
Chapter 628

Chapter 628
Chapter 340 The Situation of the Fourth Terrorist Master
Manager Li, Manager Zhou, and Old Eunuch Shen were all staring at the monster in the distance with piercing eyes. They never expected that Wang Sheng would show them weapons at such a long distance.

What they initially believed was that Wang Sheng agreed, and then they went down together with everyone, quietly approached a few hundred steps away, and then attacked with crossbow arrows.

You know, if you can shoot a monster above the middle stage of the eighth level from a few hundred steps away, it can be called the best crossbow.The best bows and crossbows used by the masters of the Royal Guards Army are nothing more than that.As for the power, it depends on the level of the user.

If a crossbow operator has a high cultivation base and can integrate his cultivation base into the arrow, then it is easy to kill a powerful monster with one arrow.If the level of the crossbow operator is not good, at most he can only hit it. If it is effective, it may be directly bounced off by the skin of the monster.

But what the three old priests didn't expect was that Wang Sheng stood here and shot an arrow condescendingly.Although the three of them could tell from the sound that the crossbow was firing very fast, after all, the target was at least six miles away. Wouldn't it be a joke to launch it so far away?
I heard that Wang Sheng had a weapon that could kill people miles away, but I don't know what kind of master made it. It is said that as long as the master is above the sixth level, he will not got hurt.Wang Sheng just gathered a group of great masters from Linglong Pavilion to create the kind of artifact that can kill people from miles away?
While the three of them were wondering, the monster in the distance suddenly, as if without warning, exploded into a mass of flesh and blood.The distance was too far, and everyone couldn't hear the sound of the explosion, but the scene of the explosion fell into the eyes of the three of them.

How can it be?That is a monster above the middle stage of the eighth level!How did it explode just now?None of the three could see clearly.

Wang Sheng had already rewound the string and loaded a brand new arrow there, then he looked at the three stunned old eunuchs and smiled inwardly.Just kidding, the speed of the arrow has reached about six times the speed of sound. It would be strange if the three old eunuchs could see the arrow clearly.

From the moment the arrow was shot, Wang Sheng knew that it would hit. This is the confidence that Wang Sheng's enhanced eyesight and superimposed scope brought to Wang Sheng.The sense of the sniper is almost never wrong. The monster like a white pig is not a very fast monster, it will be shot without even hearing the sound from here.

Wang Sheng had been shooting targets and iron blocks in the shooting range before, but he had never shot a real monster. Strictly speaking, this was the first time, and Wang Sheng was also looking forward to the effect.

However, with just a glance, Wang Sheng knew what the result would be, so he stopped paying attention, re-wound the heavy sniper crossbow and put it back into the ring, before Wang Sheng faced the three old royal priests again.

"How?" Wang Sheng asked provocatively.

"That's right!" Mr. Li replied holding his throat.Not only is it good!From a distance of six to seven miles, he shot and killed a monster in the middle and late stages of the eighth level. How can this be described by two words?But Manager Li can't say anything now except for these two words.

Such a long-distance killer, what if Wang Sheng pointed the crossbow at the emperor outside the palace?Manager Li thought this subconsciously, and then Manager Li realized that he was thinking too much.

If Wang Sheng really wants to kill the emperor, he will have more chances to be with the emperor face to face.Although Guanshi Zhou was by his side every time, sometimes Guanshi Zhou would be dismissed, and only the two of them would meet alone.If Wang Sheng had the intention to kill, he would have succeeded long ago, and there is no need for any special heavy crossbow at all.

"Very good!" Old Eunuch Shen added next to him, his eyes never looked at Wang Sheng, and he kept staring at the monster in the distance.For old eunuch Shen to give this evaluation, it shows that the heavy sniper crossbow has already caught the eyes of old eunuch Shen, which shocked him.

"Now, let's go down and take a look." The old Taoist Lingxu seemed to have expected this, and reminded him at this time: "It's not bad to check the effect of the bow and crossbow at a close distance. If it takes too long, it may smell of blood will attract something else."

Everyone agreed, and everyone quickly descended the rope into the ice and snow world, and then ran towards the corpse of the monster at full speed.

Regardless of the short distance of six miles, Wang Sheng raised his sense of sight and smell to the limit. The nine-character mantra matched the vigilance of the villain with fighting consciousness, and he did not dare to relax for a moment.

After working together in Qianjedi a few days ago, the five of them cooperated very well.The three old eunuchs and the old Taoist Ling Xu protected Wang Sheng in the middle, and the formation was not chaotic. The three royal priests took turns to act as the vanguard, and rushed towards the corpse of the monster.

Fortunately, Wang Sheng didn't find anything abnormal along the way. When he was close to the corpse of the monster, he could smell the bloody smell more than a mile away, but Wang Sheng didn't find any powerful monster in this area. Safely approached the corpse of the monster.

"Late eighth stage." When they reached the ground, Director Zhou just bent down and touched the largest piece of the shattered monster corpse, and then gave a judgment on his cultivation.

The body of the monster should be a fang-toothed pig, but now it has become unknown to everyone. It has white skin, white hair, and an unbelievably strong cultivation. It is many times stronger than an ordinary fang-toothed pig.The specific reason, no one can say clearly, it should be related to the core of the Thousand Jedi.

"Something is coming!" Before everyone could look carefully, Wang Sheng pointed in a direction and warned.It should be the stimulating smell of blood here that attracted some monsters.

The old Ling Xu was the most practical, he stepped forward and pulled out the two fangs of the fangs pig, then quickly cut off a few pieces of meat from the white pig's body, and threw them into the ring.The three old eunuchs followed suit from time to time, quickly cut some meat and put it away, Wang Sheng pointed in the direction, and the five left here quickly.

Although the monsters may not be able to pose a threat to the five people, within the core of Qian Jedi, there are many dangers, and there is no need to fight at all, so as not to consume strength.When everyone came in, it was to explore the secrets, not to improve their cultivation and fight.

After identifying the direction, Wang Sheng directed everyone to go to the master they met last time.While walking, Wang Sheng took out a few pieces of roving with a large mesh and motioned for everyone to cover their faces.

"Why?" Manager Li asked while covering his face.Support without hesitation in action, but you can ask the reason, this is the agreement reached between Wang Sheng and the three royal priests this time.

(End of this chapter)

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