
Chapter 725 The Grand Master Is Not Just a Grand Master

Chapter 725 The Grand Master Is Not Just a Grand Master
Chapter 390 The Second Grand Master Is Not Just a Grand Master
Everything is going according to the plan of the Law Enforcement Hall Master.

On the first day of observation and listening from several tens of feet away, the structure and personnel composition of the yard were determined.It is confirmed that all the people inside are real musicians and craftsmen, and it is not an ambush.It is confirmed that Wang Sheng will come here regularly every day, and it seems that he wants to organize a brand new music performance.

There are too many people on the side of the musicians, more than 60 musicians, and there are too many people in a mess. If you attack on the side of the musicians, you may not be able to attack the master, and Wang Sheng will take the opportunity to flee or counterattack.The best time to attack is when Wang Sheng and those fifteen or six old craftsmen are studying how to build a theater together.Fewer people and less distractions.

The best time is actually the moment when everyone gets tired after discussing and drinks water to rest.The high walls of the capital compound could not stop the six masters of the legendary realm, and the six rushed in in three directions, all aimed at Wang Sheng with a fatal blow, and then left quickly. This is the simplest plan.

It's exciting to think about it. What even the World Honored One of the Shenwei Prison failed to do, the six disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Triumph Palace succeeded in one blow in the capital. Under the horrified eyes of a group of old craftsmen, just In the grief-stricken eyes of the six guards of Sheng who rushed over, but it was too late, the six masters flew away, killing one person in ten steps and never leaving him behind. What a shock, what a chic?

And Wang Sheng, the confidant who caused headaches for all the princes, turned into a lifeless corpse in an instant. The royal family in the capital was shocked, and the Laojun in the suburbs of Beijing was shocked, but there was no trace of the assassin. There was no trace left, clean and clean. Innocent, who can doubt the head of the Triumph Palace?
So what if you suspect it is on the top of the Triumph Palace?As long as Triumph Palace is beaten to death and refuses to admit it, who can force Triumph Palace to admit it?Is it the emperor who has been a puppet for hundreds of years?Or is it the concept of Laojun who is dedicated to promoting the Tao?
This world is so realistic, who would have trouble with a vassal state for a dead Chang Shenghou?I believe that when that time comes, the royal family in the capital will never jump out to find the murderer. The first thing is to carve up Wang Sheng's property first. Runzifang and Qianshengyuan will definitely be dismembered. Everyone will fight for it. , This is the normal behavior in the capital.

Laojunguan has been so calm since the previous dynasty, as long as he doesn't directly provoke Laojunguan, he has never seen Laojunguan like that.Wang Sheng is already dead. As a dead person, can the Laojun view change the behavior of thousands of years?
The escape route was already planned, and the two rushed straight into the downtown area, creating chaos, and then escaped through the chaotic crowd.Two people rushed into the house that had already been arranged, and rushed to another house from the secret passage dug two days ago. The other two were good at hiding their breath, and they disguised themselves as officers and soldiers after getting out of the sight of the pursuers. He swaggered away.

The underground news broker who sold the news has been silenced, and the body has been chopped up and fed to the dogs. No one can trace who bought the news from him and what news he bought.

When taking action, Runzifang will be attacked by a group of people. They are the dead men arranged by the Triumph Palace in the capital in the early years. No one knows their identities and backgrounds.Their attack on Runzifang has only one purpose, which is to attract riots in the capital and divert the attention of all parties.

Once Runzifang moves, the imperial palace will definitely be on guard, and the capital will definitely mobilize experts.At that time, there were so many masters, who could tell which ones killed Wang Sheng among so many masters?
In the eyes of the law enforcement hall master, the most difficult thing is to match the timing just right, but this point has been learned from the broker who sold the news, Wang Sheng is very regular in his work, even if it is the rest time, there will be no difference Half a stick of incense.The law of life is a good thing, but unfortunately, it is a fatal weakness when it is used by others.

Everything was ready, and the six law enforcement disciples of the Triumph Palace checked the escape route again, and checked the weapons and equipment on their bodies again.The six people were divided into three groups, just waiting for the moment to launch.

As if he was cooperating with the plan of the master of the Triumph Palace, Wang Sheng left the Hou Mansion on time, came to the compound, and began to guide the musicians to play as a routine.

Together with the disciple with good hearing, the head of the law enforcement hall has been listening to the disciple's report.What Wang Sheng said to those people, whether there is anything unusual, and whether he has found the whereabouts of his party must be carefully judged.Once something is wrong, the head of the law enforcement hall will immediately order to leave and give up the action.

Listening to it from the morning, Wang Sheng didn't seem to notice everyone at all.It's normal to point out a group of musicians, talking about yesterday's tune, some praise progress, some scold them for not improving, in short, everything is normal.

After lunch at last, Wang Sheng and sixteen old craftsmen began to study the construction of the theater.Today is more specific than yesterday, what materials are used for beams and columns, what materials are used for walls, how to arrange musical instruments on the stage, how to use formations to amplify the sound so that everyone in the theater can hear... everything makes people feel that there is no sound. any exceptions.

When it was time for a break, everyone started to stop for tea and rest.At this moment, the Law Enforcement Hall Master suddenly issued an attack command.

Whoosh, whoosh, six figures jumped onto the courtyard wall from three directions, almost indiscriminately.The six law enforcement disciples all saw Wang Sheng sitting in the middle of the yard and the sixteen old craftsmen sitting around them, saw the extremely exquisite architectural model in front of Wang Sheng, and at the same time saw all the A look of astonishment.

The six figures turned into six sharp swords, regardless of the old craftsmen, and rushed towards Wang Sheng who was about to get up in the middle.The person was still in the air, and there were at least 30 hidden weapons covering Wang Sheng's side.

In everyone's eyes, no matter what angle they look at, Wang Sheng will become a dead person in the next moment.The hidden weapons of the six legendary masters were shot, and Wang Sheng, who was in the sixth and seventh realms, was useless even with the strongest protective clothing.As for the protective formation, it's even a joke. I'm afraid there is no chance to even take out the formation stone.

The next moment, the hidden weapons all over the sky suddenly disappeared from everyone's eyes, as if they had never appeared before, they disappeared completely.

Before the six law enforcement disciples could react, there was a new tool in front of everyone's eyes that they had never valued before.Either a hammer, or a chisel, a small carving knife, and a black iron ruler with scales on it, the most exaggerated one is an anvil, and the thinnest is an almost invisible thin line.What's even more frightening is that the number of these attacking tools has an absolute upper hand.

The Hall Master of Law Enforcement fell into despair in an instant, because at this moment, he finally discovered that a group of old craftsmen that they had never paid attention to before, each of them had a level of cultivation that was no lower than this group of Law Enforcement disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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