
Chapter 71 The Horror Jedi Part 6

Chapter 71 The Scary Thousand Jedi 6
Chapter 65 The Scary Thousand Jedi 6
The other side of the river is also a peaceful scene.Wang Sheng can guess that it must be the effect produced after some flat pushing of man-eating ants.I just don't know if there will be great danger in this river.

Just as he was thinking, Wang Sheng suddenly saw a scene in his telescope.On the opposite bank, an animal about the size of a wildebeest monster was drinking water and fell into the river with one foot.

The monster was about to walk back to the shore from the water, suddenly the water churned, and the water in that area seemed to boil like a pot suddenly.

Countless palm-sized small fish jumped up and down on the water surface, opened their big mouths that were half the length of their body, and crazily pounced on the monster.

In a blink of an eye, the surface of the water turned blood red.The huge monster only struggled a few times in the water before sinking into the water and never got up again.

This scene made Wang Sheng feel horrified and horrified, but at the same time, he also realized the arrival of a good opportunity.

After swiping, the M200 sniper rifle appeared in Wang Sheng's hand. Raising the muzzle, Wang Sheng aimed the sniper rifle at the wildebeest monster drinking water more than 100 meters downstream.

Bang, a shot hit the eye of the first wildebeest monster.The wildebeest monster softened and fell directly into the river.

Bang, another shot, this time Wang Sheng hit the second wildebeest monster again.This time the wildebeest monster didn't completely fall into the river, but half on the bank and half in the water.

The two gunshots were like the brightest torches in the night, giving guidance to Tang Ao and the others who were following behind.Everyone heard the gunshots, cheered up, and quickly chased here.

Tang Ao and the others rested for about 10 minutes, and by the time they realized it, Wang Sheng had already left.They had to chase after the traces left by Wang Sheng. Once Wang Sheng was out of their tracking range, they would really fall into a dead end in this thousand desperate lands.

After all, it was slow to track the imprint, and now hearing gunshots, it must be Wang Sheng in that direction.Everyone knew about this sound before. It is said that when Fourth Master Dai died, he heard a loud sound. It must have been the magical weapon in Wang Sheng's hands.

Wang Sheng actually used this kind of magical weapon in the front, and he used it twice at a time, indicating that he encountered a powerful monster ahead.The magic soldier who can take the headshot of Dai Siye who is at the peak of the fourth level from a long distance, and the monsters that appear in the area cleaned by man-eating ants can be solved, so the only problem is that Wang Sheng can't run too far .

Everyone started chasing crazily, driving to the maximum speed, and the team gradually opened up the distance.Since the area was so clean along the way, they had already thought of the cleaning effect of man-eating ants, so they let go of their steps, not afraid of the appearance of fierce monsters at all.

The place where the wildebeest monster fell into the water has already started to boil, even the wildebeest that is half in the water is the same.Countless small fish showed their sharp teeth and frantically grabbed food in the water. The cruel scene is enough to make a soft-hearted person have countless nightmares.

But Wang Sheng quickly retracted the sniper rifle, and after watching the boiling over there, he jumped into the water without thinking, as if he didn't care about those scary piranha-like fish at all.

This is not Wang Shengtuo, but a judgment made based on scientific field survival skills.

In the waters of a river, the existence at the top of the food chain is limited, and it is absolutely impossible to grow without limit.These piranha-like scary little fish are obviously the top existence in this water area.Just like man-eating ants, although the strength of each individual does not exceed the middle stage of the first stage, but if there are more than one, if they swarm up, they will be the overlord in the water.

The horrific hunting method of piranhas also limited their number. With a huge monster on the opposite bank and two wildebeest monsters here, the food was enough for a population of piranhas to hunt in a short time.Especially with the strong bloody smell on both sides to attract, almost all piranhas will be attracted.

Choose this time to go into the water, and it is the safest time for Wang Sheng to swim across the river forcibly, because there is bloody food in the downstream to attract monsters, and there are no wounds on Wang Sheng, which do not bleed or emit bloody smell, which is the least attractive to piranhas in the water of.Only at this time can Wang Sheng cross the river.

The only requirements, however, are timing and speed, both of which are indispensable.In terms of timing, Wang Sheng keenly grasped the moment when the monsters on the other side fell into the water, and sniped and killed the two monsters on this side in the shortest time, and fed enough food to the piranhas.

In terms of speed, Wang Sheng's physical fitness has been greatly improved. In addition, the original soul is a carp, and its speed in water is at least double that of when it was on earth. Wang Sheng can swim across a river more than 200 meters wide in a little over a minute at most.

The world record for the 200-meter freestyle on Earth is about 42 minute and [-] seconds. Wang Sheng's current speed is almost [-]% faster than the world record.You know, Wang Sheng is swimming in big boots and camouflage uniform, which is completely different from swimming in the swimming pool.

Tang Ao and the others chased after him quickly, and Wang Sheng was also waving his arms desperately in the water.

As Wang Sheng expected, the bloody corpses of the three monsters were enough to attract all the piranhas in this water area to that side, and Wang Sheng hardly received any attacks when swimming here.

The 1 minute passed almost like flying. When Wang Sheng finally climbed to the opposite bank, the fastest chasing master rushed to the river.

Be it Tang Ao, or the Song family and the Shi family, the two fifth-level masters, they are not the fastest.The three of them were cautiously in the center of the team, echoing all their companions back and forth, ensuring the safety of most of them.

The two three-level masters from the Shi family and the Song family rushed to the front. Seeing Wang Sheng climbed ashore and taking off his boots to pour water from it, he followed Wang Sheng and jumped into the water without thinking.

Now Wang Sheng is everyone's hope, as long as they can control Wang Sheng, maybe they can find a way back.At this time, the area had just been cleaned by man-eating ants, and it was impossible for Wang Shengli to use powerful monsters, so everyone was almost on the same mind, and they wanted to catch Wang Sheng at this time.

The two swam out for more than ten meters, and the two Tang family members who followed behind rushed to the shore, and several people chased after them at the same time.Seeing the previous situation, these five or six people jumped into the water and swam without saying a word.

By the time Tang Ao and others rushed to the shore, the eight people in front had already swam out tens of meters, and the farthest one had already passed the center, and they would be able to swim to the other side in a while.But at this moment, Wang Sheng on the other side was still tidying up his boots.

"Don't!" Tang Ao saw something strange at a glance, but now all he can do is shout this sentence, and stop the people behind from jumping into the water, that's all.

(End of this chapter)

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