
Chapter 732 Compensation for Wang Sheng

Chapter 732 Compensation for Wang Sheng

Chapter 390 Compensation for Wang Sheng

The three countries all know that the emperor has prepared three edicts for each country, one is to entrust the country's lord as a duke, one is to enshrine a certain person as an earl, and the other is to enshrine a certain person as a viscount.Except for the first copy, the names of the other two copies are blank, and the fiefdom is also blank.

However, although it is blank, there are restrictions, that is, the two names must be people from the respective vassal states, and the fief must also belong to the vassal state's own territory.It is up to the ruler to decide whether to issue these two edicts and to whom.

Xia Guo intends to establish a vassal state on this enclave. The head of the country will be held by an elder from Xia Guo, who will be entrusted as an earl. This enclave is a fiefdom.As for what the other viscount will do with it, no one knows.

However, Feng Guo planned to use this enclave to replace a piece of land that could connect with Feng Guo with the adjacent Shi Guo.But how to replace and how to allocate, this is for Feng Guo and Shi Guo to negotiate with each other.

Each has a different method of dealing with the land, but this does not prevent the Three Kingdoms from opening their mouths to dismember the Triumph Kingdom.In any case, the visible benefit is that it has firmly entered the belly of the Three Kingdoms.

Then there is the reward for the emperor and Wang Sheng.It's easy to say that the emperor has already clearly marked the price on the imperial edict, a total of one billion gold coins, which can be paid off with goods or cash in gold coins.

What else to say, the three countries began to take out the gold coins according to the ratio they had negotiated.If the Three Kingdoms dare to make troubles on this today, tomorrow the emperor will tell the other five countries that the Three Kingdoms are disrespectful to the emperor. The lessons learned from the Triumph Kingdom are not far away. The Five Kingdoms are now eyeing the Three Kingdoms. The country followed suit.

On the contrary, when it comes to compensation for Wang Sheng, everyone is a little bit troubled.What to give Wang Sheng?Also converted into gold coins?But everyone knows that Wang Sheng really has no shortage of gold coins, and giving him gold coins is a bit dishonest.

This time, Wang Sheng was an introduction to let everyone feel at ease, and in the future, Wang Sheng would need to nod for things in Qian Jedi, so that Wang Sheng could not feel uncomfortable.However, everyone was a little unwilling to give other things, especially the inheritance of the Triumph Palace, which is a good thing to be left to the younger generations, how could it be easily leaked to Wang Sheng?
Someone came up with an idea for everyone to refer to, and gave everyone a direction.The direction of reference is actually in the city of worry-free.

Sister Qiangwei is the person who serves Wang Sheng in the Assassin Hall of Wuyou City. At the same time, Sister Qiangwei is also a pawn arranged by Triumph Palace in Sansou City. The previous cooperation between Triumph Palace and Wang Sheng was facilitated by Sister Qiangwei.

This time, the Triumph Palace was targeted at Wang Sheng's property and was counterattacked by Wang Sheng. Sister Qiangwei weighed a little bit, and then decisively invested in Wang Sheng's side, and notified Wang Sheng about the fact that the Triumph Palace had sent law enforcement disciples.

To Triumph Palace, Sister Qiangwei is an out-and-out act of betrayal, but to Wang Sheng, this is human favor, this is kindness.Therefore, when something happened in Triumph Kingdom, Wang Sheng notified Wuyou City to bring Sister Qiangwei to Wang Sheng's mansion for protection.Sister Qiangwei works for Wang Sheng, and Wang Sheng will definitely save her life without any worries.

Of course there are eyeliners from various countries on the side of Wuyou City. After seeing this situation, they stopped chasing and killing Sister Qiangwei.Anyway, Sister Qiangwei is only one person, and her cultivation level is not very high, not enough to become a threat to the Three Kingdoms, and she can happily sell Wang Sheng a favor, why not do it?
However, this gave Xia Guo's high-level officials a hint.You know, from the time when Wang Sheng was known by all parties to the present, in a few years, only Xia Guo successfully pushed Ah Qi, the female killer, to Wang Sheng's side.Another exception is Meier, the female shopkeeper of Baoqing Yutang. Strictly speaking, it seems that the only woman who can make Wang Sheng take the initiative to take her in is Sister Qiangwei.

Sister Qiangwei is not very old, she is in her early 30s, and she is in her mid-mature, which is the age of maturity and blooming.Moreover, Sister Qiangwei's appearance is not bad, she is above average, but because she usually serves in the Assassin's Hall and faces all kinds of people, she has also developed a sharp and smooth way of doing things, which is quite different.

Could it be that Wang Sheng doesn't really like young people like Ah Qi who don't know how to style, but likes mature women like Sister Qiangwei?

It doesn't matter, as long as Wang Sheng likes it, it doesn't matter what style he has.Anyway, after the Triumph Kingdom was destroyed this time, many of the female disciples of the Triumph Palace were captured, as well as the harem of the Lord of the Triumph Kingdom, and those high-level family members were all beautiful women.There are young and old, mature and fresh, almost covering all possibilities.

Keeping these women is also a disaster, and it would be a pity to kill them.Originally, the Three Kingdoms planned to do a population transaction. After all, these women have a certain level of cultivation and even some of them are masters. Selling them as guards for others is also a big income.Since the compensation for Wang Sheng is a bit embarrassing, why not send these people there?As long as Wang Sheng likes one or two of them, the Three Kingdoms will make a lot of money.

Xia Guo's representative received the suggestion from the lord, and immediately discussed with Tang Guo Feng Guo's representative.When Tang Guo and Feng Guo heard this, what's wrong with this?Isn't it just some women?Anyway, it was meant to be exchanged for gold coins. Instead of giving gold coins at the end, it is better to send these women to Wang Sheng.As Xia Guo said, as long as Wang Sheng has his eyes on one or two of them, he has to remember the favor of the Three Kingdoms, right?
The three parties simply hit it off and settled the matter immediately.In order to prevent long nights and dreams, they immediately sent people to escort this group of more than 600 women, and send them to the capital together with the gold coins for the emperor.

This time, the emperor got the gold coins he wanted, Wang Sheng got a group of female masters, and the Three Kingdoms got most of the interests of the Triumph Kingdom. Even the other five countries drank some soup and hired masters. The fee is also a small profit, and the overall situation seems to be happy.

The news spread to the capital and reached the ears of the emperor.Upon receiving the news, the emperor was both happy and angry.The joy is that not to mention the large sum of gold coins, it also planted the seeds for the future victories of the princes.The one who was angry was Tang Guo, Xia Guo, Feng Guo, what did he want to do?
"What are they going to do? What are they going to do?" The emperor was furious. He was sharing the happiness with the empress when he heard this kind of news, and immediately became angry: "What do you want to send so many women here? Do you want to compete with Meier? And what happened to Qiangwei in Wuyou City? There is already a long-legged female killer, and another Qiangwei is coming, why didn't anyone kill her?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry about it!" Compared with the emperor, the empress was much calmer: "Even if they put 1 women around Chang Shenghou, is there anyone who can compete with Meier?"

(End of this chapter)

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