
Chapter 8 I Wash My Neck

Chapter 8 I Wash My Neck
Chapter 7 I washed my neck
After figuring out what the gray shadow villain is capable of, Wang Sheng continued to check the effect of taking Peiyuan Pill.Pei Yuan Dan had already taken three pills in a row, and the huge aura even made Wang Sheng feel unwell.Wang Sheng understood that this should be the maximum amount of Peiyuan Dan that can be taken in one day.

In the final analysis, Peiyuan Dan is still a medicine, and it is three-point poisonous. It cannot exceed a certain dose, otherwise good things will turn into bad things.Wang Sheng has seen this matter a lot on earth, it is not necessary, Wang Sheng will not eat himself to death.

The three Peiyuan Pills made up for about one-fifth of Wang Sheng's lack of primordial soul. At the same time, it also brought Wang Sheng a feeling of exuberant energy. The muscles in his whole body seemed to be full of strength, which made him uncomfortable. In desperate need of venting.

Without further ado, Wang Sheng got up and started doing push-ups.After doing more than 200 standard push-ups, Wang Sheng didn't feel tired.According to the training situation on the earth, the limit should almost appear at this time, what's going on?

In fact, the limit situation did not appear until Wang Sheng reached more than 400.Wang Sheng maintained the frequency and did five hundred solidly before getting up.The arms and chest are warm, but there is no feeling of fatigue.

Sit-ups, squats, Wang Sheng did a series of several movements, all of which exceeded the limit of what he did when he was on earth, but in the end he felt that the amount of exercise was just right.

So far, Wang Sheng believes that his physical fitness seems to have doubled within one day.Although he hasn't tested the speed change yet, the feeling when he draws the gun also lets him know that there must be a change.This should be the effect of taking Peiyuan Pill, or the effect of spiritual energy nourishing the body.

It was completely dark outside, and the whole world was silent.Wang Sheng also stopped exercising. After resting and stretching for a while, he continued to sit down in the relatively safest corner of the house, holding the handle of the gun with one hand, maintaining a posture where he could jump up at any time, closed his eyes and began to rest. .

Said it was a rest, Wang Sheng still maintained enough vigilance.In this strange world, Wang Sheng didn't dare to let himself sleep like a dead pig.Just learned visualization today, Wang Sheng immerses his mind in the soul space to replace deep sleep.

Without the aura provided by the Peiyuan Pill to make up for the incompleteness, the Yuanhun Xiaoyu slowly absorbed the slightest traces of energy in the surrounding space according to the one-fold and one-shrink movements that Wang Sheng learned from the gray shadow villain for the first time. Spiritual power.Wang Sheng believes that this uninterrupted absorption process must also be practice.

At two o'clock in the middle of the night, Wang Sheng suddenly opened his eyes, jumped up silently, and disappeared into the darkness outside the door without making a sound.

Early in the morning, before the sky was brightened, Wang Sheng had already rushed back to his small courtyard.Just about to go in, suddenly heard a few small voices.

Outside the gate of the small courtyard, three figures sneaked up from the street, each holding a wooden stick as thick as a forearm, and touched towards the gate of the small courtyard where Wang Sheng lived.

"Damn it, a barbarian became Miss Yan's fiancé, and he's still a worthless piece of trash. It's a waste of money."

"Keep your voice down, we're going to teach him a lesson, so that that savage will quit!"

"Well, while no one is paying attention, don't use a weapon, just use a stick, and be careful not to kill him."


The three whispered in a low voice while groping forward.The one who was walking last felt a little itchy on his neck just now, so he stretched out his hand to scratch it, but suddenly his mouth and nose were covered, and without making a sound, his body began to collapse limply.

The two companions in front didn't realize that one of their companions was missing, and they tiptoed forward.

After walking a few steps, the feet of the one behind suddenly jumped into the air, his legs fluttered in the air a few times, and then remained motionless.All of this happened in the air, except for the sound of some clothes shaking, there was no other noise.

"Be careful, the front is where the barbarian lives." Hearing the sound of clothes behind him, the companion in front hastily reminded, looked at the small courtyard with his eyes, and found that there was no movement, so he relaxed and grew a little tone.

As soon as he breathed out, the young man suddenly found that his neck was cold.The body tensed for a moment, and the whole person stood in place tensely, not daring to move.

That coolness is not cold wind or anything, but the edge of a sharp weapon.The lad had combat experience and was no stranger to this feeling.However, it was the first time someone put a weapon on his neck quietly.

"What do you want to do?" An unfamiliar deep voice rang in the young man's ears, and immediately after, the sharp blade under the neck was lifted up, forcing the young man to immediately raise his head higher.

