
Chapter 733 Compensation for Wang Sheng

Chapter 733 Compensation for Wang Sheng

Chapter 390 Compensation for Wang Sheng

The furious emperor can calm down quickly only in front of the empress. Manager Li knew this when he sent the news, so he reported it when the empress was around.

Sure enough, the emperor calmed down his anger quickly, and after drinking two glasses of wine, he asked the empress: "That bastard has never touched Meier, if someone else sneaks in, what will Meier do?"

"Your Majesty, isn't Mei'er beautiful?" The empress asked with a smile.

"Mei'er is of course beautiful!" The emperor said without hesitation: "A beautiful face is rare in the world."

"Isn't Mei'er attractive?" The empress asked again.

"How is it possible?" The Son of Heaven quickly replied: "Meier is... born to be charming, besides you, who else in this world can be more charming than Meier?"

"Meier spends so much time with Chang Shenghou every day, and Chang Shenghou can hold back Meier." The Empress smiled and asked, "Could it be that your Majesty thinks that any woman can make Chang Shenghou fall in love with her?" ?"

"But didn't that kid still raise a child in Wuyou City? A few days ago, he even sent in a mid-mature Qiangwei." This is what the emperor is upset about: "Who knows if this kid will treat Mei'er?" Always give up?"

"Your Majesty, did you forget the news that the shadow sent back from Wuyou City?" The Empress reminded: "Mr. Li, did the shadow say that based on the results of his observation with the secret method of the palace, the long-legged female killer is still a virgin?"

When the empress asked, Manager Li didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly bowed and said, "Go back to the empress, there is such a thing."

The queen looked at the emperor without saying anything, as if she was waiting for his reassurance.

"Maybe it's really like those guesses. Maybe this kid likes older and more mature!" The emperor also knew that he was a little anxious, but he said something bluntly, and then he also felt that the words were true. I couldn't stand the scrutiny, so I couldn't help laughing.

The emperor smiled, and Manager Li's heart immediately returned to his stomach.

"Forget it, you still have time to chat with Meier and teach Meier some tricks." The emperor sat back beside the empress and said, "Let him tie that bastard tightly, and no one can take it away." .”

"This can't help Meier." The empress also laughed: "Her body is not something everyone can bear."

"Wang Sheng is also an idiot." The emperor couldn't help complaining again: "I have given him the method of keeping the mind for such a long time, why hasn't he practiced it to make a good appearance?"

"Your Majesty, how many years have you been practicing the method of keeping the mind?" The empress laughed again: "Marquis Chang Sheng only got it for less than three months. How far can he practice? If you are worried, you are still worried. Let’s see if these female disciples from Triumph Palace come to Chang Shenghou’s mansion, will they wait for the opportunity to assassinate Chang Shenghou and Mei’er for revenge!”

The empress's concern was not unreasonable.These female masters were all born in Triumph Palace.There are female disciples, the harem of the lord of the Triumph Palace, and the high-level family members. It can be said that each of them has a deep connection with the Triumph Palace.The Kingdom of Triumph was destroyed, and they became female slaves overnight from high-ranking masters, so it's strange that they can accept it calmly.

Although the Triumph Palace was directly destroyed by the three families of Tang, Xia, and Feng, the real root cause was that the Triumph moved Wang Sheng and the emperor's Runzifang.If you really want to pursue it, this is a death feud!It is impossible to let them listen to Wang Sheng's command and arrangement with peace of mind.

Although the Three Kingdoms sent beauties here according to their preferences, they might not have the intention of sending a lot of trouble to Wang Sheng.If Wang Sheng and Meier can't handle it well, I'm afraid these female masters will be a big trouble.

"What are they going to do?" The emperor got the news, and Wang Sheng got the same news not long after, and Wang Sheng was immediately stunned.

Wang Sheng believed that the ones sent by the Three Kingdoms must be beauties.However, what does Wang Sheng want so many beauties?I haven't seen the face of the girl in the dream yet, and there is Meier by my side, Ah Qi in Wuyou City, Song Yan in Song State, and how many beauties are willing to serve Wang Sheng in the Hou's Mansion in the capital, and there are so many beauties and there are still enemies. What does the beauties do?
"Do you want me to accept it first, and then take it slowly?" Mei'er was very satisfied when she saw Wang Sheng's state, and stepped forward to help her with an idea: "The beautiful guards are all masters, and there are some places where people want them."

"Is Runzifang short of people?" Wang Sheng pondered for a moment, then asked Mei'er.

"Lack!" Speaking of Runzifang, Mei'er immediately showed a bitter face. The current business intensity of Runzifang is not a general lack of people.There were few female experts in the first place, and Runzi Fang only allowed women to enter. Meier almost sent her bodyguards to Runzi Fang.This is not enough, worrying every day.

"Then this group of people is here, and they will be carefully screened out. If they can be used, they will be sent to Runzifang." Wang Sheng thought about making arrangements and said, "If they can't be used, try to find a way. .”

In fact, Wang Sheng doesn't like the feeling of treating women as goods, but this real world is so fucked up. Wang Sheng can't change anything by himself, and he doesn't want to change anything. Some rules can only be adapted, not forced. Life changes.As for the revolution, come on, Wang Sheng did not come to this world to liberate the working people.

"I'm afraid that they are docile on the surface, and I don't know when they will come to them casually. If they hurt anyone, they will not be able to bear it." Mei'er still smiled wryly.There is a shortage of people in Runzifang, but Meier is not the only one who is afraid to settle these beauties and enemies there.

"Even if it's a shot, how can these female masters guarantee their loyalty to the new owner?" Wang Sheng asked in confusion: "Could it be that if someone buys it back, they are not afraid that these masters will give themselves a fatal blow at any time?"

"There are several control methods." Mei'er seemed to be very familiar with this, and quickly replied: "Either drug control, or abolishing cultivation base, if you don't want to die, you have to be obedient."

"It's a pity to abolish your cultivation base." Wang Sheng shook his head and asked, "Is there no easier way?"

"Yes!" Meier quickly replied: "If you want her and be her man, if she doesn't turn around and chop you up afterwards, it's basically the same."

When talking about this, Mei'er rolled her big eyes, and said playfully, "Why don't you take them all, Lord Hou? Maybe they will all be obedient."

"I'm not an animal!" Wang Sheng directly lowered his face, knowing that Meier was joking, but Wang Sheng didn't think the joke was interesting.What he was thinking about now was how to not waste these female masters without causing them to take revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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