
Chapter 629

Chapter 629
Chapter 340 The Situation of the Fourth Terrorist Master
"Prevent snow blindness!" Wang Sheng quickly replied.These roving meshes are very large and will not block the view, but they can allow people to see something else in the snow, and they will not suffer from snow blindness due to long-term staring at the vast white snow.

Including the old Taoist Ling Xu, none of the four had ever heard of snow blindness.But everyone has heard Wang Sheng tell about the experience of entering the core of Thousand Jedi. Tang Laowu and the red-card killer were still uncomfortable in their eyes when they returned to Yubaozhai's camp. Before they escaped, they almost lost all their eyesight. The two of them carried it out.

All the major vassal states sent people to learn from those people who lived in the ice and snow, hoping to know how to prevent this kind of problem that no one can tell.Even the royal family is no exception, secretly sent someone to ask.

Everyone’s feedback is that after staying in the ice and snow environment for a long time, it is easy to get this disease if you are not careful.There was no name for this disease before, but now Wang Sheng finally gave everyone one, called snow blindness.

But those who live in the world of ice and snow know this disease, but they don't know how to prevent it.In fact, they rarely stay in the ice and snow for a long time. Most of the time they stay in the village.And the village is densely populated, and it is impossible for all kinds of houses to be all white, so there is no chance of snow blindness.

You are not afraid of snow blindness, just close your eyes and rest for a few days, it is not a fatal disease.Not every place is like the core area of ​​Qianjedi, where there are monsters that can easily kill eighth-level and ninth-level masters at every turn.

So, so far, that's all the news that the major vassal states and the royal family have received.I know that if I have this disease, I will have trouble if I stay in the ice and snow for a long time, but I don't know how to prevent it.Treatment is to rely on rest, and it will heal naturally.If you really want to know how to prevent it, you can only find Wang Sheng.

The three royal priests are all smiling wryly now.Who would have thought that the preventive measures to embarrass the major vassal states, and the method of trying to get a high price to buy it, would be so simple for Wang Sheng?A piece of thick gauze will do, and I don't know how many people will break their chins.

"This method is worth millions of gold coins, so don't let me know." Wang Sheng joked with a smile.

He was really joking.Who are the three major priests?The three treasures of the royal family have experienced countless bloody storms in the palace in their lives, and they rely on their steady mouth, ruthless eyes and winks.Will they leak it?That must be crazy.

The three old eunuchs all smiled and said nothing.Their faces could not be seen clearly through the roving, but at this moment their faces must be mocking the major princes.Those princes did not know how to solve the problems. When Wang Sheng was with them, he took the initiative to speak out. This is the gap.

The bigger gap was that Wang Sheng had clearly told them that the first batch of those people went in to attract the attention of the monsters, and those who gave Wang Sheng a chance to escape alive were completely cannon fodder.But they are different now, at least from the beginning until now, they have not encountered a fatal threat.

Although everyone's cultivation base is also high, and Wang Sheng has also advanced once, but Wang Sheng at that time was indeed not as easy to advance and retreat as he is now.It is still necessary for someone to lure those ferocious monsters away so that Wang Sheng can escape safely.

"By the way, this method is not free. Later, Director Li will show me the materials about natural charm in the palace." After telling, Wang Sheng unceremoniously asked for a reward from Director Li.

"Okay!" Manager Li looked at Wang Sheng with a strange look through the roving, and then agreed.Just looking at the information in this area, there is no need for the emperor to nod, and Director Li can make the decision.

Originally, the three old eunuchs were still a little worried about snow blindness, but Wang Sheng didn't say anything about it before, but now that a piece of roving is solved, they have completely let go of their hands and feet.

According to the direction pointed by Wang Sheng, the five people came to a place about five miles away from the terrifying master only after encountering a monster attack.

"Use any means that can cover up your breath." Wang Sheng said to everyone in a very low voice: "Try to be as quiet as possible, try not to make a sound, and don't act rashly!"

All four nodded.This place is already a fierce place. If you don't act casually according to Wang Sheng's order, you may die without knowing how to die.

The old eunuch and the others have their own way of covering up everyone's voices. The three of them are on the periphery, which is enough to cover up the voices of Wang Sheng and Ling Xu.

The old Taoist Ling Xu also showed his strength at this time. Once the Nine-Character Mantra came out, although he could not reach the naturalness of Wang Sheng, the old Taoist Ling Xu had a high level of cultivation after all, at least he and Wang Sheng His breath suddenly became extremely weak.Even the three of them who were close at hand, if they hadn't been looking at their figures all the time, they couldn't believe that there were two living people with such aura.

The three old eunuchs never dared to let down their vigilance against the master Ling Xu.Now seeing that the veteran is just as powerful, I don't dare to underestimate him.

Under Wang Sheng's command, the five-member team maintained this approach and walked cautiously towards the area where the terrifying master was.

Five people walked carefully for an hour for the journey of five miles, almost taking small steps.

Such caution is not without rewards, at least Wang Sheng has not felt the wrath of that terrifying master so far.You know, the last time I came here, Wang Sheng knew they had been discovered from a long distance away, so when he finally climbed that small ice slope, he was stunned by the sound of that terrifying master.

Now the five of them are at the bottom of the small ice slope last time, and the terrifying master can be seen from above.Wang Sheng could feel the existence of that master, but he couldn't feel the anger of that master.

Wang Sheng looked at the old Taoist Ling Xu, who nodded slightly.Wang Sheng turned to the three old eunuchs, who also nodded slightly.Wang Sheng made a gesture, and everyone crawled on the ice surface very lightly, and then climbed to the top of the ice slope bit by bit according to the formation and technique just now.

After climbing to the top of the ice slope, under the command of Wang Sheng's gestures, everyone poked their heads out quietly, and then they were all startled.

In the mirror-smooth area, the terrifying master is still there, but not in the state Wang Sheng saw last time.Now, he is sitting at a place more than 100 zhang away from the crowd to practice. Judging from that appearance, he should be performing exercises.

After Ling Xu took a few glances, he quietly retracted his head.Everyone didn't do much to look at it, and they all shrank back.Then, Wang Sheng saw the old Taoist say three words silently to him.

He couldn't hear the sound, but Wang Sheng could see the shape of his mouth. The three words the old Taoist said clearly meant "not human".

(End of this chapter)

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