"Miss Yan's fiancé is a barbarian. We are not convinced and want to go over and teach that barbarian a lesson." The young man clearly felt a coolness from the bottom of his heart. His companion didn't make a sound, and he didn't dare to act rashly. He behaved obediently. replied.

Needless to ask, it must be because of jealousy. A few young men who secretly liked Song Yan were not convinced that this barbarian Wang Sheng became Song Yan's fiancé, so they wanted to come and teach him a lesson.

Wang Sheng had already been mentally prepared for this point, since Song Yan was so enthusiastic about arranging a house for himself, he knew that there must be a lot of troubles in the future.Sure enough, it was only early the next morning that someone came to the door like this.

The three little guys were not particularly vicious, they just wanted to teach Wang Sheng a lesson.I think there will be more troubles in the future, and there may be various means to deal with Wang Sheng. Wang Sheng doesn't want to spend all day playing this kind of youthful game with a group of young people in their [-]s and [-]s.

"You guys are lucky today!" Wang Sheng had a headache, but he didn't know how to cut off everyone's thoughts at once, so he could only give the young man a hard blow, knocking him out.

The strength of these guys is actually not bad, at least when Wang Sheng plotted against the first and second youngsters, their struggle strength was no worse than Wang Sheng, but they were caught off guard and met the professional Wang Sheng again. He was brought down without a sound.

Wang Sheng had no doubt that if it was Wang Sheng on Earth, he might not be able to overthrow the three of them so easily.The reason for his success is that he successfully visualized yesterday and tempered his body with the help of Peiyuan Pill.

The three young men woke up from a coma and found that they had been thrown into an inconspicuous corner of the street.The three of them got up and looked at me, and I looked at you, but they didn't know what to say.I originally planned to teach people a lesson, but before people saw it, they were knocked over by unknown masters and thrown here. What is this called?

Who did it?There is almost no need to ask, it is certain that it is the barbarian they want to teach.It's just that no one wants it to be him, and the current situation, as long as a person with a little face can't say it at all.The three of them could only agree that no one should speak out about this embarrassing incident, and then they left quickly in despair.Fortunately, no one saw it, so they wouldn't be too embarrassed.

Except for the three people and Wang Sheng at that time, no one knows what happened in this dawn.

Early in the morning, in a big house in the town, a certain young man woke up from his sleep.It was the young man who bumped into Wang Sheng at the entrance of Baoqing Yutang, the head of the local Song family, Song Tianze, and this was his home.

After Song Tianze came here from Song Yan, he was astonished as a heavenly man when he saw it.On weekdays, I don't know how many times because of this and so many young people who secretly like Song Yan, they have already regarded Song Yan as their own taboo, and no one can easily approach him.

Unexpectedly, Song Yan went out once and brought back a savage who even claimed to be his fiance.Song Tianze almost exploded his lungs.

Especially when Song Tianze knew that Wang Sheng had just merged with a remnant soul, his anger reached its peak.A trash, dare to touch the person he likes?

It was also because of this that Song Tianze took the opportunity to warn Wang Sheng viciously at the entrance of Baoqingyu Hall when Wang Sheng was going out.If Wang Sheng is sensible, he should stop thinking about Song Yan as soon as possible, otherwise, Song Tianze doesn't mind letting Wang Sheng know what regret is.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Song Tianze felt itchy on his neck.At first Song Tianze thought it was the hair of the woman beside him, so he flicked it a few times, but it had no effect.In a daze, Song Tianze sat up and pulled the things around his neck with both hands.

It was a note, Song Tianze didn't take it seriously, just thought it was the wind blowing on his neck in the middle of the night, and threw it away.His actions woke up the woman next to him. The woman sat up, ignoring herself to put on her clothes, and first helped Song Tianze put on her clothes.

It was only at this time that Song Tianze really woke up. Taking a casual glance, he found that there were words on the slip of paper he had just thrown away.Picking it up and looking at it, the pupils of both eyes suddenly shrank several times.

"I've already washed my neck, how about you?" This is the content of the note.Just such a few simple words, but Song Tianze almost scared the shit out of him.

From the literal meaning, it should be Wang Sheng's tone.But when did Wang Sheng put this note around his neck?Song Tianze didn't know anything about it.In other words, if Wang Sheng put a dagger instead of a note, Song Tianze's head would have moved in his sleep.

Thinking of this, Song Tianze's legs went limp for a while, and he collapsed on the ground.What ability is this?How did you do it?Why didn't I hear anything?

The woman next to him helped Song Tianze sit on the bed, Song Tianze was still in shock.Cold sweat flowed down his head like a stream, and his eyes were absent-minded for a long time before slowly focusing again.

With the woman beside him, she could feel the uncontrollable trembling of Song Tianze's body.She has never seen when her master was frightened like this.

(End of this chapter)

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