
Chapter 7 Killing Instinct

Chapter 7 Killing Instinct

Chapter 6 The Killing Instinct

Song Yan left to busy herself with her own affairs.

Wang Sheng watched Song Yan leave and closed the courtyard door.When he was alone, Wang Sheng could finally think quietly about what happened today.

I came to a strange world and became younger.There was a gray figure in his mind, and a little carp with a remnant soul, who became the fiancé of this beautiful and ugly Song Yan.It all sounds like a dream.

As a sniper, you must be good at finding clues in all clues.For now, Wang Sheng has affirmed a few points.

First of all, Song Yan is definitely not just a cousin who depends on others in this town. The attitude of Old Yushu and that Dai Huan towards Song Yan is by no means the attitude towards an insignificant person.

Why did Song Yan admit that she was her fiancé? If it was an excuse at the beginning, it is probably still an excuse now.

Wang Sheng has self-knowledge, and will not be so self-indulgent that a beautiful woman will throw herself into his arms spontaneously.Song Yan's doing this must be to let someone or some people here know, and she even did not hesitate to be ridiculed by others. There is only one purpose, and she has become a shield.

As for the help after three months, maybe Song Yan really meant to use her, but Wang Sheng would never take it seriously.What can I do for her, a humble kid who hasn't practiced much?
This house, this courtyard can also be said to be Song Yan's repayment for saving her life, and Wang Sheng lives there with peace of mind.When I first came to this world, there was no need to sleep on the streets.

Carrying the burden of brocade clothes, Wang Sheng went directly to the market.On the way to and from Mengxue, Wang Sheng saw a big market, and he believed that these things could be disposed of.

Many people on the road recognized Wang Sheng, there is no way, his iconic cropped hair is different from everyone here, and it can be seen at a glance.Many people pointed at him, and Wang Sheng could always hear words such as "not popular", "overestimated", "trash" and so on.

But Wang Sheng was indifferent to this. What others say is other people's business. It is really not easy to provoke a sniper with words easily.As Wang Sheng himself said, if everyone here thinks of him in this way, Wang Sheng can't wait for it.

Walking to the door of "Baoqing Yutang" with the largest facade on the street, Wang Sheng swaggered in with his luggage in his hand.A waiter came up to say hello.

Don't look at everyone knows that Wang Sheng is just a waste with no remnant soul, but whose gold is not gold?The guy's greeting is no worse than when facing those instructors.

"I want to sell these things, do you take them here?" Wang Sheng casually opened a corner of the bag, revealing a bunch of weapons and various exquisite accessories, and then covered it again.

This was enough for the guy to see clearly, the smile on his face became more enthusiastic, and he stretched out his hand to invite Wang Sheng to the back.After a while, Wang Sheng walked out of Baoqing Yutang with a satisfied expression, changing into an ordinary linen package.

Bang, as soon as he walked out of Baoqing Yutang, Wang Sheng was hit in the chest by a young man.Wang Sheng didn't retreat, but the other party had already moved forward, and said in a low voice that only Wang Sheng could hear: "Boy, dare to grab the vape from me, go back and wash your neck well."

Wang Sheng rolled his eyes at the other party, sneered, didn't say anything, and walked back to his small courtyard unhurriedly with his things.

In the main room in the backyard of Baoqing Yutang, a middle-aged man who looks like a shopkeeper is reporting respectfully to a woman with a white veil sitting at the table: "Miss, I have accepted a batch of things, some of them are On it, there is the emblem of the Dai family. The most expensive sword is very similar to the sword used by Dai Huan, the young master of the Dai family."

"Similar?" The white-veiled woman frowned, as if she didn't like such an imprecise description.

"It should be exactly the same." The shopkeeper also knew the character of his lady, and hurriedly added: "If it wasn't for Dai Huan, he would definitely follow the Seven Iron Guards of the Dai family. If ordinary people couldn't get close at all, the younger ones would suspect that this is the one."

"Could it be that there are two identical dust-proof beads on the hilt of the sword?" The woman in white gauze chuckled and said, "Could it be that you also think that young man is a worthless waste, so the things you brought must not be real?" ?"

The shopkeeper's face changed, and cold sweat instantly flowed all over his face.In fact, that's what he had in mind. Could it really be the young master of the Dai family's sword that was brought by a worthless trash?
"Send someone to investigate." The cold voice of the woman in Baisha came down: "Recently, the Dai family and the Song family always feel that something is going to happen. Maybe they can find their whereabouts from this sword."

"Yes!" The shopkeeper heaved a sigh of relief, agreed, and hurried to make arrangements.Only the white gauze girl and her maid were left in the room.

When Wang Sheng returned to his small courtyard, as expected, the strand of hair left on the door bolt when he left had disappeared without a trace, and someone had entered his courtyard.

With a disdainful smile, Wang Sheng entered the room as if nothing had happened.There is only the camouflage uniform and helmet that Wang Sheng replaced in the room, nothing else, even if someone comes in, what can they see?
The thing that really belongs to Wang Sheng’s secret, the liquid body armor is worn inside, the saber and Glock 17 are on the body, even the goggles and the mask are on the body, those people have to rummage, at most they find the helmet is a bit strange, can they still find it? other?

