
Chapter 70 The Horror Jedi Part 5

Chapter 70 The Scary Thousand Jedi 5
Chapter 65 The Scary Thousand Jedi 5
Finally, the ant colony passed by, and when the black and red shadows could no longer be seen, everyone felt relieved, and all sat down on the ground regardless of their appearance.

In just over 20 minutes, no matter which one they take out on weekdays, they can fight a well-matched opponent for such a long time without being soft-handed.But now, they obviously didn't fight to the death with anyone, but they seemed to have exhausted their physical strength.

They have never felt so tired after a battle, and there has never been a feeling of lucky escape after a battle. Now, they finally feel it.

In addition to the beeping sound of the flames still burning, the only sound left was the gasping of more than 20 people.Everyone is narrowly escaped, and no one is in the mood to speak at this moment.

After relaxing, everyone took out water and started to eat. At this time, we must replenish our strength as soon as possible, otherwise we will not be able to deal with danger again.

Everyone finally saw the danger of Qian Jedi.How deep is this?fifty miles?Sixty miles?More than half of the trackers died in less than a hundred miles, and if they went deeper, they didn't know what kind of crisis they would encounter.

At this time, a question naturally appeared in everyone's mind.If Wang Sheng still wants to go in, should everyone follow or not?
"Are we still chasing after us?" Someone finally raised this question timidly.

The person who spoke was a master of the third level of the historian, but at this moment, he didn't have the pride and high spirits of a third-level master, like a little daughter-in-law who was abused, so helpless, so cautious .

As this question was raised, everyone's attention was focused on the three fifth-level masters of the Tang family, the Song family and the Shi family, who were also the three backbones of all of them.

The two masters of the Song family and the Shi family did not speak, looking at the circle of logs that were still burning, as if they were wandering away.Only Tang Ao coughed lightly, drawing everyone's attention, even the two masters of the Song family and the Shi family were no exception.

"Don't chase..." Tang Ao only said these two words, and saw the joy on the faces of several people.Tang Ao sighed in his heart, and said the following words: "What if you don't chase? Turn around and go back to chase the ant colony?"

The word "ant colony" seems to have become a taboo in everyone's heart. When they heard these two words, everyone couldn't help but look in the direction where the ant colony disappeared, for fear that they would suddenly see the ant colony reappear at this time.

Not seeing the black and red tide, everyone's hearts settled down.However, Tang Ao's words also made everyone fall into silence.

The direction in which the ant colony disappeared was exactly the way they came from. If you want to go back the same way, you have to go in that direction. Who would dare?They had just narrowly escaped death, and given them 1 guts at this time, they would not dare to experience that terrifying scene again.

In another direction?No one will ask this question.Everyone is a master. After tracking for so long, after experiencing the previous six-star earth-splitting bear and the man-eating ant colony, who doesn't understand that it is all thanks to Wang Sheng that they came here?

If they were allowed to grope in Thousand Jedi by themselves, it would be simply impossible to go deep here.Calculated according to the strength of the six-star Earth Splitter, any monster on the periphery would be able to annihilate them all.Go the other way, who knows what you might encounter?
Follow Wang Sheng, everyone should be smarter and have better eyesight, and maybe they can detect some crises in advance and deal with them in advance.If you don't follow, no one knows what will happen.

In the current situation, it seems that it is impossible not to follow.Although Tang Ao's words are helpless, they are also true.Everyone cheered up and recovered their strength quickly. Don't even catch up with Wang Sheng by then, then you will be in big trouble.

The pursuers are resting, but Wang Sheng has already set foot on the way forward.Wherever the army ants go, there is no living thing left, but after they pass by, it is a very good place for animals to inhabit and survive.All kinds of parasites and other trees and vegetation were eaten, leaving behind large pieces of excrement and chewable residue, all of which were good fertilizers.

Plants will first be full of vitality, which will naturally lead to a better living environment for animals, which is more suitable for survival.The same is true for man-eating ants, so in a short period of time there will be no powerful monsters due to the passing of man-eating ants, but it will be difficult to say after a long time.

If you don't take advantage of this time to move forward, you will miss the best opportunity.Wang Sheng almost slid down the big tree at the fastest speed, and then rushed forward at the speed of a quick march.

Sure enough, the villain with combat awareness did not give another warning, which proved that Wang Sheng's deduction was not wrong at all.After sweeping by man-eating ants like a carpet, there is almost no powerful monster in this direction, not even an ordinary monster, so it can be said that the road is smooth.

From the beginning to the end, Wang Sheng didn't seem to panic.The strong psychological quality of the ace sniper keeps him calm all the time.There was a time when a snake was lurking on the earth, and a snake passed by Wang Sheng's face. Wang Sheng didn't panic, and remained motionless like a stone.

This kind of strong psychological quality is enough to make Tang Ao who followed behind him ashamed to death.It's a pity that Tang Ao and the others didn't know what their rest during that time meant.Although it is also necessary to restore physical strength, what one has to face is even more terrifying. Every gain is bound to be a loss. If one gains physical strength, one is doomed to lose something.

After half an hour of Wang Sheng's hurried march, he saw the first monster.Fortunately for Wang Sheng, this is a herbivore, similar in appearance to the wildebeest in the African grasslands on Earth, but at least three times bigger in size.

Thousand Jedi not only have powerful monsters, but also have a complete biosphere.A complete food chain exists, and only those powerful monsters can survive.These herbivores are the food of those powerful monsters.

Ahead is a broad river, 200 meters wide, and I don't know how deep it is.The flow of the river is not very fast, it looks very calm, and there are many dots of black and red carcasses of large man-eating ants floating on the water surface, which are swallowed and disappeared by the fish in the water from time to time.

Seeing this scene, Wang Sheng knew that those man-eating ants came from this direction, and they also crossed the river.The corpses of those giant man-eating ants are proof.

There are more than one huge wildebeest monster, at least three of them are drinking water with their tails flicking by the river, and they seem to have sensed Wang Sheng's arrival from a distance, but that wildebeest monster just looked up at Wang Sheng, He felt that such a small guy like Wang Sheng was not a threat, so he ignored it and just drank water with his head down.

Wang Sheng didn't care about the wildebeest monster that was a hundred meters away, so he ran to the river, took out his binoculars, and looked at the opposite side.

(End of this chapter)

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