
Chapter 731 The Dividend Conference

Chapter 731 The Dividend Conference

Chapter 390 Five Spoils Sharing Conference

The normal process must be to carry out structural design first, and then carry out functional design on the premise that the structure can be stable and safe.However, the soul world has powerful and heinous monster materials, as well as various formations, the structure is not a big problem, and the functional design can be done first.

Wang Sheng doesn't need to worry about the construction, there are drawings, models, and beam and column designs that have been arranged according to the model in advance, Master Liu and those great masters can do it all by themselves.The only thing Wang Sheng had to do was to take out enough gold coins, and someone else would take care of the rest.

On the contrary, Master Yu has a lot of requests.Those royal luthiers brought in many acquainted luthiers, Master Yu also brought in a group through his own relationship, and there were two young people who were familiar with various musical instruments and were trained to be conductors. The band instantly became over 60 people.

They are all luthiers with a relatively high average level, and the worst ones are slightly worse than the royal luthiers at the beginning. After taking turns instructing Master Yu and Wang Sheng, in just over half a month, every luthier The level has been raised very quickly.

According to Wang Sheng's request, there are several people for each musical instrument, and there are even seven or eight stringed instruments such as the erhu. Under the command of the master, when they play at the same time, the master Yu immediately feels the harmony with each musical instrument. It's different when there is only one luthier.The timbre is no longer so thin, but has a lot more reverberation and a lot more thickness.

Now, seeing that the construction of the grand theater has also started, Master Yu couldn't help asking Wang Sheng for a tune.Especially when he knew that after the Grand Theater was built, the first performance was for the emperor and the empress. The quality of the performance was related to whether the emperor would treat musicians and luthiers as artists, so he was even more cautious. .

Master Yu also adapted a few of the famous ancient songs in this world, but Wang Sheng had to come up with a few brand new ones first.In terms of adaptation, Master Yu is still a little unfamiliar, and he can't compare to playing, so Wang Sheng can only do it.

Wang Sheng also knew Master Yu's mood, so he thought about it carefully and took out three pieces: "Horse Racing", "Moonlight Night on the Spring River" and "Butterfly Love".An Erhu piece, a Guzheng Pipa ensemble piece, and a piano piece, but they are all pieces that can be matched with the band.

Including the previous "Blessing Lovers", "Pure Heart and Universal Charm", "Pipa Language" and "Ambush from Ten Sides", there are seven tracks, and Master Yu has also adapted five songs, making a total of twelve tracks, which can fully support a performance up.

It wasn't that Wang Sheng didn't want to come up with more piano pieces, it was that Wang Sheng's familiar pieces were all foreign, and there was very little Chinese style. Wang Sheng was worried about whether Master Yu and others would accept it.Even if Master Yu, who likes music, can accept it, can those audiences accept it?This requires a step-by-step process, and we will talk about it after everyone is familiar with the timbre of the piano.

In addition, it is still a bit awkward to use the erhuqin instead of the violin. Wang Sheng simply drew the violin, the viola, the cello and so on for Master Yu, and described how to play it. Master Yu to explore by himself!The same is true for the large and small ones, just draw the shape and figure it out yourself!
Invited by Master Yu was another master musical instrument maker who did not live in the capital. After receiving the message from Master Yu, he rushed over in a hurry. After seeing the piano and hearing the piano's timbre and range, he was astonished.Now Wang Sheng took out three kinds of violins and various sizes, and the two old men were obsessed with them immediately.

It is conceivable that for a long time, Master Yu and those other great masters did the same things.Wang Sheng only needs to go over to enjoy the music from time to time.

To build this grand theater, even if Master Liu is in charge, it still needs to mobilize a group of ordinary craftsmen and some master carpenters and masons to help.In this regard, the emperor waved his hand and used whatever he needed, and let them all go.

Compared with the big event of carve-up of the Triumph Kingdom, what is it like for Wang Sheng to build a grand theater here?The small one couldn't be any smaller.

The speed of the war of destroying the country was very fast. The time of half a month was almost equivalent to the time for a normal person to rush from the border of the Triumph Kingdom to the capital at the walking speed.During the period, there were several battles before and after, and the most tragic one was the battle of Triumph Guoguodu, where the owner of Triumph Palace ended with hatred.

The war ended quickly, but it wasn't over.The next part of the spoils is the big one, and it is also the place where the three families quarrel the most.

Taking advantage of the geographical advantage of being bordered by Triumph Kingdom, the Tang family did their best to take a large piece of land close to Tang Kingdom into their pockets. Xia Guo and Feng Guo were not willing to give up, and started a difficult negotiation with Tang State.According to the degree of barrenness of the land, the distribution of the population, and the amount of output, it is necessary to strive for more benefits for the family.

Although there were already some distribution principles before the war, how could such a large country be distributed so evenly? It is normal for you to have more and I to have less.

In addition, there are other five countries' mercenary expenses, and the employment fee pensions need to be paid by the three countries.Fortunately, when facing the other five countries, the three countries unanimously settled the expenses of the five countries from the treasury of the Triumph Kingdom, and then drove all the masters of the five countries out of the Triumph Kingdom.No, it is no longer called the Kingdom of Triumph, but the territory of the Tang Kingdom, the Xia Kingdom and the Feng Kingdom.

The real wealth of the Triumph Kingdom is that apart from the land, population and all kinds of property that can be looted, there is also a very important item, which is the inheritance of the Triumph Palace.Cultivation techniques, alchemy formulas, secret techniques, formation techniques, these classics inherited from the sect that the Triumphant Palace regarded as the most precious treasures, were all moved to the royal palace of the Triumph Capital because of the founding of the nation.

Who would be willing to destroy the painstaking efforts of the ancestors for hundreds of years, thousands of years or even longer?So this batch of inherited classics was originally passed down by a few masters who left the Triumph Kingdom incognito, but the details were discovered by the Three Kingdoms, none of these masters escaped, and all the classics were taken away by the Three Kingdoms.

In this regard, everyone is arguing fiercely, and everyone wants it.In the end, the three countries reached an agreement, and all the classics of the Triumph Palace will be copied for three points, one copy for each family, no one more and no one less.

Then the land and population began to be divided in the quarrel.It is impossible to evenly divide such a large country.Later, the result of the quarrel came to an end, and whoever took more would have to pay more for the part of the emperor and Chang Shenghou. Finally, after almost a month of quarreling, the three families separated the result, and the quarrel lasted longer than the war.

The state of Tang easily expanded its territory, and the states of Xia and Feng each got an enclave, but the two countries have different ways of handling it.

(End of this chapter)

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