
Chapter 724 The Grand Master Is Not Just a Grand Master

Chapter 724 The Grand Master Is Not Just a Grand Master
Chapter 390 The Second Grand Master Is Not Just a Grand Master
The Marquis of Changsheng's Mansion is very unique. There are only two mansions facing each other on one street. They occupy a large area, and with some back doors, side doors and so on, there are many places that need to be defended.

The total number of guards that Meier brought over, plus Laojunguan's disciples, and the guards recruited later, has exceeded [-].However, Qianshengyuan and Runzifang each used at least [-], and those left in the Hou's mansion were about [-].

This number of guards has to take turns to be on duty, and there are only seventy or eighty guards who patrol and guard normally every day.With such a small number of guards, it is obviously impossible to protect Changsheng Hou's mansion from rain and wind.

Of course, it is impossible for ordinary masters to break through the guard circle of so many masters and break into the Hou's mansion.And after experiencing the impact of the blood knife of the World Honored One, after several designs against Wang Sheng failed and the opponent paid a heavy price, basically no one dared to easily design the Hou Mansion again.

You know, this is the capital city, and the attack in the capital city is not only aimed at Wang Sheng, but also at the royal family, and there is also a concept of Laojun.For idle forces, if they don't want to start a full-scale war, no one would be willing to provoke so many difficult opponents at the same time.

But now the Triumph Palace has been cornered and can no longer retreat.If Wang Sheng is not killed while Wang Sheng is in the capital, then the layout of the Triumph Palace in Qianjedi will be gone.The Triumph Palace couldn't bear this loss, so the only way out was to kill Wang Sheng.

I don't know why Wang Sheng didn't directly rush into Qianjudi to kill the people in Triumph Palace. Maybe it's because everyone is in the process of site selection, so Wang Sheng couldn't accurately find the people in Triumph Palace in the whole Thousand Jedi.

Because of this, Wang Sheng had to die. He couldn't do it after Wang Sheng obtained the location of the Triumph Palace in the Thousand Jedi Camp. The sooner he killed Wang Sheng, the better, even if he lost so many law enforcement disciples because of it.

Rushing into the Hou Mansion in broad daylight?That is suicide.No matter how powerful the law enforcement disciples are, it is impossible to rush into the Hou's mansion without alarming anyone.Wang Sheng has a fierce weapon that can kill a legendary master from several miles away with one arrow. Once Wang Sheng discovers it in advance, it basically means death.Facing Wang Sheng, there is only one chance to kill him, otherwise he will definitely die.

These law enforcement disciples in the Triumph Palace had spent a lot of effort and money to learn of Wang Sheng's whereabouts from an underground news broker who had been following Wang Sheng's whereabouts.

It is said that Wang Sheng does not stay in the Hou's Mansion every day during the day, but in a compound not far from the Hou's Mansion.The sound of playing various musical instruments is often heard in the large courtyard.In addition to a large number of luthiers, there are also more than a dozen old craftsmen from Tiangong Workshop, who are waiting for Wang Sheng's orders all day long, and they don't know what they are busy with.

good chance!As long as there were no dozens of guards, just a group of luthiers and craftsmen would not be able to stop the murderous actions of the law enforcement disciples of the Triumph Palace.

However, just to be cautious, the law enforcement hall master personally took two disciples to monitor the compound from a distance for a whole day.Sure enough, as the news broker said, Wang Sheng rushed over in the morning and stayed in the courtyard, and left in the evening, only bringing six guards with him.

The cultivation bases of the six guards were all at the seventh level on average, which also meant that these six guards could not stop a round of attacks from the Law Enforcement disciples of the Triumph Palace.

What made the Hall Master of Law Enforcement even more fortunate was that the six guards were only guarding on the road, and when they arrived at the compound, they just guarded the door, two at the front and two at the back, and there were only two left inside.If it was launched suddenly, there would be no need to face the six guards directly. If Wang Sheng's precise location could be determined, even one guard would ignore him and kill Wang Sheng directly, and then everyone could evacuate calmly.

A perfect plan, as long as it can be implemented in place, without losing a single disciple, it can completely kill the threat facing the Triumph Palace in its infancy.

Among the six law-enforcing disciples, one has a very good hearing. When tracking down a disciple who made a mistake, he is almost invincible. He can hear the running sound of a master of the same level from tens of feet away.This disciple is also a reliance on being able to accurately locate Wang Sheng's position.

It has been a long time since Wang Sheng entered the compound. A group of musicians played and sang very hard, and there were comments from Wang Sheng and another old man during the period.Every time they played a section, Wang Sheng and another old man pointed at the musicians unceremoniously for a long time. The voice was so loud that the law enforcement disciple with good hearing could still hear it in another yard.

Naturally, he would repeat Wang Sheng's words in full, so that the head of the Law Enforcement Hall could distinguish whether there was a trap or not.

The hall master is the hall master, and he is very calm.He would not only ask what Wang Sheng said, but also what the old man said and how the luthier would answer.He even asked what the guards were talking about, very detailed.

The night before, several disciples of the law enforcement hall had figured out the structure of the compound through the darkness.Through this law enforcement disciple, it is easy to mark the location of each guard, Wang Sheng and the musicians.

After waiting until noon, someone brought food. After Wang Sheng and others ate, they stopped pointing out those musicians, but changed to another place, and continued to study the problems of the Grand Theater with another group of people.

Anyway, according to the retelling of the law enforcement disciple outside, basically everyone can be sure that Wang Sheng and a group of old craftsmen are studying how to build a large building. This building is for the musicians to play, and the best sound effect is required. , but also strong, but also large enough to accommodate at least 200 people.

They are studying what materials to use, what height to build, what materials to use on the walls to absorb sound, what materials to use on the floor to absorb sound, how the stage should be arranged, and how the audience seats should be arranged.Anyway, from the beginning to the end, it was completely professionally built a grand theater, without any abnormalities.

From those voices, the law enforcement disciple had already heard that there were more than 60 musicians and fifteen or sixteen old craftsmen.The musicians either practice individually or together in the yard on one side of the compound.And these old craftsmen seem to be playing with a large wooden model in a yard at this end.

Wang Sheng had two guards at the front door, two at the back door, and two at the lobby in the middle. On the contrary, there were no guards around Wang Sheng.Either a group of musicians, or a group of old craftsmen.

Under such circumstances, the head of the Law Enforcement Hall finally chose a time and was ready to act.

(End of this chapter)

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