Inside the sackcloth are some necessities of life, such as pots and pans of oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, etc. Since we have to live, these things are indispensable.Of course, these things are not worth a lot of money. What is really valuable is the bottle of Peiyuan Pill in Wang Sheng's arms.

Before, Wang Sheng thought that Peiyuan Pill was like nourishing medicine on the earth, and its price was limited, but he didn't expect that the medicine in this world was so expensive.One Peiyuan Pill costs ten gold coins, and an ordinary family can't earn that much for a year without eating or drinking.

The saber that Dai Huan carried with him was very good. I dare not say that it was a magical weapon, but it was considered a top choice among ordinary weapons. After all, it was only worth five Peiyuan Pills, and the most valuable one was the The dust-proof bead on the hilt.After counting and calculating all kinds of other messy jade pendants, five pieces were converted into a total of ten Peiyuan Pills, which should be enough for Wang Sheng to make up for his remnant soul.

Wang Sheng's primordial soul, what's really bad is that it doesn't flow, it doesn't change, it's not that it's incomplete.Everyone grabbed him and laughed at him, but no one laughed at his remnant soul.But since it is this level of Yuanhun, who would be willing to spend a lot of money to buy Peiyuan Pill to make up for it?
Sit in the most comfortable position.This posture is not only comfortable to sit in, but also avoids the door a little. You can pull out the pistol in the holster at any time, and attack violently anytime, anywhere.This is Wang Sheng's habit. In unfamiliar places, it is still necessary to be more vigilant.

Holding a Peiyuan pill and looking at it, Wang Sheng put the pill into his mouth.Then the mind relaxed, and quickly entered the visualization state.With the experience of the first time, the second time is almost without difficulty.

An incomparably abundant aura rose from Wang Sheng's belly, frantically rushing towards the soul space.Wang Sheng could clearly feel that strands of aura rushed straight to the little fish outlined by the incomplete lines.

This aura is many times larger than when Wang Sheng visualized it for the first time. It is not a silky penetration at all, but a large influx.Seeing that little lines began to appear on the incomplete parts of Xiaoyu's body, Wang Sheng knew that the Peiyuan Pill had worked.

No wonder people never cared about the remnant soul, but only cared about the level. It turns out that the remnant soul is not a fundamentally unsolvable problem.Seeing the lines on Xiaoyu's body being filled up bit by bit, Wang Sheng finally felt relieved, it was nothing more than a matter of time to fill up the remnant soul.

It took a while to absorb the huge medicinal power, and Wang Sheng's mind was focused on the gray figure again.The figure was still motionless, sitting like Wang Sheng in the outside world.

Wang Sheng began to concentrate on thinking about the most common military boxing he had contacted.As soon as he started to think about boxing, the little gray figure on the other side reacted immediately, stood up, and punched it seriously according to the number of military boxing methods, and then started the second time.

However, the villain's second round of military punching looks serious, but many places have been changed in a mess, every move and style has been tampered with a lot, the movements are much sharper, and the direction of the shots has also been changed a lot.Ordinary soldiers who have practiced military boxing will shake their heads immediately.

But Wang Sheng could see it clearly, the gray shadow villain completely changed the military boxing that mainly captures and hurts the enemy into a killing boxing.Every move is a shot to kill someone, it is no longer a merciless punch to catch the enemy.

After the villain had fought boxing once, as long as Wang Sheng recalled those changes, they seemed to be in his mind very clearly.

When Wang Shenggang wanted to rehearse the military killing punch he had learned from the special forces, the huge medicinal power suddenly stopped, and then disappeared out of thin air.Wang Sheng was startled for a moment, then he realized that the potency of a Peiyuan Pill had been exhausted.

Looking at the small fish outlined by the lines, only a small part of the missing part was made up, less than ten percent.This shows that the cultivation pill is effective, but more cultivation pills are needed to completely restore the original soul.If calculated according to the proportion, I am afraid that the remaining nine may not be able to completely repair the incompleteness of the original soul.

Wang Sheng didn't think too much, no matter how much, he could make up as much as he could.Consciousness left the Yuanhun space, took another Peiyuan Pill, and continued to start.

After Wang Sheng had thoroughly optimized the way of fighting the enemy with the military body and the use of the saber and the cold weapons he had learned, when he deliberately used the pistol, rifle, and sniper rifle When he came out, the little gray figure remained indifferent.These hot weapons have never appeared in this world, and the gray shadow villain is not a god, so it is impossible to know these things.

However, the assassination with the rifle was an exception, and it was also modified by the gray shadow villain. However, Wang Sheng felt that it was the method of using a cold weapon and a long spear, not an assassination with a rifle.

It can be said that this gray shadow villain will optimize almost all cold weapons and bare-handed combat into a means of killing the enemy, which is completely a killing instinct.No wonder Wang Sheng would automatically judge a lot of things when he saw other people's shots, it was because of this little gray figure.

(End of this chapter)

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