
Chapter 621

Chapter 621
Chapter 330
For the great masters of Linglong Pavilion, Wang Sheng has never been polite.I believe that these great masters certainly do not want Wang Sheng to be polite to them.

Creating objects for Wang Sheng, who is full of novelty, is not hard work, but an opportunity. No one wants to miss the opportunity to broaden his horizons and show a new world of career.

Wang Sheng directly clicked on Tie Lao, this was nothing to say, and then he found Master Wu who was promoted last time, that is, the author of the Sword of the Son of Heaven.After that, Wang Sheng didn't call the names again, but let Tie Lao and Master Wu choose by themselves.

A master of measuring tools, a master of crossbow making, a master of making bow strings, a master of hand grinding metal, a master of hand carving metal tubes, must be a master of carving inner tubes.That's basically all that's needed for now.

As soon as he heard Wang Sheng's request, Tie Lao knew that what Wang Sheng wanted to do was definitely a crossbow.This is consistent with his previous guess. As for the arrow without tail feathers, I believe Wang Sheng will give an explanation when it is done.

All the people and materials Wang Sheng needed were moved to the Hou Mansion, and the guards of the Hou Mansion were responsible for their safety.Wang Sheng and these great masters began to prepare for the start of work.

Most of the materials have been prepared, only one kind has not yet arrived, and it will take half a month before it will be delivered to the capital.However, it did not prevent Wang Sheng from starting to do some preparatory work.

What Wang Sheng wants to do is indeed a crossbow, and it is a long-distance composite heavy sniper crossbow that he imagines is more powerful than the M200 sniper rifle.This is also in line with Wang Sheng's original identity as a sniper.

Ever since Wang Sheng saw his sniper bullets being caught with bare hands in Wuyou City last time, Wang Heng knew that the M200 is not invincible in this world.Perhaps the M200 is still deadly if it is below the fifth level, or below the sixth level, but once it reaches the seventh level or above, as long as the opponent is a little prepared, basically it can only hurt a little flesh at most.

Wang Sheng also practiced himself, so he naturally knew the condition of his muscles.Those small-caliber rifle bullets on the earth couldn't penetrate Wang Sheng's muscles. From a long distance, sniper rifle bullets might be able to break through the flesh, but they definitely couldn't penetrate the muscle layer.Is this true for myself, let alone others?
The power of a bullet actually depends on the kinetic energy carried by the bullet.The kinetic energy formula, 1/2X mass X velocity squared, is easy to calculate. The weight of the M200's .408CT rifle bullet is about 27 grams, and the muzzle velocity is 915 meters per second. Calculated, it is only less than [-] joules.

To increase the power of bullets, there are actually two ways, one is to increase the weight of the bullet, and the other is to increase the muzzle velocity.What Wang Sheng wants to do is these two things.

However, Wang Sheng didn't intend to change his bullets and sniper rifles, but directly planned to use a batch of advanced materials from this world to use these masters to create a composite heavy sniper crossbow.

The thrust of the gunpowder in the barrel can be calculated, 736.6 joules, and the barrel length is [-] mm, then the calculated average thrust of the gunpowder should be around [-] Newtons, converted into an easy-to-understand kilogram , probably at most [-] kilograms, [-] kilograms.

The material for the crossbow arm that Wang Sheng is looking for this time must be able to withstand a force of [-] catties and have an extremely fast rebound speed.The strength of the crossbow arm is equivalent to the thrust of gunpowder. When the length of the crossbow is constant, the greater the strength of the crossbow arm, the greater the kinetic energy of the arrow.The more powerful the crossbow arrows are.

The faster the rebound speed of the crossbow arm, the greater the initial velocity of the arrow.The higher the initial speed, the longer the range and the greater the power.Wang Sheng fully considered this feasibility, and the rest is to look at the materials found in Linglong Pavilion and the craftsmanship of the great masters who built it.

To Wang Sheng's surprise, Linglong Pavilion is really a paradise for building great masters. They found a piece of crossbow arm material suitable for Wang Sheng's requirements, and the elasticity exceeded 16 catties. It is said that it has reached about 200 catties. It was an order of magnitude higher than what Wang Sheng requested.If it is amplified through the pulley system, it will increase the thrust of the gunpowder by a full fifty times compared to the sniper rifle.Coupled with Wang Sheng's double crossbow arms and double bowstring design, the kinetic energy of the shot arrow is a hundred times higher than that of the M[-].

Even a master of the eighth-level and ninth-level realm can't be a hundred times stronger than a master of the sixth-level realm.This is an armor-piercing heavy arrow, even a master in the legendary realm cannot withstand this arrow.

According to Wang Sheng's initial calculations, the kinetic energy of such an arrow is four times that of a sniper bullet, and the weight of the arrow is more than six times that of the warhead.

Calculated, the speed of the arrow should be more than ten times the speed of sound, and the range can be three to four times longer than before, that is, ten kilometers away.There is no need to go so far, and the accuracy cannot be guaranteed, so after some calculations, Wang Sheng increased the weight of the arrow and reduced the speed of the arrow.

Multiple arrows are the most suitable, but actual experiments are still needed. This is the work after it is completed. Now, the necessary conditions for making this composite heavy sniper crossbow must be met first.

"How can you pull such a powerful crossbow arm?" Hearing that Wang Sheng was going to make a crossbow, Tie Lao knew it well, but he was still a little worried. Unless a few livestock were used to wind the crossbow with such a powerful force , personally, I have never heard of someone who can shoot such a strong bow.

"Use a stringer." Wang Sheng explained: "Through the principle of leverage, I can save a lot of effort, and then my strength can basically be pulled away. What I am worried about now is whether there is a suitable bowstring that can withstand such a strong crossbow." arm."

"Don't worry, no matter how powerful it is, there are bowstrings that can withstand it." Tie Lao is not worried about this at all: "As long as you can draw it, a bow stronger than this can withstand it. However, your arrows have no tail feathers." , how to maintain balance?"

What we want to build is an unprecedented powerful weapon. This is definitely an excellent opportunity to challenge the limits of materials and weapons, and everyone is excited.All kinds of problems were raised first, let's see what solutions Wang Sheng has.

"In order to ensure accuracy and flight stability, I decided to use rifling to increase arrow rotation instead of tail feathers." Wang Sheng answered Tie Lao's question patiently.Then tell Tie Lao and others the principle of static and dynamic balance generated by rotation.For them to build something, they have to know why they are doing it.

Tie Lao and the others listened with gusto, even though some things were really confused, but everyone understood that this was really a new knowledge.Especially the great master who made the crossbow himself, he wished he could memorize all that Wang Sheng said.

There are many problems, but one of them needs to be solved before doing anything about it. That is, Wang Sheng requires that there must be a reason for being a master of measuring tools, and there must be precise measuring tools.

(End of this chapter)

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