
Chapter 698 Something Happened

Chapter 698 Something Happened
Chapter 370 IX Something Happened
Wang Sheng was happy, and Meier was also happy, but the team of royal luthiers were about to cry.

It was a great happiness to be able to hear the legendary music played by a master of the legendary level. However, when Master Yu asked them to pack up their things quickly and was about to toss them to make an ensemble, everyone went crazy. It doesn't feel right.

At first, I thought that I was in heaven and could be taught by such a legendary master.But when Master Yu really started giving instructions, the luthiers realized that it was a nightmare.

Not everyone has the ears that Wang Sheng had before, and not everyone has the ability to know the pitch from just a single sound, but Master Yu obviously doesn't think so.He felt that since a Marquis who does not specialize in music can have such a level, can a group of musicians who are known as royal luthiers not be able to achieve this level?
Ever since the chief officer recognized Master Yu's identity last time, the group of luthiers would not dare stab at what Master Yu said, let alone after hearing Master Yu's performance with his own ears, he was even more admiring.

In the process of instructing these luthiers, Master Yu's temper was frightening, and every little flaw would be picked out and scolded. These luthiers are living in dire straits.

But even so, none of them dared to give up.One is that as the imperial luthiers, they are still bound by the royal family. The emperor ordered them to serve Wang Sheng well, and they dared not disobey the order.The other is reluctant, even if Master Yu is a little stricter, so what?It is a blessing that can only be cultivated in a few lifetimes to be guided by his old man!Whoever withdraws is a fool.

This time, Master Yu taught not only playing skills, but also a brand new notation method.They all study music, and as soon as they immersed themselves in it, they discovered the benefits of it. They were eager to learn, let alone quitting by themselves, and they couldn't drive them away with a whip.

Master Yu devoted himself to the ensemble and instructing these royal luthiers, so the production of upright pianos was thrown on Wang Sheng's head.

Having already made a grand piano once, it is much easier to make an upright piano. It is nothing more than the arrangement of the piano strings and the adjustment of the direction of the hammer.Wang Sheng has complete data in his mind, and it is really simple to make it.

With previous experience, three sets of spare parts were made in only two days.The first set is used for hands-on testing, the second set is used for formal assembly, and the third set is given to Master Yu.This is a process that has existed since the heavy sniping crossbow, and these great masters are already used to it.

Master Yu taught those luthiers for two days, let them practice by themselves, and then came here to assemble the upright piano himself.After assembly and testing, the formal installation begins.

In fact, although the grand piano and upright piano assembled for the first time have some small flaws brought by hand, they can only be heard in the ears of the master and Wang Sheng. A few great masters can't feel any difference at all, aren't they all the same thing?
These two experimental pianos assembled for the first time, after being tuned by Wang Sheng, were sent directly to the royal luthier, and one or two luthiers would learn how to play the piano according to Master Yu's instructions.Of course, when you return to the palace, you can also take these two pianos with you as a gift to the emperor.

As soon as Wang Sheng's decision was made, all the great masters looked at each other in blank dismay.However, everyone tacitly accepted all this without saying anything.

Since Qian Shengyuan, the concept of these great masters has been reversed. Good things can be tributed to the emperor, but the number is extremely limited.The emperor wants good things, easy to deal with, and buys them with real money.Sometimes it's not always possible to buy top-notch goodies.

After the upright piano successfully played a piece of Butterfly Lovers, Wang Sheng was delighted to find that his five-line score had become a little more solid again.

Everything is in Wang Sheng's plan, and it is developing in the direction Wang Sheng expects most.

The imperial luthier is the imperial luthier. After learning the staff and mastering it, the rest is very simple.They are all musical instruments that I am familiar with and can no longer be familiar with. As long as they can be matched with the scales on the stave, and there are music scores, they can be played immediately.

After Liang Zhu’s piano music was changed into the guzheng version and the erhu version, it was changed into an ensemble version. Master Yu spent two days and two nights intensively revising it, and gave each luthier a copy of the score of their own musical instruments, and then Everyone is still working together.After practicing for a long time, Wang Sheng and others were invited over again.

This time there were no more than a dozen great masters, and the audience was only Wang Sheng and Meier.Of course, in Grandmaster's mind, the real audience is actually only Wang Sheng, and Mei'er counts as half of them, it's still for Wang Sheng's sake.

The piano is still the main instrument, and after adding the huqin, drums, and various instruments, Wang Sheng has already clearly felt the birth of a "Butterfly Lovers Concerto".Master Yu is indeed Master Yu, he has accomplished so much in just a few days, and his reputation is well-deserved.

The complete concerto is even more moving. After listening to each movement, even though Meier has listened to various versions several times, she is still obsessed with it.

Wang Sheng's applause made the royal luthiers very happy, but Master Yu was obviously dissatisfied.He was playing the piano just now, so he was considered an insider, even if there were any deficiencies in his performance, he might not be able to hear it.Therefore, at this time, Wang Sheng's applause was directly interrupted, and Wang Sheng was asked to point out the shortcomings.

Faced with the master's persistence, Wang Sheng started to comment one by one.Starting from the drummer, to the erhu, to the huqin, to the suona, one by one, they told the problems they had just played.

Since the last minor promotion, Wang Sheng has possessed this ability, just like a master, listening to it with one ear, any slight problem in the ensemble can't escape Wang Sheng's keen hearing, after some pointers, everyone is shocked For heaven and man.

On Master Yu's side, Wang Sheng spoke in the most detail. He knew that Master Yu didn't like that kind of hypocritical politeness the most, and it was best to tell the truth.Having just touched the piano for less than ten days, it is already a genius to be able to play it like this, but there are always problems, and Wang Sheng can tell a lot.

After talking about the question, Wang Sheng suggested to Master Yu to try to change the music of this world to the piano.Music connectivity is a two-way street, not a one-way street.This suggestion made Master Yu happy again, and felt that he had found the direction of struggle again.

Just when Wang Sheng started to check the changes in his soul space, Guanshi Wang hurried in from the outside, his face full of panic, anyone could tell something had happened just by looking at his expression.

(End of this chapter)

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