
Chapter 697 New Attempt

Chapter 697 New Attempt
Chapter 370 New Attempt
Early the next morning, when Master Yu came to ask Wang Sheng to make an upright piano, Wang Sheng stopped Master Yu's imminent gesture and told what he was thinking about yesterday.

"Play Butterfly Lovers with guzheng and erhu?" Master Yu's eyes lit up, and his spirit immediately lit up.

Although the piano has surpassed the range of the guqin with its incomparably wide range, Master Yu still has deep feelings for the instrument he has loved all his life.The birth of the piano does not mean that Master Yu will give up those darlings.

Wang Sheng suddenly reminded him to play Liang Zhu with guzheng and erhu, as if a way of combining piano and traditional musical instruments suddenly opened up in front of the master's eyes, which made him tremble with excitement, wishing he could try it right now.

It's a pity that the guzheng and erhu that Master Yu can see are in his home, not in Hou's mansion.Therefore, Master Yu made another trip in person and brought back the two musical instruments from outside the city to the Hou Mansion.

When he returned to his home in the mountain village, Master Yu suddenly realized that since Liang Zhu could play the guzheng and erhu, he might be able to cooperate with other instruments to form an ensemble repertoire.If you come back to move your baby one after another, it will be a waste of time.

Fortunately, Wang Sheng specially sent a few guards to help with the things. Master Yu was not polite, and immediately asked one of the guards to go alone, and asked Lord Hou if he could set up a piano room in the Hou Mansion, and put him Bring all the babies here.

you still need to ask?The guards who came back brought a team of people with them when they went back, even a large team with carts and horses, not only able to move Master Yu's musical instruments, but also some materials that had been deliberately hoarded for decades.

Of course, instead of pulling back to the Hou's Mansion, Meier bought a single courtyard with three entrances long ago and gave it to Master Yu directly.It's not far from Houfu, very convenient.

Master Yu alone, playing the guzheng or playing the erhu is not a problem, but if he wants to play in an ensemble, it will be a bit troublesome.Fortunately, there is still a team of royal luthiers in the Hou's mansion. Although their skills still need to be honed in the eyes of the master, they are barely usable with simple pointers.

For the master, his familiarity with guzheng and erhu is much stronger than that of piano.With Wang Sheng's detailed piano score and his previous successful performance experience, it is easy to arrange Guzheng score and Erhu score.

At this time, Master Yu could see that the stave is really a good thing!Whether it's a guzheng or an erhu, at least I found the corresponding scale, and it's not too easy to mark it out. It only took one day to complete the transformation.

For the second performance, because there were not more than a dozen great masters participating, there were no such great masters in the audience, but Wang Shengmeier and the team of queen luthiers were replaced.

When the beautiful piano music of "Blessings of Love" lingered in the ears of those royal luthiers, these luthiers who saw the piano for the first time realized that the thing with neat black and white grids occupying a large area of ​​the big triangle turned out to be An instrument, and a very good one at that.

Master Yu played it himself, which made a team of royal luthiers mesmerized by it.They are not the dozen or so great masters, they only know handicrafts, and they can listen to the works related to themselves patiently, and they are just sawing wood if it doesn't matter.These people are royal luthiers. In the eyes of masters, their skills may not be good, but in the eyes of ordinary people, they are already top musicians.How could such an imperial luthier not understand music?

After listening to a song, all the luthiers will pay homage to it.The new song must be written by Master Yu, and so must the new instrument, and it must be performed by Master Yu himself. This can be said to be one of the most legendary events in the music industry.

But the piano performance was not over yet. Next, Master Yu played the Liang Zhu just now again with the guzheng.This is a completely different feeling from the piano. You must know that the piano is still a new musical instrument that has never been shown to outsiders. Few people have heard it before, but the guzheng is different. Even one of these luthiers is a guzheng player .

It's an incomparable enjoyment to hear such a new piece of music performed by a familiar instrument.A team of luthiers were almost immersed in it, unable to extricate themselves.

Wang Sheng has been listening with his eyes closed. With his current hearing ability, he can completely hear many sounds that were unimaginable before.For example, the sound when the strings have not made a sound when the fingers are in contact with the strings, the sound of waving the sleeves when playing, and even the breathing of the master are clearly audible.

At this time, you can feel Master Yu's skills, superb techniques, and just the right swing of his arms. Even if others can't hear these sounds, but under the master's operation, these extremely subtle sounds are perfectly integrated with the sound of Guzheng Together.So much so that even the sound of breathing matches the performance seamlessly.

Those luthiers were enjoying Master Yu's superb skills, but they didn't really enjoy it to the point. Wang Sheng is now truly enjoying Master Yu's peak playing ability.There is also a big trouble with good ears, that is, you will no longer be able to truly enjoy the peak music in the future. Unless it is played by a master like Master Yu, other slightly lower-level music is almost all flaws.

A guzheng version of "Blessings of Love" was performed, and once again won the praise of the stars.

And Wang Sheng was also delighted to find that in the space of his original soul, on that layer of translucent mist, lines of staves appeared indistinctly.

It seems to be just a phantom, not yet fully solidified, but Wang Sheng already understands that his attempt has been successful.As long as you continue to persevere, when the staves and the scales above are fully displayed, it is the time when you can complete the Prisoner Transformation.

After the guzheng version was completed, Master Yu took a short rest, and then began to play the erhu version.

When the melodious sound of the erhu came out, Wang Sheng was almost about to applaud.Both the erhu and the violin are stringed instruments that need to be drawn with a bow. Although the sound quality is different, there are similarities.You know, Liang Zhu was originally a violin version.

The melodious, beautiful, and unique erhu's weeping sound quality directly made everyone present enjoy a gluttonous feast in the ears of the song.Mei'er burst into tears again, and those luthiers were not much better. After finishing the song, everyone sat in place, unable to recover for a while.

Wang Sheng looked at the five-line staff in his original soul space, which was obviously more solidified, and the smile on his face could no longer be concealed.

(End of this chapter)

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