while Wang Sheng was very happy, he also seemed to realize that Meier's natural allure to him had dropped a lot.Sure enough, after the cultivation base is improved, the ability to resist temptation will also be improved.

But this is not to say that Meier is no longer attractive to Wang Sheng, it’s just that the temptation with its own lust effect has been reduced, but the person is still the same person, there are still misses that should be there, and what should be attracted will still be attracted, that is, become Pure emotion without lust.

Without any resistance, Meier ordered the cleaning, and changed into fresh and clean clothes. After having a romantic lunch with Meier, Wang Sheng, accompanied by Meier, went straight to Linglong Court.

Pavilion Master Linglong doesn't seem to want to see Wang Sheng very much.The owner of the Linglong Pavilion pushed everything to Tie Lao, so as soon as he arrived at Linglong Pavilion, the son of the shopkeeper Chen, the little shopkeeper Chen outside the Wuyou City, took Wang Sheng, accompanied him all the way, and went directly to Tie Lao. old.

"What exactly do you want to build?" Tie Lao and the others have been waiting for this answer for two full months. The preparations are almost the same, but there are traces, and they can be delivered within half a month at most. Come to the capital.Now everyone is waiting for Wang Sheng to announce the answer, and then start working.

"I want to build the weapon I use." Wang Sheng smiled and gave the answer.There are a lot of people here, and Wang Sheng didn't specify what kind of weapon he wanted, but just this answer, Ying can satisfy the curiosity of many people.

"I knew it!" Tie Lao slapped his thigh excitedly, and laughed loudly: "Tell me, whoever needs to take action, I will call him over immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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